Transfer / Client / describe_workflow



Describes the specified workflow.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.describe_workflow(

WorkflowId (string) –


A unique identifier for the workflow.

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'Workflow': {
        'Arn': 'string',
        'Description': 'string',
        'Steps': [
                'Type': 'COPY'|'CUSTOM'|'TAG'|'DELETE'|'DECRYPT',
                'CopyStepDetails': {
                    'Name': 'string',
                    'DestinationFileLocation': {
                        'S3FileLocation': {
                            'Bucket': 'string',
                            'Key': 'string'
                        'EfsFileLocation': {
                            'FileSystemId': 'string',
                            'Path': 'string'
                    'OverwriteExisting': 'TRUE'|'FALSE',
                    'SourceFileLocation': 'string'
                'CustomStepDetails': {
                    'Name': 'string',
                    'Target': 'string',
                    'TimeoutSeconds': 123,
                    'SourceFileLocation': 'string'
                'DeleteStepDetails': {
                    'Name': 'string',
                    'SourceFileLocation': 'string'
                'TagStepDetails': {
                    'Name': 'string',
                    'Tags': [
                            'Key': 'string',
                            'Value': 'string'
                    'SourceFileLocation': 'string'
                'DecryptStepDetails': {
                    'Name': 'string',
                    'Type': 'PGP',
                    'SourceFileLocation': 'string',
                    'OverwriteExisting': 'TRUE'|'FALSE',
                    'DestinationFileLocation': {
                        'S3FileLocation': {
                            'Bucket': 'string',
                            'Key': 'string'
                        'EfsFileLocation': {
                            'FileSystemId': 'string',
                            'Path': 'string'
        'OnExceptionSteps': [
                'Type': 'COPY'|'CUSTOM'|'TAG'|'DELETE'|'DECRYPT',
                'CopyStepDetails': {
                    'Name': 'string',
                    'DestinationFileLocation': {
                        'S3FileLocation': {
                            'Bucket': 'string',
                            'Key': 'string'
                        'EfsFileLocation': {
                            'FileSystemId': 'string',
                            'Path': 'string'
                    'OverwriteExisting': 'TRUE'|'FALSE',
                    'SourceFileLocation': 'string'
                'CustomStepDetails': {
                    'Name': 'string',
                    'Target': 'string',
                    'TimeoutSeconds': 123,
                    'SourceFileLocation': 'string'
                'DeleteStepDetails': {
                    'Name': 'string',
                    'SourceFileLocation': 'string'
                'TagStepDetails': {
                    'Name': 'string',
                    'Tags': [
                            'Key': 'string',
                            'Value': 'string'
                    'SourceFileLocation': 'string'
                'DecryptStepDetails': {
                    'Name': 'string',
                    'Type': 'PGP',
                    'SourceFileLocation': 'string',
                    'OverwriteExisting': 'TRUE'|'FALSE',
                    'DestinationFileLocation': {
                        'S3FileLocation': {
                            'Bucket': 'string',
                            'Key': 'string'
                        'EfsFileLocation': {
                            'FileSystemId': 'string',
                            'Path': 'string'
        'WorkflowId': 'string',
        'Tags': [
                'Key': 'string',
                'Value': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    • Workflow (dict) –

      The structure that contains the details of the workflow.

      • Arn (string) –

        Specifies the unique Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the workflow.

      • Description (string) –

        Specifies the text description for the workflow.

      • Steps (list) –

        Specifies the details for the steps that are in the specified workflow.

        • (dict) –

          The basic building block of a workflow.

          • Type (string) –

            Currently, the following step types are supported.

            • COPY - Copy the file to another location.

            • CUSTOM - Perform a custom step with an Lambda function target.

            • DECRYPT - Decrypt a file that was encrypted before it was uploaded.

            • DELETE - Delete the file.

            • TAG - Add a tag to the file.

          • CopyStepDetails (dict) –

            Details for a step that performs a file copy.

            Consists of the following values:

            • A description

            • An Amazon S3 location for the destination of the file copy.

            • A flag that indicates whether to overwrite an existing file of the same name. The default is FALSE.

            • Name (string) –

              The name of the step, used as an identifier.

