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The TestRole operation tests the IAM role used to create the pipeline.

The TestRole action lets you determine whether the IAM role you are using has sufficient permissions to let Elastic Transcoder perform tasks associated with the transcoding process. The action attempts to assume the specified IAM role, checks read access to the input and output buckets, and tries to send a test notification to Amazon SNS topics that you specify.


This operation is deprecated and may not function as expected. This operation should not be used going forward and is only kept for the purpose of backwards compatiblity.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.test_role(
  • Role (string) --


    The IAM Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the role that you want Elastic Transcoder to test.

  • InputBucket (string) --


    The Amazon S3 bucket that contains media files to be transcoded. The action attempts to read from this bucket.

  • OutputBucket (string) --


    The Amazon S3 bucket that Elastic Transcoder writes transcoded media files to. The action attempts to read from this bucket.

  • Topics (list) --


    The ARNs of one or more Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topics that you want the action to send a test notification to.

    • (string) --
Return type



Response Syntax

    'Success': 'string',
    'Messages': [

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    The TestRoleResponse structure.

    • Success (string) --

      If the operation is successful, this value is true ; otherwise, the value is false .

    • Messages (list) --

      If the Success element contains false , this value is an array of one or more error messages that were generated during the test process.

      • (string) --


  • ElasticTranscoder.Client.exceptions.ValidationException
  • ElasticTranscoder.Client.exceptions.IncompatibleVersionException
  • ElasticTranscoder.Client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException
  • ElasticTranscoder.Client.exceptions.AccessDeniedException
  • ElasticTranscoder.Client.exceptions.InternalServiceException