WellArchitected / Client / get_workload



Get an existing workload.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.get_workload(

WorkloadId (string) –


The ID assigned to the workload. This ID is unique within an Amazon Web Services Region.

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'Workload': {
        'WorkloadId': 'string',
        'WorkloadArn': 'string',
        'WorkloadName': 'string',
        'Description': 'string',
        'Environment': 'PRODUCTION'|'PREPRODUCTION',
        'UpdatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'AccountIds': [
        'AwsRegions': [
        'NonAwsRegions': [
        'ArchitecturalDesign': 'string',
        'ReviewOwner': 'string',
        'ReviewRestrictionDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'IsReviewOwnerUpdateAcknowledged': True|False,
        'IndustryType': 'string',
        'Industry': 'string',
        'Notes': 'string',
        'RiskCounts': {
            'string': 123
        'PillarPriorities': [
        'Lenses': [
        'Owner': 'string',
        'ShareInvitationId': 'string',
        'Tags': {
            'string': 'string'
        'DiscoveryConfig': {
            'TrustedAdvisorIntegrationStatus': 'ENABLED'|'DISABLED'
        'Applications': [

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    Output of a get workload call.

    • Workload (dict) –

      A workload return object.

      • WorkloadId (string) –

        The ID assigned to the workload. This ID is unique within an Amazon Web Services Region.

      • WorkloadArn (string) –

        The ARN for the workload.

      • WorkloadName (string) –

        The name of the workload.

        The name must be unique within an account within an Amazon Web Services Region. Spaces and capitalization are ignored when checking for uniqueness.

      • Description (string) –

        The description for the workload.

      • Environment (string) –

        The environment for the workload.

      • UpdatedAt (datetime) –

        The date and time recorded.

      • AccountIds (list) –

        The list of Amazon Web Services account IDs associated with the workload.

        • (string) –

          An Amazon Web Services account ID.

      • AwsRegions (list) –

        The list of Amazon Web Services Regions associated with the workload, for example, us-east-2, or ca-central-1.

        • (string) –

          An Amazon Web Services Region, for example, us-west-2 or ap-northeast-1.

      • NonAwsRegions (list) –

        The list of non-Amazon Web Services Regions associated with the workload.

        • (string) –

      • ArchitecturalDesign (string) –

        The URL of the architectural design for the workload.

      • ReviewOwner (string) –

        The review owner of the workload. The name, email address, or identifier for the primary group or individual that owns the workload review process.

      • ReviewRestrictionDate (datetime) –

        The date and time recorded.

      • IsReviewOwnerUpdateAcknowledged (boolean) –

        Flag indicating whether the workload owner has acknowledged that the Review owner field is required.

        If a Review owner is not added to the workload within 60 days of acknowledgement, access to the workload is restricted until an owner is added.

      • IndustryType (string) –

        The industry type for the workload.

        If specified, must be one of the following:

        • Agriculture

        • Automobile

        • Defense

        • Design and Engineering

        • Digital Advertising

        • Education

        • Environmental Protection

        • Financial Services

        • Gaming

        • General Public Services

        • Healthcare

        • Hospitality

        • InfoTech

        • Justice and Public Safety

        • Life Sciences

        • Manufacturing

        • Media & Entertainment

        • Mining & Resources

        • Oil & Gas

        • Power & Utilities

        • Professional Services

        • Real Estate & Construction

        • Retail & Wholesale

        • Social Protection

        • Telecommunications

        • Travel, Transportation & Logistics

        • Other

      • Industry (string) –

        The industry for the workload.

      • Notes (string) –

        The notes associated with the workload.

      • ImprovementStatus (string) –

        The improvement status for a workload.

      • RiskCounts (dict) –

        A map from risk names to the count of how questions have that rating.

        • (string) –

          The risk for a given workload, lens review, pillar, or question.

          • (integer) –

            A non-negative integer that denotes how many.

      • PillarPriorities (list) –

        The priorities of the pillars, which are used to order items in the improvement plan. Each pillar is represented by its PillarReviewSummary$PillarId.

        • (string) –

          The ID used to identify a pillar, for example, security.

          A pillar is identified by its PillarReviewSummary$PillarId.

      • Lenses (list) –

        The list of lenses associated with the workload. Each lens is identified by its LensSummary$LensAlias.

        • (string) –

          The alias of the lens.

          For Amazon Web Services official lenses, this is either the lens alias, such as serverless, or the lens ARN, such as arn:aws:wellarchitected:us-west-2::lens/serverless.

          For custom lenses, this is the lens ARN, such as arn:aws:wellarchitected:us-east-1:123456789012:lens/my-lens.

          Each lens is identified by its LensSummary$LensAlias.

      • Owner (string) –

        An Amazon Web Services account ID.

      • ShareInvitationId (string) –

        The ID assigned to the share invitation.

      • Tags (dict) –

        The tags associated with the workload.

        • (string) –

          • (string) –

      • DiscoveryConfig (dict) –

        Discovery configuration associated to the workload.

        • TrustedAdvisorIntegrationStatus (string) –

          Discovery integration status in respect to Trusted Advisor for the workload.

      • Applications (list) –

        List of AppRegistry application ARNs associated to the workload.

        • (string) –


  • WellArchitected.Client.exceptions.ValidationException

  • WellArchitected.Client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException

  • WellArchitected.Client.exceptions.InternalServerException

  • WellArchitected.Client.exceptions.AccessDeniedException

  • WellArchitected.Client.exceptions.ThrottlingException