            • DestinationFileLocation (dict) –

              Specifies the location for the file being copied. Use ${Transfer:username} or ${Transfer:UploadDate} in this field to parametrize the destination prefix by username or uploaded date.

              • Set the value of DestinationFileLocation to ${Transfer:username} to copy uploaded files to an Amazon S3 bucket that is prefixed with the name of the Transfer Family user that uploaded the file.

              • Set the value of DestinationFileLocation to ${Transfer:UploadDate} to copy uploaded files to an Amazon S3 bucket that is prefixed with the date of the upload.


              The system resolves UploadDate to a date format of YYYY-MM-DD, based on the date the file is uploaded.

              • S3FileLocation (dict) –

                Specifies the details for the Amazon S3 file that’s being copied or decrypted.

                • Bucket (string) –

                  Specifies the S3 bucket for the customer input file.

                • Key (string) –

                  The name assigned to the file when it was created in Amazon S3. You use the object key to retrieve the object.

              • EfsFileLocation (dict) –

                Specifies the details for the Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) file that’s being decrypted.

                • FileSystemId (string) –

                  The identifier of the file system, assigned by Amazon EFS.

                • Path (string) –

                  The pathname for the folder being used by a workflow.

            • OverwriteExisting (string) –

              A flag that indicates whether to overwrite an existing file of the same name. The default is FALSE.

            • SourceFileLocation (string) –

              Specifies which file to use as input to the workflow step: either the output from the previous step, or the originally uploaded file for the workflow.

              • To use the previous file as the input, enter ${previous.file}. In this case, this workflow step uses the output file from the previous workflow step as input. This is the default value.

              • To use the originally uploaded file location as input for this step, enter ${original.file}.

          • CustomStepDetails (dict) –

            Details for a step that invokes an Lambda function.

            Consists of the Lambda function’s name, target, and timeout (in seconds).

            • Name (string) –

              The name of the step, used as an identifier.

            • Target (string) –

              The ARN for the lambda function that is being called.

            • TimeoutSeconds (integer) –

              Timeout, in seconds, for the step.

            • SourceFileLocation (string) –

              Specifies which file to use as input to the workflow step: either the output from the previous step, or the originally uploaded file for the workflow.

              • To use the previous file as the input, enter ${previous.file}. In this case, this workflow step uses the output file from the previous workflow step as input. This is the default value.

              • To use the originally uploaded file location as input for this step, enter ${original.file}.

          • DeleteStepDetails (dict) –

            Details for a step that deletes the file.

            • Name (string) –

              The name of the step, used as an identifier.

            • SourceFileLocation (string) –

              Specifies which file to use as input to the workflow step: either the output from the previous step, or the originally uploaded file for the workflow.

              • To use the previous file as the input, enter ${previous.file}. In this case, this workflow step uses the output file from the previous workflow step as input. This is the default value.

              • To use the originally uploaded file location as input for this step, enter ${original.file}.

          • TagStepDetails (dict) –

            Details for a step that creates one or more tags.

            You specify one or more tags. Each tag contains a key-value pair.

            • Name (string) –

              The name of the step, used as an identifier.

            • Tags (list) –

              Array that contains from 1 to 10 key/value pairs.

              • (dict) –

                Specifies the key-value pair that are assigned to a file during the execution of a Tagging step.

                • Key (string) –

                  The name assigned to the tag that you create.

                • Value (string) –

                  The value that corresponds to the key.

            • SourceFileLocation (string) –

              Specifies which file to use as input to the workflow step: either the output from the previous step, or the originally uploaded file for the workflow.

              • To use the previous file as the input, enter ${previous.file}. In this case, this workflow step uses the output file from the previous workflow step as input. This is the default value.

              • To use the originally uploaded file location as input for this step, enter ${original.file}.

          • DecryptStepDetails (dict) –

            Details for a step that decrypts an encrypted file.

            Consists of the following values:

            • A descriptive name

            • An Amazon S3 or Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) location for the source file to decrypt.

            • An S3 or Amazon EFS location for the destination of the file decryption.

            • A flag that indicates whether to overwrite an existing file of the same name. The default is FALSE.

            • The type of encryption that’s used. Currently, only PGP encryption is supported.

