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class CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client

A low-level client representing Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor

Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor provides visibility into how internet issues impact the performance and availability between your applications hosted on Amazon Web Services and your end users, reducing the time it takes for you to diagnose these issues, from days to minutes. You can explore internet measurements for different time frames and at different geographic granularities, and quickly visualize the impact of issues, and then take action to improve your end users' experience, for example, by switching to other Amazon Web Services services or rerouting traffic to your workload through differentAmazon Web Services Regions.

If the issue is caused by the Amazon Web Services network, you'll automatically receive an Amazon Web Services Health Dashboard notification with the steps that Amazon Web Services is taking to mitigate the problem. To support integrating health information for geographies and networks specific to your application, Internet Monitor delivers measurements to CloudWatch Logs and CloudWatch Metrics. Internet Monitor also sends health events to Amazon EventBridge, so you can set up notifications. Internet Monitor monitors internet connectivity for your application through Amazon Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs), Amazon CloudFront distributions, and Amazon WorkSpaces directories.

To use Internet Monitor, you create a monitor and add resources to it, Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs), Amazon CloudFront distributions, or WorkSpaces directories that show where your application's internet traffic is. Internet Monitor then provides internet measurements from Amazon Web Services that are specific to the locations and networks that communicate with your application. For more information, see Using Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

import boto3

client = boto3.client('internetmonitor')

These are the available methods:


Check if an operation can be paginated.

operation_name (string) -- The operation name. This is the same name as the method name on the client. For example, if the method name is create_foo, and you'd normally invoke the operation as client.create_foo(**kwargs), if the create_foo operation can be paginated, you can use the call client.get_paginator("create_foo").
True if the operation can be paginated, False otherwise.

Closes underlying endpoint connections.


Creates a monitor in Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor. A monitor is built based on information from the application resources that you add: Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs), Amazon CloudFront distributions, and WorkSpaces directories.

After you create a monitor, you can view the internet performance for your application, scoped to a location, as well as any health events that are impairing traffic. Internet Monitor can also diagnose whether the impairment is on the Amazon Web Services network or is an issue with an internet service provider (ISP).

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.create_monitor(
        'string': 'string'
  • MonitorName (string) --


    The name of the monitor.

  • Resources (list) --

    The resources to include in a monitor, which you provide as a set of Amazon Resource Names (ARNs).

    You can add a combination of Amazon Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) and Amazon CloudFront distributions, or you can add Amazon WorkSpaces directories. You can't add all three types of resources.


    If you add only VPC resources, at least one VPC must have an Internet Gateway attached to it, to make sure that it has internet connectivity.

    • (string) --
  • ClientToken (string) --

    A unique, case-sensitive string of up to 64 ASCII characters that you specify to make an idempotent API request. Don't reuse the same client token for other API requests.

    This field is autopopulated if not provided.

  • Tags (dict) --

    The tags for a monitor. You can add a maximum of 50 tags in Internet Monitor.

    • (string) --
      • (string) --
  • MaxCityNetworksToMonitor (integer) --


    The maximum number of city-network combinations (that is, combinations of a city location and network, such as an ISP) to be monitored for your resources.

Return type



Response Syntax

    'Arn': 'string',

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • Arn (string) --

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the monitor.

    • Status (string) --

      The status of a monitor.


  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.InternalServerException
  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.AccessDeniedException
  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.ThrottlingException
  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.ConflictException
  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.LimitExceededException
  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.ValidationException

Deletes a monitor in Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.delete_monitor(
MonitorName (string) --


The name of the monitor to delete.

Return type
Response Syntax

Response Structure

  • (dict) --


  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.InternalServerException
  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.AccessDeniedException
  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.ThrottlingException
  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.ValidationException

Gets information the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor has created and stored about a health event for a specified monitor. This information includes the impacted locations, and all of the information related to the event by location.

The information returned includes the performance, availability, and round-trip time impact, information about the network providers, the event type, and so on.

Information rolled up at the global traffic level is also returned, including the impact type and total traffic impact.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.get_health_event(
  • MonitorName (string) --


    The name of the monitor.

  • EventId (string) --


    The internally generated identifier of a health event. Because EventID contains the forward slash (“/”) character, you must URL-encode the EventID field in the request URL.

Return type



Response Syntax

    'EventArn': 'string',
    'EventId': 'string',
    'StartedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'EndedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'CreatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'LastUpdatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'ImpactedLocations': [
            'ASName': 'string',
            'ASNumber': 123,
            'Country': 'string',
            'Subdivision': 'string',
            'Metro': 'string',
            'City': 'string',
            'Latitude': 123.0,
            'Longitude': 123.0,
            'CountryCode': 'string',
            'SubdivisionCode': 'string',
            'ServiceLocation': 'string',
            'Status': 'ACTIVE'|'RESOLVED',
            'CausedBy': {
                'Networks': [
                        'ASName': 'string',
                        'ASNumber': 123
                'AsPath': [
                        'ASName': 'string',
                        'ASNumber': 123
                'NetworkEventType': 'AWS'|'Internet'
            'InternetHealth': {
                'Availability': {
                    'ExperienceScore': 123.0,
                    'PercentOfTotalTrafficImpacted': 123.0,
                    'PercentOfClientLocationImpacted': 123.0
                'Performance': {
                    'ExperienceScore': 123.0,
                    'PercentOfTotalTrafficImpacted': 123.0,
                    'PercentOfClientLocationImpacted': 123.0,
                    'RoundTripTime': {
                        'P50': 123.0,
                        'P90': 123.0,
                        'P95': 123.0
    'Status': 'ACTIVE'|'RESOLVED',
    'PercentOfTotalTrafficImpacted': 123.0,

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • EventArn (string) --

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the event.

    • EventId (string) --

      The internally generated identifier of a health event.

    • StartedAt (datetime) --

      The time when a health event started.

    • EndedAt (datetime) --

      The time when a health event was resolved. If the health event is still active, the end time is not set.

    • CreatedAt (datetime) --

      The time when a health event was created.

    • LastUpdatedAt (datetime) --

      The time when a health event was last updated or recalculated.

    • ImpactedLocations (list) --

      The locations affected by a health event.

      • (dict) --

        Information about a location impacted by a health event in Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor.

        Geographic regions are hierarchically categorized into country, subdivision, metro and city geographic granularities. The geographic region is identified based on the IP address used at the client locations.

        • ASName (string) --

          The name of the network at an impacted location.

        • ASNumber (integer) --

          The Autonomous System Number (ASN) of the network at an impacted location.

        • Country (string) --

          The name of the country where the health event is located.

        • Subdivision (string) --

          The subdivision location where the health event is located. The subdivision usually maps to states in most countries (including the United States). For United Kingdom, it maps to a country (England, Scotland, Wales) or province (Northern Ireland).

        • Metro (string) --

          The metro area where the health event is located.

          Metro indicates a metropolitan region in the United States, such as the region around New York City. In non-US countries, this is a second-level subdivision. For example, in the United Kingdom, it could be a county, a London borough, a unitary authority, council area, and so on.

        • City (string) --

          The name of the city where the health event is located.

        • Latitude (float) --

          The latitude where the health event is located.

        • Longitude (float) --

          The longitude where the health event is located.

        • CountryCode (string) --

          The country code where the health event is located. The ISO 3166-2 codes for the country is provided, when available.

        • SubdivisionCode (string) --

          The subdivision code where the health event is located. The ISO 3166-2 codes for country subdivisions is provided, when available.

        • ServiceLocation (string) --

          The service location where the health event is located.

        • Status (string) --

          The status of the health event at an impacted location.

        • CausedBy (dict) --

          The cause of the impairment. There are two types of network impairments: Amazon Web Services network issues or internet issues. Internet issues are typically a problem with a network provider, like an internet service provider (ISP).

          • Networks (list) --

            The networks that could be impacted by a network impairment event.

            • (dict) --

              An internet service provider (ISP) or network in Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor.

              • ASName (string) --

                The internet provider name or network name.

              • ASNumber (integer) --

                The Autonomous System Number (ASN) of the internet provider or network.

          • AsPath (list) --

            The combination of the Autonomous System Number (ASN) of the network and the name of the network.

            • (dict) --

              An internet service provider (ISP) or network in Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor.

              • ASName (string) --

                The internet provider name or network name.

              • ASNumber (integer) --

                The Autonomous System Number (ASN) of the internet provider or network.

          • NetworkEventType (string) --

            Type of network impairment.

        • InternetHealth (dict) --

          The calculated health at a specific location.

          • Availability (dict) --

            Availability in Internet Monitor represents the estimated percentage of traffic that is not seeing an availability drop. For example, an availability score of 99% for an end user and service location pair is equivalent to 1% of the traffic experiencing an availability drop for that pair.

            For more information, see How Internet Monitor calculates performance and availability scores in the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor section of the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

            • ExperienceScore (float) --

              Experience scores, or health scores are calculated for different geographic and network provider combinations (that is, different granularities) and also summed into global scores. If you view performance or availability scores without filtering for any specific geography or service provider, Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor provides global health scores.

              The Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor chapter in the CloudWatch User Guide includes detailed information about how Internet Monitor calculates health scores, including performance and availability scores, and when it creates and resolves health events. For more information, see How Amazon Web Services calculates performance and availability scores in the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor section of the CloudWatch User Guide.

            • PercentOfTotalTrafficImpacted (float) --

              The percentage of impact caused by a health event for total traffic globally.

