CodeDeploy / Client / get_deployment_config



Gets information about a deployment configuration.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.get_deployment_config(

deploymentConfigName (string) –


The name of a deployment configuration associated with the IAM user or Amazon Web Services account.

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'deploymentConfigInfo': {
        'deploymentConfigId': 'string',
        'deploymentConfigName': 'string',
        'minimumHealthyHosts': {
            'type': 'HOST_COUNT'|'FLEET_PERCENT',
            'value': 123
        'createTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'computePlatform': 'Server'|'Lambda'|'ECS',
        'trafficRoutingConfig': {
            'type': 'TimeBasedCanary'|'TimeBasedLinear'|'AllAtOnce',
            'timeBasedCanary': {
                'canaryPercentage': 123,
                'canaryInterval': 123
            'timeBasedLinear': {
                'linearPercentage': 123,
                'linearInterval': 123

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    Represents the output of a GetDeploymentConfig operation.

    • deploymentConfigInfo (dict) –

      Information about the deployment configuration.

      • deploymentConfigId (string) –

        The deployment configuration ID.

      • deploymentConfigName (string) –

        The deployment configuration name.

      • minimumHealthyHosts (dict) –

        Information about the number or percentage of minimum healthy instance.

        • type (string) –

          The minimum healthy instance type:

          • HOST_COUNT: The minimum number of healthy instances as an absolute value.

          • FLEET_PERCENT: The minimum number of healthy instances as a percentage of the total number of instances in the deployment.

          In an example of nine instances, if a HOST_COUNT of six is specified, deploy to up to three instances at a time. The deployment is successful if six or more instances are deployed to successfully. Otherwise, the deployment fails. If a FLEET_PERCENT of 40 is specified, deploy to up to five instances at a time. The deployment is successful if four or more instances are deployed to successfully. Otherwise, the deployment fails.


          In a call to the GetDeploymentConfig, CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime returns a minimum healthy instance type of MOST_CONCURRENCY and a value of 1. This means a deployment to only one instance at a time. (You cannot set the type to MOST_CONCURRENCY, only to HOST_COUNT or FLEET_PERCENT.) In addition, with CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime, CodeDeploy attempts to ensure that all instances but one are kept in a healthy state during the deployment. Although this allows one instance at a time to be taken offline for a new deployment, it also means that if the deployment to the last instance fails, the overall deployment is still successful.

          For more information, see CodeDeploy Instance Health in the CodeDeploy User Guide.

        • value (integer) –

          The minimum healthy instance value.

      • createTime (datetime) –

        The time at which the deployment configuration was created.

      • computePlatform (string) –

        The destination platform type for the deployment ( Lambda, Server, or ECS).

      • trafficRoutingConfig (dict) –

        The configuration that specifies how the deployment traffic is routed. Used for deployments with a Lambda or Amazon ECS compute platform only.

        • type (string) –

          The type of traffic shifting ( TimeBasedCanary or TimeBasedLinear) used by a deployment configuration.

        • timeBasedCanary (dict) –

          A configuration that shifts traffic from one version of a Lambda function or ECS task set to another in two increments. The original and target Lambda function versions or ECS task sets are specified in the deployment’s AppSpec file.

          • canaryPercentage (integer) –

            The percentage of traffic to shift in the first increment of a TimeBasedCanary deployment.

          • canaryInterval (integer) –

            The number of minutes between the first and second traffic shifts of a TimeBasedCanary deployment.

        • timeBasedLinear (dict) –

          A configuration that shifts traffic from one version of a Lambda function or Amazon ECS task set to another in equal increments, with an equal number of minutes between each increment. The original and target Lambda function versions or Amazon ECS task sets are specified in the deployment’s AppSpec file.

          • linearPercentage (integer) –

            The percentage of traffic that is shifted at the start of each increment of a TimeBasedLinear deployment.

          • linearInterval (integer) –

            The number of minutes between each incremental traffic shift of a TimeBasedLinear deployment.


  • CodeDeploy.Client.exceptions.InvalidDeploymentConfigNameException

  • CodeDeploy.Client.exceptions.DeploymentConfigNameRequiredException

  • CodeDeploy.Client.exceptions.DeploymentConfigDoesNotExistException

  • CodeDeploy.Client.exceptions.InvalidComputePlatformException