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Describes the anomalies or errors associated with the problem.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.describe_problem_observations(
ProblemId (string) --


The ID of the problem.

Return type
Response Syntax
    'RelatedObservations': {
        'ObservationList': [
                'Id': 'string',
                'StartTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                'EndTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                'SourceType': 'string',
                'SourceARN': 'string',
                'LogGroup': 'string',
                'LineTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                'LogText': 'string',
                'LogFilter': 'ERROR'|'WARN'|'INFO',
                'MetricNamespace': 'string',
                'MetricName': 'string',
                'Unit': 'string',
                'Value': 123.0,
                'CloudWatchEventId': 'string',
                'CloudWatchEventSource': 'EC2'|'CODE_DEPLOY'|'HEALTH'|'RDS',
                'CloudWatchEventDetailType': 'string',
                'HealthEventArn': 'string',
                'HealthService': 'string',
                'HealthEventTypeCode': 'string',
                'HealthEventTypeCategory': 'string',
                'HealthEventDescription': 'string',
                'CodeDeployDeploymentId': 'string',
                'CodeDeployDeploymentGroup': 'string',
                'CodeDeployState': 'string',
                'CodeDeployApplication': 'string',
                'CodeDeployInstanceGroupId': 'string',
                'Ec2State': 'string',
                'RdsEventCategories': 'string',
                'RdsEventMessage': 'string',
                'S3EventName': 'string',
                'StatesExecutionArn': 'string',
                'StatesArn': 'string',
                'StatesStatus': 'string',
                'StatesInput': 'string',
                'EbsEvent': 'string',
                'EbsResult': 'string',
                'EbsCause': 'string',
                'EbsRequestId': 'string',
                'XRayFaultPercent': 123,
                'XRayThrottlePercent': 123,
                'XRayErrorPercent': 123,
                'XRayRequestCount': 123,
                'XRayRequestAverageLatency': 123,
                'XRayNodeName': 'string',
                'XRayNodeType': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --
    • RelatedObservations (dict) --

      Observations related to the problem.

      • ObservationList (list) --

        The list of observations related to the problem.

        • (dict) --

          Describes an anomaly or error with the application.

          • Id (string) --

            The ID of the observation type.

          • StartTime (datetime) --

            The time when the observation was first detected, in epoch seconds.

          • EndTime (datetime) --

            The time when the observation ended, in epoch seconds.

          • SourceType (string) --

            The source type of the observation.

          • SourceARN (string) --

            The source resource ARN of the observation.

          • LogGroup (string) --

            The log group name.

          • LineTime (datetime) --

            The timestamp in the CloudWatch Logs that specifies when the matched line occurred.

          • LogText (string) --

            The log text of the observation.

          • LogFilter (string) --

            The log filter of the observation.

          • MetricNamespace (string) --

            The namespace of the observation metric.

          • MetricName (string) --

            The name of the observation metric.

          • Unit (string) --

            The unit of the source observation metric.

          • Value (float) --

            The value of the source observation metric.

          • CloudWatchEventId (string) --

            The ID of the CloudWatch Event-based observation related to the detected problem.

          • CloudWatchEventSource (string) --

            The source of the CloudWatch Event.

          • CloudWatchEventDetailType (string) --

            The detail type of the CloudWatch Event-based observation, for example, EC2 Instance State-change Notification .

          • HealthEventArn (string) --

            The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Health Event-based observation.

          • HealthService (string) --

            The service to which the AWS Health Event belongs, such as EC2.

          • HealthEventTypeCode (string) --

            The type of the AWS Health event, for example, AWS_EC2_POWER_CONNECTIVITY_ISSUE .

          • HealthEventTypeCategory (string) --

            The category of the AWS Health event, such as issue .

          • HealthEventDescription (string) --

            The description of the AWS Health event provided by the service, such as Amazon EC2.

          • CodeDeployDeploymentId (string) --

            The deployment ID of the CodeDeploy-based observation related to the detected problem.

          • CodeDeployDeploymentGroup (string) --

            The deployment group to which the CodeDeploy deployment belongs.

          • CodeDeployState (string) --

            The status of the CodeDeploy deployment, for example SUCCESS or FAILURE .

          • CodeDeployApplication (string) --

            The CodeDeploy application to which the deployment belongs.

          • CodeDeployInstanceGroupId (string) --

            The instance group to which the CodeDeploy instance belongs.

          • Ec2State (string) --

            The state of the instance, such as STOPPING or TERMINATING .

          • RdsEventCategories (string) --

            The category of an RDS event.

          • RdsEventMessage (string) --

            The message of an RDS event.

          • S3EventName (string) --

            The name of the S3 CloudWatch Event-based observation.

          • StatesExecutionArn (string) --

            The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the step function execution-based observation.

          • StatesArn (string) --

            The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the step function-based observation.

          • StatesStatus (string) --

            The status of the step function-related observation.

          • StatesInput (string) --

            The input to the step function-based observation.

          • EbsEvent (string) --

            The type of EBS CloudWatch event, such as createVolume , deleteVolume or attachVolume .

          • EbsResult (string) --

            The result of an EBS CloudWatch event, such as failed or succeeded .

          • EbsCause (string) --

            The cause of an EBS CloudWatch event.

          • EbsRequestId (string) --

            The request ID of an EBS CloudWatch event.

          • XRayFaultPercent (integer) --

            The X-Ray request fault percentage for this node.

          • XRayThrottlePercent (integer) --

            The X-Ray request throttle percentage for this node.

          • XRayErrorPercent (integer) --

            The X-Ray request error percentage for this node.

          • XRayRequestCount (integer) --

            The X-Ray request count for this node.

          • XRayRequestAverageLatency (integer) --

            The X-Ray node request average latency for this node.

          • XRayNodeName (string) --

            The name of the X-Ray node.

          • XRayNodeType (string) --

            The type of the X-Ray node.


  • ApplicationInsights.Client.exceptions.InternalServerException
  • ApplicationInsights.Client.exceptions.ValidationException
  • ApplicationInsights.Client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException