

Updates an inference experiment that you created. The status of the inference experiment has to be either Created , Running . For more information on the status of an inference experiment, see DescribeInferenceExperimentResponse$Status.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.update_inference_experiment(
        'StartTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'EndTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1)
            'ModelName': 'string',
            'VariantName': 'string',
            'InfrastructureConfig': {
                'InfrastructureType': 'RealTimeInference',
                'RealTimeInferenceConfig': {
                    'InstanceType': 'ml.t2.medium'|'ml.t2.large'|'ml.t2.xlarge'|'ml.t2.2xlarge'|'ml.t3.medium'|'ml.t3.large'|'ml.t3.xlarge'|'ml.t3.2xlarge'|'ml.m4.xlarge'|'ml.m4.2xlarge'|'ml.m4.4xlarge'|'ml.m4.10xlarge'|'ml.m4.16xlarge'|'ml.m5.xlarge'|'ml.m5.2xlarge'|'ml.m5.4xlarge'|'ml.m5.12xlarge'|'ml.m5.24xlarge'|'ml.m5d.large'|'ml.m5d.xlarge'|'ml.m5d.2xlarge'|'ml.m5d.4xlarge'|'ml.m5d.8xlarge'|'ml.m5d.12xlarge'|'ml.m5d.16xlarge'|'ml.m5d.24xlarge'|'ml.c4.xlarge'|'ml.c4.2xlarge'|'ml.c4.4xlarge'|'ml.c4.8xlarge'|'ml.c5.xlarge'|'ml.c5.2xlarge'|'ml.c5.4xlarge'|'ml.c5.9xlarge'|'ml.c5.18xlarge'|'ml.c5d.xlarge'|'ml.c5d.2xlarge'|'ml.c5d.4xlarge'|'ml.c5d.9xlarge'|'ml.c5d.18xlarge'|'ml.p2.xlarge'|'ml.p2.8xlarge'|'ml.p2.16xlarge'|'ml.p3.2xlarge'|'ml.p3.8xlarge'|'ml.p3.16xlarge'|'ml.p3dn.24xlarge'|'ml.g4dn.xlarge'|'ml.g4dn.2xlarge'|'ml.g4dn.4xlarge'|'ml.g4dn.8xlarge'|'ml.g4dn.12xlarge'|'ml.g4dn.16xlarge'|'ml.r5.large'|'ml.r5.xlarge'|'ml.r5.2xlarge'|'ml.r5.4xlarge'|'ml.r5.8xlarge'|'ml.r5.12xlarge'|'ml.r5.16xlarge'|'ml.r5.24xlarge'|'ml.g5.xlarge'|'ml.g5.2xlarge'|'ml.g5.4xlarge'|'ml.g5.8xlarge'|'ml.g5.16xlarge'|'ml.g5.12xlarge'|'ml.g5.24xlarge'|'ml.g5.48xlarge',
                    'InstanceCount': 123
        'Destination': 'string',
        'KmsKey': 'string',
        'ContentType': {
            'CsvContentTypes': [
            'JsonContentTypes': [
        'SourceModelVariantName': 'string',
        'ShadowModelVariants': [
                'ShadowModelVariantName': 'string',
                'SamplingPercentage': 123
  • Name (string) --


    The name of the inference experiment to be updated.

  • Schedule (dict) --

    The duration for which the inference experiment will run. If the status of the inference experiment is Created , then you can update both the start and end dates. If the status of the inference experiment is Running , then you can update only the end date.

    • StartTime (datetime) --

      The timestamp at which the inference experiment started or will start.

    • EndTime (datetime) --

      The timestamp at which the inference experiment ended or will end.

  • Description (string) -- The description of the inference experiment.
  • ModelVariants (list) --

    An array of ModelVariantConfig objects. There is one for each variant, whose infrastructure configuration you want to update.

    • (dict) --

      Contains information about the deployment options of a model.

      • ModelName (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The name of the Amazon SageMaker Model entity.

      • VariantName (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The name of the variant.

      • InfrastructureConfig (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

        The configuration for the infrastructure that the model will be deployed to.

        • InfrastructureType (string) -- [REQUIRED]

          The inference option to which to deploy your model. Possible values are the following:

          • RealTime : Deploy to real-time inference.
        • RealTimeInferenceConfig (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

          The infrastructure configuration for deploying the model to real-time inference.

          • InstanceType (string) -- [REQUIRED]

            The instance type the model is deployed to.

          • InstanceCount (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

            The number of instances of the type specified by InstanceType .

  • DataStorageConfig (dict) --

    The Amazon S3 location and configuration for storing inference request and response data.

    • Destination (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      The Amazon S3 bucket where the inference request and response data is stored.

    • KmsKey (string) --

      The Amazon Web Services Key Management Service key that Amazon SageMaker uses to encrypt captured data at rest using Amazon S3 server-side encryption.

    • ContentType (dict) --

      Configuration specifying how to treat different headers. If no headers are specified SageMaker will by default base64 encode when capturing the data.

      • CsvContentTypes (list) --

        The list of all content type headers that SageMaker will treat as CSV and capture accordingly.

        • (string) --
      • JsonContentTypes (list) --

        The list of all content type headers that SageMaker will treat as JSON and capture accordingly.

        • (string) --
  • ShadowModeConfig (dict) --

    The configuration of ShadowMode inference experiment type. Use this field to specify a production variant which takes all the inference requests, and a shadow variant to which Amazon SageMaker replicates a percentage of the inference requests. For the shadow variant also specify the percentage of requests that Amazon SageMaker replicates.

    • SourceModelVariantName (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      The name of the production variant, which takes all the inference requests.

    • ShadowModelVariants (list) -- [REQUIRED]

      List of shadow variant configurations.

      • (dict) --

        The name and sampling percentage of a shadow variant.

        • ShadowModelVariantName (string) -- [REQUIRED]

          The name of the shadow variant.

        • SamplingPercentage (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

          The percentage of inference requests that Amazon SageMaker replicates from the production variant to the shadow variant.

Return type



Response Syntax

    'InferenceExperimentArn': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • InferenceExperimentArn (string) --

      The ARN of the updated inference experiment.


  • SageMaker.Client.exceptions.ConflictException
  • SageMaker.Client.exceptions.ResourceNotFound