

Updates an existing media stream.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.update_flow_media_stream(
        'Fmtp': {
            'ChannelOrder': 'string',
            'Colorimetry': 'BT601'|'BT709'|'BT2020'|'BT2100'|'ST2065-1'|'ST2065-3'|'XYZ',
            'ExactFramerate': 'string',
            'Par': 'string',
            'Range': 'NARROW'|'FULL'|'FULLPROTECT',
            'ScanMode': 'progressive'|'interlace'|'progressive-segmented-frame',
            'Tcs': 'SDR'|'PQ'|'HLG'|'LINEAR'|'BT2100LINPQ'|'BT2100LINHLG'|'ST2065-1'|'ST428-1'|'DENSITY'
        'Lang': 'string'
  • Attributes (dict) --

    The attributes that you want to assign to the media stream.

    • Fmtp (dict) -- The settings that you want to use to define the media stream.
      • ChannelOrder (string) -- The format of the audio channel.
      • Colorimetry (string) -- The format that is used for the representation of color.
      • ExactFramerate (string) -- The frame rate for the video stream, in frames/second. For example: 60000/1001. If you specify a whole number, MediaConnect uses a ratio of N/1. For example, if you specify 60, MediaConnect uses 60/1 as the exactFramerate.
      • Par (string) -- The pixel aspect ratio (PAR) of the video.
      • Range (string) -- The encoding range of the video.
      • ScanMode (string) -- The type of compression that was used to smooth the video’s appearance.
      • Tcs (string) -- The transfer characteristic system (TCS) that is used in the video.
    • Lang (string) -- The audio language, in a format that is recognized by the receiver.
  • ClockRate (integer) -- The sample rate (in Hz) for the stream. If the media stream type is video or ancillary data, set this value to 90000. If the media stream type is audio, set this value to either 48000 or 96000.
  • Description (string) -- Description
  • FlowArn (string) -- [REQUIRED] The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the flow.
  • MediaStreamName (string) -- [REQUIRED] The name of the media stream that you want to update.
  • MediaStreamType (string) -- The type of media stream.
  • VideoFormat (string) -- The resolution of the video.
Return type



Response Syntax

    'FlowArn': 'string',
    'MediaStream': {
        'Attributes': {
            'Fmtp': {
                'ChannelOrder': 'string',
                'Colorimetry': 'BT601'|'BT709'|'BT2020'|'BT2100'|'ST2065-1'|'ST2065-3'|'XYZ',
                'ExactFramerate': 'string',
                'Par': 'string',
                'Range': 'NARROW'|'FULL'|'FULLPROTECT',
                'ScanMode': 'progressive'|'interlace'|'progressive-segmented-frame',
                'Tcs': 'SDR'|'PQ'|'HLG'|'LINEAR'|'BT2100LINPQ'|'BT2100LINHLG'|'ST2065-1'|'ST428-1'|'DENSITY'
            'Lang': 'string'
        'ClockRate': 123,
        'Description': 'string',
        'Fmt': 123,
        'MediaStreamId': 123,
        'MediaStreamName': 'string',
        'MediaStreamType': 'video'|'audio'|'ancillary-data',
        'VideoFormat': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) -- MediaConnect is updating the media stream.
    • FlowArn (string) -- The ARN of the flow that is associated with the media stream that you updated.
    • MediaStream (dict) -- The media stream that you updated.
      • Attributes (dict) -- Attributes that are related to the media stream.
        • Fmtp (dict) -- A set of parameters that define the media stream.
          • ChannelOrder (string) -- The format of the audio channel.
          • Colorimetry (string) -- The format that is used for the representation of color.
          • ExactFramerate (string) -- The frame rate for the video stream, in frames/second. For example: 60000/1001. If you specify a whole number, MediaConnect uses a ratio of N/1. For example, if you specify 60, MediaConnect uses 60/1 as the exactFramerate.
          • Par (string) -- The pixel aspect ratio (PAR) of the video.
          • Range (string) -- The encoding range of the video.
          • ScanMode (string) -- The type of compression that was used to smooth the video’s appearance
          • Tcs (string) -- The transfer characteristic system (TCS) that is used in the video.
        • Lang (string) -- The audio language, in a format that is recognized by the receiver.
      • ClockRate (integer) -- The sample rate for the stream. This value is measured in Hz.
      • Description (string) -- A description that can help you quickly identify what your media stream is used for.
      • Fmt (integer) -- The format type number (sometimes referred to as RTP payload type) of the media stream. MediaConnect assigns this value to the media stream. For ST 2110 JPEG XS outputs, you need to provide this value to the receiver.
      • MediaStreamId (integer) -- A unique identifier for the media stream.
      • MediaStreamName (string) -- A name that helps you distinguish one media stream from another.
      • MediaStreamType (string) -- The type of media stream.
      • VideoFormat (string) -- The resolution of the video.


  • MediaConnect.Client.exceptions.BadRequestException
  • MediaConnect.Client.exceptions.InternalServerErrorException
  • MediaConnect.Client.exceptions.ForbiddenException
  • MediaConnect.Client.exceptions.NotFoundException
  • MediaConnect.Client.exceptions.ServiceUnavailableException
  • MediaConnect.Client.exceptions.TooManyRequestsException