KMS / Client / import_key_material



Imports key material into an existing symmetric encryption KMS key that was created without key material. After you successfully import key material into a KMS key, you can reimport the same key material into that KMS key, but you cannot import different key material.

You cannot perform this operation on an asymmetric KMS key, an HMAC KMS key, or on any KMS key in a different Amazon Web Services account. For more information about creating KMS keys with no key material and then importing key material, see Importing Key Material in the Key Management Service Developer Guide.

Before using this operation, call GetParametersForImport. Its response includes a public key and an import token. Use the public key to encrypt the key material. Then, submit the import token from the same GetParametersForImport response.

When calling this operation, you must specify the following values:

  • The key ID or key ARN of a KMS key with no key material. Its Origin must be EXTERNAL. To create a KMS key with no key material, call CreateKey and set the value of its Origin parameter to EXTERNAL. To get the Origin of a KMS key, call DescribeKey.)

  • The encrypted key material. To get the public key to encrypt the key material, call GetParametersForImport.

  • The import token that GetParametersForImport returned. You must use a public key and token from the same GetParametersForImport response.

  • Whether the key material expires ( ExpirationModel) and, if so, when ( ValidTo). If you set an expiration date, on the specified date, KMS deletes the key material from the KMS key, making the KMS key unusable. To use the KMS key in cryptographic operations again, you must reimport the same key material. The only way to change the expiration model or expiration date is by reimporting the same key material and specifying a new expiration date.

When this operation is successful, the key state of the KMS key changes from PendingImport to Enabled, and you can use the KMS key.

If this operation fails, use the exception to help determine the problem. If the error is related to the key material, the import token, or wrapping key, use GetParametersForImport to get a new public key and import token for the KMS key and repeat the import procedure. For help, see How To Import Key Material in the Key Management Service Developer Guide.

The KMS key that you use for this operation must be in a compatible key state. For details, see Key states of KMS keys in the Key Management Service Developer Guide.

Cross-account use: No. You cannot perform this operation on a KMS key in a different Amazon Web Services account.

Required permissions: kms:ImportKeyMaterial (key policy)

Related operations:

  • DeleteImportedKeyMaterial

  • GetParametersForImport

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.import_key_material(
    ValidTo=datetime(2015, 1, 1),
  • KeyId (string) –


    The identifier of the symmetric encryption KMS key that receives the imported key material. This must be the same KMS key specified in the KeyID parameter of the corresponding GetParametersForImport request. The Origin of the KMS key must be EXTERNAL. You cannot perform this operation on an asymmetric KMS key, an HMAC KMS key, a KMS key in a custom key store, or on a KMS key in a different Amazon Web Services account

    Specify the key ID or key ARN of the KMS key.

    For example:

    • Key ID: 1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab

    • Key ARN: arn:aws:kms:us-east-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab

    To get the key ID and key ARN for a KMS key, use ListKeys or DescribeKey.

  • ImportToken (bytes) –


    The import token that you received in the response to a previous GetParametersForImport request. It must be from the same response that contained the public key that you used to encrypt the key material.

  • EncryptedKeyMaterial (bytes) –


    The encrypted key material to import. The key material must be encrypted with the public wrapping key that GetParametersForImport returned, using the wrapping algorithm that you specified in the same GetParametersForImport request.

  • ValidTo (datetime) –

    The date and time when the imported key material expires. This parameter is required when the value of the ExpirationModel parameter is KEY_MATERIAL_EXPIRES. Otherwise it is not valid.

    The value of this parameter must be a future date and time. The maximum value is 365 days from the request date.

    When the key material expires, KMS deletes the key material from the KMS key. Without its key material, the KMS key is unusable. To use the KMS key in cryptographic operations, you must reimport the same key material.

    You cannot change the ExpirationModel or ValidTo values for the current import after the request completes. To change either value, you must delete ( DeleteImportedKeyMaterial) and reimport the key material.

  • ExpirationModel (string) –

    Specifies whether the key material expires. The default is KEY_MATERIAL_EXPIRES.

    When the value of ExpirationModel is KEY_MATERIAL_EXPIRES, you must specify a value for the ValidTo parameter. When value is KEY_MATERIAL_DOES_NOT_EXPIRE, you must omit the ValidTo parameter.

    You cannot change the ExpirationModel or ValidTo values for the current import after the request completes. To change either value, you must delete ( DeleteImportedKeyMaterial) and reimport the key material.

Return type:



Response Syntax


Response Structure

  • (dict) –


  • KMS.Client.exceptions.InvalidArnException

  • KMS.Client.exceptions.UnsupportedOperationException

  • KMS.Client.exceptions.DependencyTimeoutException

  • KMS.Client.exceptions.NotFoundException

  • KMS.Client.exceptions.KMSInternalException

  • KMS.Client.exceptions.KMSInvalidStateException

  • KMS.Client.exceptions.InvalidCiphertextException

  • KMS.Client.exceptions.IncorrectKeyMaterialException

  • KMS.Client.exceptions.ExpiredImportTokenException

  • KMS.Client.exceptions.InvalidImportTokenException


The following example imports key material into the specified KMS key.

response = client.import_key_material(
    # The encrypted key material to import.
    EncryptedKeyMaterial='<binary data>',
    # A value that specifies whether the key material expires.
    # The import token that you received in the response to a previous GetParametersForImport request.
    ImportToken='<binary data>',
    # The identifier of the KMS key to import the key material into. You can use the key ID or the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the KMS key.


Expected Output:

    'ResponseMetadata': {
        '...': '...',