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Disables the event data store specified by EventDataStore , which accepts an event data store ARN. After you run DeleteEventDataStore , the event data store enters a PENDING_DELETION state, and is automatically deleted after a wait period of seven days. TerminationProtectionEnabled must be set to False on the event data store; this operation cannot work if TerminationProtectionEnabled is True .

After you run DeleteEventDataStore on an event data store, you cannot run ListQueries , DescribeQuery , or GetQueryResults on queries that are using an event data store in a PENDING_DELETION state. An event data store in the PENDING_DELETION state does not incur costs.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.delete_event_data_store(
EventDataStore (string) --


The ARN (or the ID suffix of the ARN) of the event data store to delete.

Return type
Response Syntax

Response Structure

  • (dict) --


  • CloudTrail.Client.exceptions.EventDataStoreARNInvalidException
  • CloudTrail.Client.exceptions.EventDataStoreNotFoundException
  • CloudTrail.Client.exceptions.EventDataStoreTerminationProtectedException
  • CloudTrail.Client.exceptions.EventDataStoreHasOngoingImportException
  • CloudTrail.Client.exceptions.InactiveEventDataStoreException
  • CloudTrail.Client.exceptions.InvalidParameterException
  • CloudTrail.Client.exceptions.OperationNotPermittedException
  • CloudTrail.Client.exceptions.UnsupportedOperationException
  • CloudTrail.Client.exceptions.NotOrganizationMasterAccountException
  • CloudTrail.Client.exceptions.NoManagementAccountSLRExistsException
  • CloudTrail.Client.exceptions.ChannelExistsForEDSException
  • CloudTrail.Client.exceptions.InsufficientDependencyServiceAccessPermissionException