              For information about how Internet Monitor calculates impact, see Inside Internet Monitor in the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor section of the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

            • PercentOfClientLocationImpacted (float) --

              The percentage of impact caused by a health event for client location traffic globally.

              For information about how Internet Monitor calculates impact, see Inside Internet Monitor in the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor section of the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

          • Performance (dict) --

            Performance in Internet Monitor represents the estimated percentage of traffic that is not seeing a performance drop. For example, a performance score of 99% for an end user and service location pair is equivalent to 1% of the traffic experiencing a performance drop for that pair.

            For more information, see How Internet Monitor calculates performance and availability scores in the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor section of the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

            • ExperienceScore (float) --

              Experience scores, or health scores, are calculated for different geographic and network provider combinations (that is, different granularities) and also totaled into global scores. If you view performance or availability scores without filtering for any specific geography or service provider, Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor provides global health scores.

              The Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor chapter in the CloudWatch User Guide includes detailed information about how Internet Monitor calculates health scores, including performance and availability scores, and when it creates and resolves health events. For more information, see How Amazon Web Services calculates performance and availability scores in the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor section of the CloudWatch User Guide.

            • PercentOfTotalTrafficImpacted (float) --

              How much performance impact was caused by a health event for total traffic globally. For performance, this is the percentage of how much latency increased during the event compared to typical performance for your application traffic globally.

              For more information, see When Amazon Web Services creates and resolves health events in the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor section of the CloudWatch User Guide.

            • PercentOfClientLocationImpacted (float) --

              How much performance impact was caused by a health event at a client location. For performance, this is the percentage of how much latency increased during the event compared to typical performance for traffic, from this client location to an Amazon Web Services location, using a specific client network.

              For more information, see When Amazon Web Services creates and resolves health events in the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor section of the CloudWatch User Guide.

            • RoundTripTime (dict) --

              This is the percentage of how much round-trip time increased during the event compared to typical round-trip time for your application for traffic.

              For more information, see When Amazon Web Services creates and resolves health events in the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor section of the CloudWatch User Guide.

              • P50 (float) --

                RTT at the 50th percentile (p50).

              • P90 (float) --

                RTT at the 90th percentile (p90).

              • P95 (float) --

                RTT at the 95th percentile (p95).

    • Status (string) --

      The status of a health event.

    • PercentOfTotalTrafficImpacted (float) --

      The impact on total traffic that a health event has.

    • ImpactType (string) --

      The type of impairment of a specific health event.


  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.InternalServerException
  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.AccessDeniedException
  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.ThrottlingException
  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.ValidationException

Gets information about a monitor in Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor based on a monitor name. The information returned includes the Amazon Resource Name (ARN), create time, modified time, resources included in the monitor, and status information.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.get_monitor(
MonitorName (string) --


The name of the monitor.

Return type
Response Syntax
    'MonitorName': 'string',
    'MonitorArn': 'string',
    'Resources': [
    'CreatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'ModifiedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'ProcessingStatusInfo': 'string',
    'Tags': {
        'string': 'string'
    'MaxCityNetworksToMonitor': 123

Response Structure

  • (dict) --
    • MonitorName (string) --

      The name of the monitor.

    • MonitorArn (string) --

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the monitor.

    • Resources (list) --

      The resources that have been added for the monitor. Resources are listed by their Amazon Resource Names (ARNs).

      • (string) --
    • Status (string) --

      The status of the monitor.

    • CreatedAt (datetime) --

      The time when the monitor was created.

    • ModifiedAt (datetime) --

      The last time that the monitor was modified.

    • ProcessingStatus (string) --

      The health of the data processing for the monitor.

    • ProcessingStatusInfo (string) --

      Additional information about the health of the data processing for the monitor.

    • Tags (dict) --

      The tags that have been added to monitor.

      • (string) --
        • (string) --
    • MaxCityNetworksToMonitor (integer) --

      The maximum number of city-network combinations (that is, combinations of a city location and network, such as an ISP) to be monitored for your resources.


  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.InternalServerException
  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.AccessDeniedException
  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.ThrottlingException
  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.ValidationException

Create a paginator for an operation.

operation_name (string) -- The operation name. This is the same name as the method name on the client. For example, if the method name is create_foo, and you'd normally invoke the operation as client.create_foo(**kwargs), if the create_foo operation can be paginated, you can use the call client.get_paginator("create_foo").
Raises OperationNotPageableError
Raised if the operation is not pageable. You can use the client.can_paginate method to check if an operation is pageable.
Return type
A paginator object.

Returns an object that can wait for some condition.

waiter_name (str) -- The name of the waiter to get. See the waiters section of the service docs for a list of available waiters.
The specified waiter object.
Return type

Lists all health events for a monitor in Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor. Returns all information for health events including the client location information the network cause and status, event start and end time, percentage of total traffic impacted, and status.


Health events that have start times during the time frame that is requested are not included in the list of health events.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.list_health_events(
    StartTime=datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    EndTime=datetime(2015, 1, 1),
  • MonitorName (string) --


    The name of the monitor.

  • StartTime (datetime) -- The time when a health event started.
  • EndTime (datetime) -- The time when a health event ended. If the health event is still ongoing, then the end time is not set.
  • NextToken (string) -- The token for the next set of results. You receive this token from a previous call.
  • MaxResults (integer) -- The number of health event objects that you want to return with this call.
  • EventStatus (string) -- The status of a health event.
Return type



Response Syntax

    'HealthEvents': [
            'EventArn': 'string',
            'EventId': 'string',
            'StartedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'EndedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'CreatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'LastUpdatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'ImpactedLocations': [
                    'ASName': 'string',
                    'ASNumber': 123,
                    'Country': 'string',
                    'Subdivision': 'string',
                    'Metro': 'string',
                    'City': 'string',
                    'Latitude': 123.0,
                    'Longitude': 123.0,
                    'CountryCode': 'string',
                    'SubdivisionCode': 'string',
                    'ServiceLocation': 'string',
                    'Status': 'ACTIVE'|'RESOLVED',
                    'CausedBy': {
                        'Networks': [
                                'ASName': 'string',
                                'ASNumber': 123
                        'AsPath': [
                                'ASName': 'string',
                                'ASNumber': 123
                        'NetworkEventType': 'AWS'|'Internet'
                    'InternetHealth': {
                        'Availability': {
                            'ExperienceScore': 123.0,
                            'PercentOfTotalTrafficImpacted': 123.0,
                            'PercentOfClientLocationImpacted': 123.0
                        'Performance': {
                            'ExperienceScore': 123.0,
                            'PercentOfTotalTrafficImpacted': 123.0,
                            'PercentOfClientLocationImpacted': 123.0,
                            'RoundTripTime': {
                                'P50': 123.0,
                                'P90': 123.0,
                                'P95': 123.0
            'Status': 'ACTIVE'|'RESOLVED',
            'PercentOfTotalTrafficImpacted': 123.0,
            'ImpactType': 'AVAILABILITY'|'PERFORMANCE'
    'NextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • HealthEvents (list) --

      A list of health events.

      • (dict) --

        Information about a health event created in a monitor in Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor.

        • EventArn (string) --

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the event.

        • EventId (string) --

          The internally generated identifier of a specific network traffic impairment health event.

        • StartedAt (datetime) --

          When a health event started.

        • EndedAt (datetime) --

          The time when a health event ended. If the health event is still active, then the end time is not set.

        • CreatedAt (datetime) --

          When the health event was created.

        • LastUpdatedAt (datetime) --

          When the health event was last updated.

        • ImpactedLocations (list) --

          The locations impacted by the health event.

          • (dict) --

            Information about a location impacted by a health event in Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor.

            Geographic regions are hierarchically categorized into country, subdivision, metro and city geographic granularities. The geographic region is identified based on the IP address used at the client locations.

            • ASName (string) --

              The name of the network at an impacted location.

            • ASNumber (integer) --

              The Autonomous System Number (ASN) of the network at an impacted location.

            • Country (string) --

              The name of the country where the health event is located.

            • Subdivision (string) --

              The subdivision location where the health event is located. The subdivision usually maps to states in most countries (including the United States). For United Kingdom, it maps to a country (England, Scotland, Wales) or province (Northern Ireland).

            • Metro (string) --

              The metro area where the health event is located.

              Metro indicates a metropolitan region in the United States, such as the region around New York City. In non-US countries, this is a second-level subdivision. For example, in the United Kingdom, it could be a county, a London borough, a unitary authority, council area, and so on.

            • City (string) --

              The name of the city where the health event is located.

            • Latitude (float) --

              The latitude where the health event is located.

            • Longitude (float) --

              The longitude where the health event is located.

            • CountryCode (string) --

              The country code where the health event is located. The ISO 3166-2 codes for the country is provided, when available.

            • SubdivisionCode (string) --

              The subdivision code where the health event is located. The ISO 3166-2 codes for country subdivisions is provided, when available.

            • ServiceLocation (string) --

              The service location where the health event is located.

            • Status (string) --

              The status of the health event at an impacted location.

            • CausedBy (dict) --

              The cause of the impairment. There are two types of network impairments: Amazon Web Services network issues or internet issues. Internet issues are typically a problem with a network provider, like an internet service provider (ISP).

              • Networks (list) --

                The networks that could be impacted by a network impairment event.

                • (dict) --

                  An internet service provider (ISP) or network in Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor.

                  • ASName (string) --

                    The internet provider name or network name.

                  • ASNumber (integer) --

                    The Autonomous System Number (ASN) of the internet provider or network.

              • AsPath (list) --

                The combination of the Autonomous System Number (ASN) of the network and the name of the network.

                • (dict) --

                  An internet service provider (ISP) or network in Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor.

                  • ASName (string) --

                    The internet provider name or network name.

                  • ASNumber (integer) --

                    The Autonomous System Number (ASN) of the internet provider or network.

              • NetworkEventType (string) --

                Type of network impairment.

            • InternetHealth (dict) --

              The calculated health at a specific location.

              • Availability (dict) --

                Availability in Internet Monitor represents the estimated percentage of traffic that is not seeing an availability drop. For example, an availability score of 99% for an end user and service location pair is equivalent to 1% of the traffic experiencing an availability drop for that pair.

                For more information, see How Internet Monitor calculates performance and availability scores in the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor section of the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

                • ExperienceScore (float) --

                  Experience scores, or health scores are calculated for different geographic and network provider combinations (that is, different granularities) and also summed into global scores. If you view performance or availability scores without filtering for any specific geography or service provider, Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor provides global health scores.

                  The Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor chapter in the CloudWatch User Guide includes detailed information about how Internet Monitor calculates health scores, including performance and availability scores, and when it creates and resolves health events. For more information, see How Amazon Web Services calculates performance and availability scores in the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor section of the CloudWatch User Guide.

                • PercentOfTotalTrafficImpacted (float) --

                  The percentage of impact caused by a health event for total traffic globally.

                  For information about how Internet Monitor calculates impact, see Inside Internet Monitor in the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor section of the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

                • PercentOfClientLocationImpacted (float) --

                  The percentage of impact caused by a health event for client location traffic globally.

                  For information about how Internet Monitor calculates impact, see Inside Internet Monitor in the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor section of the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

              • Performance (dict) --

                Performance in Internet Monitor represents the estimated percentage of traffic that is not seeing a performance drop. For example, a performance score of 99% for an end user and service location pair is equivalent to 1% of the traffic experiencing a performance drop for that pair.

                For more information, see How Internet Monitor calculates performance and availability scores in the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor section of the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

                • ExperienceScore (float) --

                  Experience scores, or health scores, are calculated for different geographic and network provider combinations (that is, different granularities) and also totaled into global scores. If you view performance or availability scores without filtering for any specific geography or service provider, Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor provides global health scores.

                  The Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor chapter in the CloudWatch User Guide includes detailed information about how Internet Monitor calculates health scores, including performance and availability scores, and when it creates and resolves health events. For more information, see How Amazon Web Services calculates performance and availability scores in the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor section of the CloudWatch User Guide.

                • PercentOfTotalTrafficImpacted (float) --

                  How much performance impact was caused by a health event for total traffic globally. For performance, this is the percentage of how much latency increased during the event compared to typical performance for your application traffic globally.

                  For more information, see When Amazon Web Services creates and resolves health events in the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor section of the CloudWatch User Guide.

                • PercentOfClientLocationImpacted (float) --

                  How much performance impact was caused by a health event at a client location. For performance, this is the percentage of how much latency increased during the event compared to typical performance for traffic, from this client location to an Amazon Web Services location, using a specific client network.

                  For more information, see When Amazon Web Services creates and resolves health events in the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor section of the CloudWatch User Guide.

                • RoundTripTime (dict) --

                  This is the percentage of how much round-trip time increased during the event compared to typical round-trip time for your application for traffic.

                  For more information, see When Amazon Web Services creates and resolves health events in the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor section of the CloudWatch User Guide.

                  • P50 (float) --

                    RTT at the 50th percentile (p50).

                  • P90 (float) --

                    RTT at the 90th percentile (p90).

                  • P95 (float) --

                    RTT at the 95th percentile (p95).

        • Status (string) --

          Health event list member.

        • PercentOfTotalTrafficImpacted (float) --

          The impact on global traffic monitored by this monitor for this health event.

        • ImpactType (string) --

          The type of impairment for a health event.

    • NextToken (string) --

      The token for the next set of results. You receive this token from a previous call.


  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.InternalServerException
  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.AccessDeniedException
  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.ThrottlingException
  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.ValidationException

Lists all of your monitors for Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor and their statuses, along with the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) and name of each monitor.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.list_monitors(
  • NextToken (string) -- The token for the next set of results. You receive this token from a previous call.
  • MaxResults (integer) -- The number of monitor objects that you want to return with this call.
  • MonitorStatus (string) --

    The status of a monitor. This includes the status of the data processing for the monitor and the status of the monitor itself.

    For information about the statuses for a monitor, see Monitor.

Return type



Response Syntax

    'Monitors': [
            'MonitorName': 'string',
            'MonitorArn': 'string',
            'Status': 'PENDING'|'ACTIVE'|'INACTIVE'|'ERROR',
    'NextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • Monitors (list) --

      A list of monitors.