            • Name (string) –

              The name of the step, used as an identifier.

            • Type (string) –

              The type of encryption used. Currently, this value must be PGP.

            • SourceFileLocation (string) –

              Specifies which file to use as input to the workflow step: either the output from the previous step, or the originally uploaded file for the workflow.

              • To use the previous file as the input, enter ${previous.file}. In this case, this workflow step uses the output file from the previous workflow step as input. This is the default value.

              • To use the originally uploaded file location as input for this step, enter ${original.file}.

            • OverwriteExisting (string) –

              A flag that indicates whether to overwrite an existing file of the same name. The default is FALSE.

            • DestinationFileLocation (dict) –

              Specifies the location for the file that’s being processed.

              • S3FileLocation (dict) –

                Specifies the details for the Amazon S3 file that’s being copied or decrypted.

                • Bucket (string) –

                  Specifies the S3 bucket for the customer input file.

                • Key (string) –

                  The name assigned to the file when it was created in Amazon S3. You use the object key to retrieve the object.

              • EfsFileLocation (dict) –

                Specifies the details for the Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) file that’s being decrypted.

                • FileSystemId (string) –

                  The identifier of the file system, assigned by Amazon EFS.

                • Path (string) –

                  The pathname for the folder being used by a workflow.

      • OnExceptionSteps (list) –

        Specifies the steps (actions) to take if errors are encountered during execution of the workflow.

        • (dict) –

          The basic building block of a workflow.

          • Type (string) –

            Currently, the following step types are supported.

            • COPY - Copy the file to another location.

            • CUSTOM - Perform a custom step with an Lambda function target.

            • DECRYPT - Decrypt a file that was encrypted before it was uploaded.

            • DELETE - Delete the file.

            • TAG - Add a tag to the file.

          • CopyStepDetails (dict) –

            Details for a step that performs a file copy.

            Consists of the following values:

            • A description

            • An Amazon S3 location for the destination of the file copy.

            • A flag that indicates whether to overwrite an existing file of the same name. The default is FALSE.

            • Name (string) –

              The name of the step, used as an identifier.

            • DestinationFileLocation (dict) –

              Specifies the location for the file being copied. Use ${Transfer:username} or ${Transfer:UploadDate} in this field to parametrize the destination prefix by username or uploaded date.

              • Set the value of DestinationFileLocation to ${Transfer:username} to copy uploaded files to an Amazon S3 bucket that is prefixed with the name of the Transfer Family user that uploaded the file.

              • Set the value of DestinationFileLocation to ${Transfer:UploadDate} to copy uploaded files to an Amazon S3 bucket that is prefixed with the date of the upload.


              The system resolves UploadDate to a date format of YYYY-MM-DD, based on the date the file is uploaded.

              • S3FileLocation (dict) –

                Specifies the details for the Amazon S3 file that’s being copied or decrypted.

                • Bucket (string) –

                  Specifies the S3 bucket for the customer input file.

                • Key (string) –

                  The name assigned to the file when it was created in Amazon S3. You use the object key to retrieve the object.

              • EfsFileLocation (dict) –

                Specifies the details for the Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) file that’s being decrypted.

                • FileSystemId (string) –

                  The identifier of the file system, assigned by Amazon EFS.

                • Path (string) –

                  The pathname for the folder being used by a workflow.

            • OverwriteExisting (string) –

              A flag that indicates whether to overwrite an existing file of the same name. The default is FALSE.

            • SourceFileLocation (string) –

              Specifies which file to use as input to the workflow step: either the output from the previous step, or the originally uploaded file for the workflow.

              • To use the previous file as the input, enter ${previous.file}. In this case, this workflow step uses the output file from the previous workflow step as input. This is the default value.

              • To use the originally uploaded file location as input for this step, enter ${original.file}.

          • CustomStepDetails (dict) –

            Details for a step that invokes an Lambda function.

            Consists of the Lambda function’s name, target, and timeout (in seconds).

            • Name (string) –

              The name of the step, used as an identifier.

            • Target (string) –

              The ARN for the lambda function that is being called.

            • TimeoutSeconds (integer) –

              Timeout, in seconds, for the step.

            • SourceFileLocation (string) –

              Specifies which file to use as input to the workflow step: either the output from the previous step, or the originally uploaded file for the workflow.

              • To use the previous file as the input, enter ${previous.file}. In this case, this workflow step uses the output file from the previous workflow step as input. This is the default value.

              • To use the originally uploaded file location as input for this step, enter ${original.file}.

          • DeleteStepDetails (dict) –

            Details for a step that deletes the file.

            • Name (string) –

              The name of the step, used as an identifier.

            • SourceFileLocation (string) –

              Specifies which file to use as input to the workflow step: either the output from the previous step, or the originally uploaded file for the workflow.

              • To use the previous file as the input, enter ${previous.file}. In this case, this workflow step uses the output file from the previous workflow step as input. This is the default value.

              • To use the originally uploaded file location as input for this step, enter ${original.file}.

          • TagStepDetails (dict) –

            Details for a step that creates one or more tags.

            You specify one or more tags. Each tag contains a key-value pair.

            • Name (string) –

              The name of the step, used as an identifier.

            • Tags (list) –

              Array that contains from 1 to 10 key/value pairs.

              • (dict) –

                Specifies the key-value pair that are assigned to a file during the execution of a Tagging step.

                • Key (string) –

                  The name assigned to the tag that you create.

                • Value (string) –

                  The value that corresponds to the key.

            • SourceFileLocation (string) –

              Specifies which file to use as input to the workflow step: either the output from the previous step, or the originally uploaded file for the workflow.

              • To use the previous file as the input, enter ${previous.file}. In this case, this workflow step uses the output file from the previous workflow step as input. This is the default value.

              • To use the originally uploaded file location as input for this step, enter ${original.file}.

          • DecryptStepDetails (dict) –

            Details for a step that decrypts an encrypted file.

            Consists of the following values:

            • A descriptive name

            • An Amazon S3 or Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) location for the source file to decrypt.

            • An S3 or Amazon EFS location for the destination of the file decryption.

            • A flag that indicates whether to overwrite an existing file of the same name. The default is FALSE.

            • The type of encryption that’s used. Currently, only PGP encryption is supported.

            • Name (string) –

              The name of the step, used as an identifier.

            • Type (string) –

              The type of encryption used. Currently, this value must be PGP.

            • SourceFileLocation (string) –

              Specifies which file to use as input to the workflow step: either the output from the previous step, or the originally uploaded file for the workflow.

              • To use the previous file as the input, enter ${previous.file}. In this case, this workflow step uses the output file from the previous workflow step as input. This is the default value.

              • To use the originally uploaded file location as input for this step, enter ${original.file}.

            • OverwriteExisting (string) –

              A flag that indicates whether to overwrite an existing file of the same name. The default is FALSE.

            • DestinationFileLocation (dict) –

              Specifies the location for the file that’s being processed.

              • S3FileLocation (dict) –

                Specifies the details for the Amazon S3 file that’s being copied or decrypted.

                • Bucket (string) –

                  Specifies the S3 bucket for the customer input file.

                • Key (string) –

                  The name assigned to the file when it was created in Amazon S3. You use the object key to retrieve the object.

              • EfsFileLocation (dict) –

                Specifies the details for the Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) file that’s being decrypted.

                • FileSystemId (string) –

                  The identifier of the file system, assigned by Amazon EFS.

                • Path (string) –

                  The pathname for the folder being used by a workflow.

      • WorkflowId (string) –

        A unique identifier for the workflow.

      • Tags (list) –

        Key-value pairs that can be used to group and search for workflows. Tags are metadata attached to workflows for any purpose.

        • (dict) –

          Creates a key-value pair for a specific resource. Tags are metadata that you can use to search for and group a resource for various purposes. You can apply tags to servers, users, and roles. A tag key can take more than one value. For example, to group servers for accounting purposes, you might create a tag called Group and assign the values Research and Accounting to that group.

          • Key (string) –

            The name assigned to the tag that you create.

          • Value (string) –

            Contains one or more values that you assigned to the key name you create.


  • Transfer.Client.exceptions.ServiceUnavailableException

  • Transfer.Client.exceptions.InternalServiceError

  • Transfer.Client.exceptions.InvalidRequestException

  • Transfer.Client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException