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Inspects the text of a batch of documents for the syntax and part of speech of the words in the document and returns information about them. For more information, see Syntax in the Comprehend Developer Guide.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.batch_detect_syntax(
  • TextList (list) --


    A list containing the UTF-8 encoded text of the input documents. The list can contain a maximum of 25 documents. The maximum size for each document is 5 KB.

    • (string) --
  • LanguageCode (string) --


    The language of the input documents. You can specify any of the following languages supported by Amazon Comprehend: German ("de"), English ("en"), Spanish ("es"), French ("fr"), Italian ("it"), or Portuguese ("pt"). All documents must be in the same language.

Return type



Response Syntax

    'ResultList': [
            'Index': 123,
            'SyntaxTokens': [
                    'TokenId': 123,
                    'Text': 'string',
                    'BeginOffset': 123,
                    'EndOffset': 123,
                    'PartOfSpeech': {
                        'Tag': 'ADJ'|'ADP'|'ADV'|'AUX'|'CONJ'|'CCONJ'|'DET'|'INTJ'|'NOUN'|'NUM'|'O'|'PART'|'PRON'|'PROPN'|'PUNCT'|'SCONJ'|'SYM'|'VERB',
                        'Score': ...
    'ErrorList': [
            'Index': 123,
            'ErrorCode': 'string',
            'ErrorMessage': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • ResultList (list) --

      A list of objects containing the results of the operation. The results are sorted in ascending order by the Index field and match the order of the documents in the input list. If all of the documents contain an error, the ResultList is empty.

      • (dict) --

        The result of calling the operation. The operation returns one object that is successfully processed by the operation.

        • Index (integer) --

          The zero-based index of the document in the input list.

        • SyntaxTokens (list) --

          The syntax tokens for the words in the document, one token for each word.

          • (dict) --

            Represents a work in the input text that was recognized and assigned a part of speech. There is one syntax token record for each word in the source text.

            • TokenId (integer) --

              A unique identifier for a token.

            • Text (string) --

              The word that was recognized in the source text.

            • BeginOffset (integer) --

              The zero-based offset from the beginning of the source text to the first character in the word.

            • EndOffset (integer) --

              The zero-based offset from the beginning of the source text to the last character in the word.

            • PartOfSpeech (dict) --

              Provides the part of speech label and the confidence level that Amazon Comprehend has that the part of speech was correctly identified. For more information, see Syntax in the Comprehend Developer Guide.

              • Tag (string) --

                Identifies the part of speech that the token represents.

              • Score (float) --

                The confidence that Amazon Comprehend has that the part of speech was correctly identified.

    • ErrorList (list) --

      A list containing one object for each document that contained an error. The results are sorted in ascending order by the Index field and match the order of the documents in the input list. If there are no errors in the batch, the ErrorList is empty.

      • (dict) --

        Describes an error that occurred while processing a document in a batch. The operation returns on BatchItemError object for each document that contained an error.

        • Index (integer) --

          The zero-based index of the document in the input list.

        • ErrorCode (string) --

          The numeric error code of the error.

        • ErrorMessage (string) --

          A text description of the error.


  • Comprehend.Client.exceptions.InvalidRequestException
  • Comprehend.Client.exceptions.TextSizeLimitExceededException
  • Comprehend.Client.exceptions.UnsupportedLanguageException
  • Comprehend.Client.exceptions.BatchSizeLimitExceededException
  • Comprehend.Client.exceptions.InternalServerException