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Creates a listing for Amazon EC2 Standard Reserved Instances to be sold in the Reserved Instance Marketplace. You can submit one Standard Reserved Instance listing at a time. To get a list of your Standard Reserved Instances, you can use the DescribeReservedInstances operation.


Only Standard Reserved Instances can be sold in the Reserved Instance Marketplace. Convertible Reserved Instances cannot be sold.

The Reserved Instance Marketplace matches sellers who want to resell Standard Reserved Instance capacity that they no longer need with buyers who want to purchase additional capacity. Reserved Instances bought and sold through the Reserved Instance Marketplace work like any other Reserved Instances.

To sell your Standard Reserved Instances, you must first register as a seller in the Reserved Instance Marketplace. After completing the registration process, you can create a Reserved Instance Marketplace listing of some or all of your Standard Reserved Instances, and specify the upfront price to receive for them. Your Standard Reserved Instance listings then become available for purchase. To view the details of your Standard Reserved Instance listing, you can use the DescribeReservedInstancesListings operation.

For more information, see Reserved Instance Marketplace in the Amazon EC2 User Guide .

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.create_reserved_instances_listing(
            'CurrencyCode': 'USD',
            'Price': 123.0,
            'Term': 123
  • ClientToken (string) --


    Unique, case-sensitive identifier you provide to ensure idempotency of your listings. This helps avoid duplicate listings. For more information, see Ensuring Idempotency.

  • InstanceCount (integer) --


    The number of instances that are a part of a Reserved Instance account to be listed in the Reserved Instance Marketplace. This number should be less than or equal to the instance count associated with the Reserved Instance ID specified in this call.

  • PriceSchedules (list) --


    A list specifying the price of the Standard Reserved Instance for each month remaining in the Reserved Instance term.

    • (dict) --

      Describes the price for a Reserved Instance.

      • CurrencyCode (string) --

        The currency for transacting the Reserved Instance resale. At this time, the only supported currency is USD .

      • Price (float) --

        The fixed price for the term.

      • Term (integer) --

        The number of months remaining in the reservation. For example, 2 is the second to the last month before the capacity reservation expires.

  • ReservedInstancesId (string) --


    The ID of the active Standard Reserved Instance.

Return type



Response Syntax

    'ReservedInstancesListings': [
            'ClientToken': 'string',
            'CreateDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'InstanceCounts': [
                    'InstanceCount': 123,
                    'State': 'available'|'sold'|'cancelled'|'pending'
            'PriceSchedules': [
                    'Active': True|False,
                    'CurrencyCode': 'USD',
                    'Price': 123.0,
                    'Term': 123
            'ReservedInstancesId': 'string',
            'ReservedInstancesListingId': 'string',
            'Status': 'active'|'pending'|'cancelled'|'closed',
            'StatusMessage': 'string',
            'Tags': [
                    'Key': 'string',
                    'Value': 'string'
            'UpdateDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1)

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    Contains the output of CreateReservedInstancesListing.

    • ReservedInstancesListings (list) --

      Information about the Standard Reserved Instance listing.

      • (dict) --

        Describes a Reserved Instance listing.

        • ClientToken (string) --

          A unique, case-sensitive key supplied by the client to ensure that the request is idempotent. For more information, see Ensuring Idempotency.

        • CreateDate (datetime) --

          The time the listing was created.

        • InstanceCounts (list) --

          The number of instances in this state.

          • (dict) --

            Describes a Reserved Instance listing state.

            • InstanceCount (integer) --

              The number of listed Reserved Instances in the state specified by the state .

            • State (string) --

              The states of the listed Reserved Instances.

        • PriceSchedules (list) --

          The price of the Reserved Instance listing.

          • (dict) --

            Describes the price for a Reserved Instance.

            • Active (boolean) --

              The current price schedule, as determined by the term remaining for the Reserved Instance in the listing.

              A specific price schedule is always in effect, but only one price schedule can be active at any time. Take, for example, a Reserved Instance listing that has five months remaining in its term. When you specify price schedules for five months and two months, this means that schedule 1, covering the first three months of the remaining term, will be active during months 5, 4, and 3. Then schedule 2, covering the last two months of the term, will be active for months 2 and 1.

            • CurrencyCode (string) --

              The currency for transacting the Reserved Instance resale. At this time, the only supported currency is USD .

            • Price (float) --

              The fixed price for the term.

            • Term (integer) --

              The number of months remaining in the reservation. For example, 2 is the second to the last month before the capacity reservation expires.

        • ReservedInstancesId (string) --

          The ID of the Reserved Instance.

        • ReservedInstancesListingId (string) --

          The ID of the Reserved Instance listing.

        • Status (string) --

          The status of the Reserved Instance listing.

        • StatusMessage (string) --

          The reason for the current status of the Reserved Instance listing. The response can be blank.

        • Tags (list) --

          Any tags assigned to the resource.

          • (dict) --

            Describes a tag.

            • Key (string) --

              The key of the tag.

              Constraints: Tag keys are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 127 Unicode characters. May not begin with aws: .

            • Value (string) --

              The value of the tag.

              Constraints: Tag values are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 256 Unicode characters.

        • UpdateDate (datetime) --

          The last modified timestamp of the listing.