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Takes a set of configuration settings and either a configuration template or environment, and determines whether those values are valid.

This action returns a list of messages indicating any errors or warnings associated with the selection of option values.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.validate_configuration_settings(
            'ResourceName': 'string',
            'Namespace': 'string',
            'OptionName': 'string',
            'Value': 'string'
  • ApplicationName (string) --


    The name of the application that the configuration template or environment belongs to.

  • TemplateName (string) --

    The name of the configuration template to validate the settings against.

    Condition: You cannot specify both this and an environment name.

  • EnvironmentName (string) --

    The name of the environment to validate the settings against.

    Condition: You cannot specify both this and a configuration template name.

  • OptionSettings (list) --


    A list of the options and desired values to evaluate.

    • (dict) --

      A specification identifying an individual configuration option along with its current value. For a list of possible namespaces and option values, see Option Values in the AWS Elastic Beanstalk Developer Guide .

      • ResourceName (string) --

        A unique resource name for the option setting. Use it for a time–based scaling configuration option.

      • Namespace (string) --

        A unique namespace that identifies the option's associated AWS resource.

      • OptionName (string) --

        The name of the configuration option.

      • Value (string) --

        The current value for the configuration option.

Return type



Response Syntax

    'Messages': [
            'Message': 'string',
            'Severity': 'error'|'warning',
            'Namespace': 'string',
            'OptionName': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    Provides a list of validation messages.

    • Messages (list) --

      A list of ValidationMessage.

      • (dict) --

        An error or warning for a desired configuration option value.

        • Message (string) --

          A message describing the error or warning.

        • Severity (string) --

          An indication of the severity of this message:

          • error : This message indicates that this is not a valid setting for an option.
          • warning : This message is providing information you should take into account.
        • Namespace (string) --

          The namespace to which the option belongs.

        • OptionName (string) --

          The name of the option.


  • ElasticBeanstalk.Client.exceptions.InsufficientPrivilegesException
  • ElasticBeanstalk.Client.exceptions.TooManyBucketsException


The following operation validates a CloudWatch custom metrics config document:

response = client.validate_configuration_settings(
            'Namespace': 'aws:elasticbeanstalk:healthreporting:system',
            'OptionName': 'ConfigDocument',
            'Value': '{"CloudWatchMetrics": {"Environment": {"ApplicationLatencyP99.9": null,"InstancesSevere": 60,"ApplicationLatencyP90": 60,"ApplicationLatencyP99": null,"ApplicationLatencyP95": 60,"InstancesUnknown": 60,"ApplicationLatencyP85": 60,"InstancesInfo": null,"ApplicationRequests2xx": null,"InstancesDegraded": null,"InstancesWarning": 60,"ApplicationLatencyP50": 60,"ApplicationRequestsTotal": null,"InstancesNoData": null,"InstancesPending": 60,"ApplicationLatencyP10": null,"ApplicationRequests5xx": null,"ApplicationLatencyP75": null,"InstancesOk": 60,"ApplicationRequests3xx": null,"ApplicationRequests4xx": null},"Instance": {"ApplicationLatencyP99.9": null,"ApplicationLatencyP90": 60,"ApplicationLatencyP99": null,"ApplicationLatencyP95": null,"ApplicationLatencyP85": null,"CPUUser": 60,"ApplicationRequests2xx": null,"CPUIdle": null,"ApplicationLatencyP50": null,"ApplicationRequestsTotal": 60,"RootFilesystemUtil": null,"LoadAverage1min": null,"CPUIrq": null,"CPUNice": 60,"CPUIowait": 60,"ApplicationLatencyP10": null,"LoadAverage5min": null,"ApplicationRequests5xx": null,"ApplicationLatencyP75": 60,"CPUSystem": 60,"ApplicationRequests3xx": 60,"ApplicationRequests4xx": null,"InstanceHealth": null,"CPUSoftirq": 60}},"Version": 1}',


Expected Output:

    'Messages': [
    'ResponseMetadata': {
        '...': '...',