

Obtains directory limit information for the current Region.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.get_directory_limits()
Return type
Response Syntax
    'DirectoryLimits': {
        'CloudOnlyDirectoriesLimit': 123,
        'CloudOnlyDirectoriesCurrentCount': 123,
        'CloudOnlyDirectoriesLimitReached': True|False,
        'CloudOnlyMicrosoftADLimit': 123,
        'CloudOnlyMicrosoftADCurrentCount': 123,
        'CloudOnlyMicrosoftADLimitReached': True|False,
        'ConnectedDirectoriesLimit': 123,
        'ConnectedDirectoriesCurrentCount': 123,
        'ConnectedDirectoriesLimitReached': True|False

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    Contains the results of the GetDirectoryLimits operation.

    • DirectoryLimits (dict) --

      A DirectoryLimits object that contains the directory limits for the current Region.

      • CloudOnlyDirectoriesLimit (integer) --

        The maximum number of cloud directories allowed in the Region.

      • CloudOnlyDirectoriesCurrentCount (integer) --

        The current number of cloud directories in the Region.

      • CloudOnlyDirectoriesLimitReached (boolean) --

        Indicates if the cloud directory limit has been reached.

      • CloudOnlyMicrosoftADLimit (integer) --

        The maximum number of Managed Microsoft AD directories allowed in the region.

      • CloudOnlyMicrosoftADCurrentCount (integer) --

        The current number of Managed Microsoft AD directories in the region.

      • CloudOnlyMicrosoftADLimitReached (boolean) --

        Indicates if the Managed Microsoft AD directory limit has been reached.

      • ConnectedDirectoriesLimit (integer) --

        The maximum number of connected directories allowed in the Region.

      • ConnectedDirectoriesCurrentCount (integer) --

        The current number of connected directories in the Region.

      • ConnectedDirectoriesLimitReached (boolean) --

        Indicates if the connected directory limit has been reached.


  • DirectoryService.Client.exceptions.EntityDoesNotExistException
  • DirectoryService.Client.exceptions.ClientException
  • DirectoryService.Client.exceptions.ServiceException