      • (dict) --

        The description of and information about a monitor in Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor.

        • MonitorName (string) --

          The name of the monitor.

        • MonitorArn (string) --

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the monitor.

        • Status (string) --

          The status of a monitor.

        • ProcessingStatus (string) --

          The health of data processing for the monitor.

    • NextToken (string) --

      The token for the next set of results. You receive this token from a previous call.


  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.InternalServerException
  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.AccessDeniedException
  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.ThrottlingException
  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.ValidationException

Lists the tags for a resource. Tags are supported only for monitors in Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.list_tags_for_resource(
ResourceArn (string) --


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for a resource.

Return type
Response Syntax
    'Tags': {
        'string': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --
    • Tags (dict) --

      Tags for a resource.

      • (string) --
        • (string) --


  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.TooManyRequestsException
  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.AccessDeniedException
  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.NotFoundException
  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.BadRequestException
  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.InternalServerErrorException

Adds a tag to a resource. Tags are supported only for monitors in Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor. You can add a maximum of 50 tags in Internet Monitor.

A minimum of one tag is required for this call. It returns an error if you use the TagResource request with 0 tags.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.tag_resource(
        'string': 'string'
  • ResourceArn (string) --


    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for a tag that you add to a resource. Tags are supported only for monitors in Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor.

  • Tags (dict) --


    Tags that you add to a resource. You can add a maximum of 50 tags in Internet Monitor.

    • (string) --
      • (string) --
Return type



Response Syntax


Response Structure

  • (dict) --


  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.TooManyRequestsException
  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.AccessDeniedException
  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.NotFoundException
  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.BadRequestException
  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.InternalServerErrorException

Removes a tag from a resource.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.untag_resource(
  • ResourceArn (string) --


    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for a tag you remove a resource from.

  • TagKeys (list) --


    Tag keys that you remove from a resource.

    • (string) --
Return type



Response Syntax


Response Structure

  • (dict) --


  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.TooManyRequestsException
  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.AccessDeniedException
  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.NotFoundException
  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.BadRequestException
  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.InternalServerErrorException

Updates a monitor. You can update a monitor to add or remove resources, or to change the status of the monitor. You can't change the name of a monitor.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.update_monitor(
  • MonitorName (string) --


    The name of the monitor.

  • ResourcesToAdd (list) --

    The resources to include in a monitor, which you provide as a set of Amazon Resource Names (ARNs).

    You can add a combination of Amazon Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) and Amazon CloudFront distributions, or you can add Amazon WorkSpaces directories. You can't add all three types of resources.


    If you add only VPC resources, at least one VPC must have an Internet Gateway attached to it, to make sure that it has internet connectivity.

    • (string) --
  • ResourcesToRemove (list) --

    The resources to remove from a monitor, which you provide as a set of Amazon Resource Names (ARNs).

    • (string) --
  • Status (string) -- The status for a monitor. The accepted values for Status with the UpdateMonitor API call are the following: ACTIVE and INACTIVE . The following values are not accepted: PENDING , and ERROR .
  • ClientToken (string) --

    A unique, case-sensitive string of up to 64 ASCII characters that you specify to make an idempotent API request. You should not reuse the same client token for other API requests.

    This field is autopopulated if not provided.

  • MaxCityNetworksToMonitor (integer) -- The maximum number of city-network combinations (that is, combinations of a city location and network, such as an ISP) to be monitored for your resources.
Return type



Response Syntax

    'MonitorArn': 'string',

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • MonitorArn (string) --

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the monitor.

    • Status (string) --

      The status of a monitor.


  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.InternalServerException
  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException
  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.AccessDeniedException
  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.ThrottlingException
  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.LimitExceededException
  • CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.exceptions.ValidationException


The available paginators are:

class CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Paginator.ListHealthEvents
paginator = client.get_paginator('list_health_events')

Creates an iterator that will paginate through responses from CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.list_health_events().

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response_iterator = paginator.paginate(
    StartTime=datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    EndTime=datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'MaxItems': 123,
        'PageSize': 123,
        'StartingToken': 'string'
  • MonitorName (string) --


    The name of the monitor.

  • StartTime (datetime) -- The time when a health event started.
  • EndTime (datetime) -- The time when a health event ended. If the health event is still ongoing, then the end time is not set.
  • EventStatus (string) -- The status of a health event.
  • PaginationConfig (dict) --

    A dictionary that provides parameters to control pagination.

    • MaxItems (integer) --

      The total number of items to return. If the total number of items available is more than the value specified in max-items then a NextToken will be provided in the output that you can use to resume pagination.

    • PageSize (integer) --

      The size of each page.

    • StartingToken (string) --

      A token to specify where to start paginating. This is the NextToken from a previous response.

Return type



Response Syntax

    'HealthEvents': [
            'EventArn': 'string',
            'EventId': 'string',
            'StartedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'EndedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'CreatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'LastUpdatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'ImpactedLocations': [
                    'ASName': 'string',
                    'ASNumber': 123,
                    'Country': 'string',
                    'Subdivision': 'string',
                    'Metro': 'string',
                    'City': 'string',
                    'Latitude': 123.0,
                    'Longitude': 123.0,
                    'CountryCode': 'string',
                    'SubdivisionCode': 'string',
                    'ServiceLocation': 'string',
                    'Status': 'ACTIVE'|'RESOLVED',
                    'CausedBy': {
                        'Networks': [
                                'ASName': 'string',
                                'ASNumber': 123
                        'AsPath': [
                                'ASName': 'string',
                                'ASNumber': 123
                        'NetworkEventType': 'AWS'|'Internet'
                    'InternetHealth': {
                        'Availability': {
                            'ExperienceScore': 123.0,
                            'PercentOfTotalTrafficImpacted': 123.0,
                            'PercentOfClientLocationImpacted': 123.0
                        'Performance': {
                            'ExperienceScore': 123.0,
                            'PercentOfTotalTrafficImpacted': 123.0,
                            'PercentOfClientLocationImpacted': 123.0,
                            'RoundTripTime': {
                                'P50': 123.0,
                                'P90': 123.0,
                                'P95': 123.0
            'Status': 'ACTIVE'|'RESOLVED',
            'PercentOfTotalTrafficImpacted': 123.0,
            'ImpactType': 'AVAILABILITY'|'PERFORMANCE'


Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • HealthEvents (list) --

      A list of health events.

      • (dict) --

        Information about a health event created in a monitor in Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor.

        • EventArn (string) --

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the event.

        • EventId (string) --

          The internally generated identifier of a specific network traffic impairment health event.

        • StartedAt (datetime) --

          When a health event started.

        • EndedAt (datetime) --

          The time when a health event ended. If the health event is still active, then the end time is not set.

        • CreatedAt (datetime) --

          When the health event was created.

        • LastUpdatedAt (datetime) --

          When the health event was last updated.

        • ImpactedLocations (list) --

          The locations impacted by the health event.

          • (dict) --

            Information about a location impacted by a health event in Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor.

            Geographic regions are hierarchically categorized into country, subdivision, metro and city geographic granularities. The geographic region is identified based on the IP address used at the client locations.

            • ASName (string) --

              The name of the network at an impacted location.

            • ASNumber (integer) --

              The Autonomous System Number (ASN) of the network at an impacted location.

            • Country (string) --

              The name of the country where the health event is located.

            • Subdivision (string) --

              The subdivision location where the health event is located. The subdivision usually maps to states in most countries (including the United States). For United Kingdom, it maps to a country (England, Scotland, Wales) or province (Northern Ireland).

            • Metro (string) --

              The metro area where the health event is located.

              Metro indicates a metropolitan region in the United States, such as the region around New York City. In non-US countries, this is a second-level subdivision. For example, in the United Kingdom, it could be a county, a London borough, a unitary authority, council area, and so on.

            • City (string) --

              The name of the city where the health event is located.

            • Latitude (float) --

              The latitude where the health event is located.

            • Longitude (float) --

              The longitude where the health event is located.

            • CountryCode (string) --

              The country code where the health event is located. The ISO 3166-2 codes for the country is provided, when available.

            • SubdivisionCode (string) --

              The subdivision code where the health event is located. The ISO 3166-2 codes for country subdivisions is provided, when available.

            • ServiceLocation (string) --

              The service location where the health event is located.

            • Status (string) --

              The status of the health event at an impacted location.

            • CausedBy (dict) --

              The cause of the impairment. There are two types of network impairments: Amazon Web Services network issues or internet issues. Internet issues are typically a problem with a network provider, like an internet service provider (ISP).

              • Networks (list) --

                The networks that could be impacted by a network impairment event.

                • (dict) --

                  An internet service provider (ISP) or network in Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor.

                  • ASName (string) --

                    The internet provider name or network name.

                  • ASNumber (integer) --

                    The Autonomous System Number (ASN) of the internet provider or network.

              • AsPath (list) --

                The combination of the Autonomous System Number (ASN) of the network and the name of the network.

                • (dict) --

                  An internet service provider (ISP) or network in Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor.

                  • ASName (string) --

                    The internet provider name or network name.

                  • ASNumber (integer) --

                    The Autonomous System Number (ASN) of the internet provider or network.

              • NetworkEventType (string) --

                Type of network impairment.

            • InternetHealth (dict) --

              The calculated health at a specific location.

              • Availability (dict) --

                Availability in Internet Monitor represents the estimated percentage of traffic that is not seeing an availability drop. For example, an availability score of 99% for an end user and service location pair is equivalent to 1% of the traffic experiencing an availability drop for that pair.

                For more information, see How Internet Monitor calculates performance and availability scores in the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor section of the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

                • ExperienceScore (float) --

                  Experience scores, or health scores are calculated for different geographic and network provider combinations (that is, different granularities) and also summed into global scores. If you view performance or availability scores without filtering for any specific geography or service provider, Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor provides global health scores.

                  The Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor chapter in the CloudWatch User Guide includes detailed information about how Internet Monitor calculates health scores, including performance and availability scores, and when it creates and resolves health events. For more information, see How Amazon Web Services calculates performance and availability scores in the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor section of the CloudWatch User Guide.

                • PercentOfTotalTrafficImpacted (float) --

                  The percentage of impact caused by a health event for total traffic globally.

                  For information about how Internet Monitor calculates impact, see Inside Internet Monitor in the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor section of the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

                • PercentOfClientLocationImpacted (float) --

                  The percentage of impact caused by a health event for client location traffic globally.

                  For information about how Internet Monitor calculates impact, see Inside Internet Monitor in the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor section of the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

              • Performance (dict) --

                Performance in Internet Monitor represents the estimated percentage of traffic that is not seeing a performance drop. For example, a performance score of 99% for an end user and service location pair is equivalent to 1% of the traffic experiencing a performance drop for that pair.

                For more information, see How Internet Monitor calculates performance and availability scores in the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor section of the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

                • ExperienceScore (float) --

                  Experience scores, or health scores, are calculated for different geographic and network provider combinations (that is, different granularities) and also totaled into global scores. If you view performance or availability scores without filtering for any specific geography or service provider, Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor provides global health scores.

                  The Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor chapter in the CloudWatch User Guide includes detailed information about how Internet Monitor calculates health scores, including performance and availability scores, and when it creates and resolves health events. For more information, see How Amazon Web Services calculates performance and availability scores in the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor section of the CloudWatch User Guide.

                • PercentOfTotalTrafficImpacted (float) --

                  How much performance impact was caused by a health event for total traffic globally. For performance, this is the percentage of how much latency increased during the event compared to typical performance for your application traffic globally.

                  For more information, see When Amazon Web Services creates and resolves health events in the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor section of the CloudWatch User Guide.

                • PercentOfClientLocationImpacted (float) --

                  How much performance impact was caused by a health event at a client location. For performance, this is the percentage of how much latency increased during the event compared to typical performance for traffic, from this client location to an Amazon Web Services location, using a specific client network.

                  For more information, see When Amazon Web Services creates and resolves health events in the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor section of the CloudWatch User Guide.

                • RoundTripTime (dict) --

                  This is the percentage of how much round-trip time increased during the event compared to typical round-trip time for your application for traffic.

                  For more information, see When Amazon Web Services creates and resolves health events in the Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor section of the CloudWatch User Guide.

                  • P50 (float) --

                    RTT at the 50th percentile (p50).

                  • P90 (float) --

                    RTT at the 90th percentile (p90).

                  • P95 (float) --

                    RTT at the 95th percentile (p95).

        • Status (string) --

          Health event list member.

        • PercentOfTotalTrafficImpacted (float) --

          The impact on global traffic monitored by this monitor for this health event.

        • ImpactType (string) --

          The type of impairment for a health event.

class CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Paginator.ListMonitors
paginator = client.get_paginator('list_monitors')

Creates an iterator that will paginate through responses from CloudWatchInternetMonitor.Client.list_monitors().

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response_iterator = paginator.paginate(
        'MaxItems': 123,
        'PageSize': 123,
        'StartingToken': 'string'
  • MonitorStatus (string) --

    The status of a monitor. This includes the status of the data processing for the monitor and the status of the monitor itself.

    For information about the statuses for a monitor, see Monitor.

  • PaginationConfig (dict) --

    A dictionary that provides parameters to control pagination.

    • MaxItems (integer) --

      The total number of items to return. If the total number of items available is more than the value specified in max-items then a NextToken will be provided in the output that you can use to resume pagination.

    • PageSize (integer) --

      The size of each page.

    • StartingToken (string) --

      A token to specify where to start paginating. This is the NextToken from a previous response.

Return type



Response Syntax

    'Monitors': [
            'MonitorName': 'string',
            'MonitorArn': 'string',
            'Status': 'PENDING'|'ACTIVE'|'INACTIVE'|'ERROR',


Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • Monitors (list) --

      A list of monitors.

      • (dict) --

        The description of and information about a monitor in Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor.

        • MonitorName (string) --

          The name of the monitor.

        • MonitorArn (string) --

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the monitor.

        • Status (string) --

          The status of a monitor.

        • ProcessingStatus (string) --

          The health of data processing for the monitor.