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Lists the IP address ranges that were specified in calls to ProvisionByoipCidr, including the current state and a history of state changes.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.list_byoip_cidrs(
  • MaxResults (integer) -- The maximum number of results to return with a single call. To retrieve the remaining results, make another call with the returned nextToken value.
  • NextToken (string) -- The token for the next page of results.
Return type



Response Syntax

    'ByoipCidrs': [
            'Cidr': 'string',
            'Events': [
                    'Message': 'string',
                    'Timestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1)
    'NextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • ByoipCidrs (list) --

      Information about your address ranges.

      • (dict) --

        Information about an IP address range that is provisioned for use with your Amazon Web Services resources through bring your own IP address (BYOIP).

        The following describes each BYOIP State that your IP address range can be in.

        • PENDING_PROVISIONING — You’ve submitted a request to provision an IP address range but it is not yet provisioned with Global Accelerator.
        • READY — The address range is provisioned with Global Accelerator and can be advertised.
        • PENDING_ADVERTISING — You’ve submitted a request for Global Accelerator to advertise an address range but it is not yet being advertised.
        • ADVERTISING — The address range is being advertised by Global Accelerator.
        • PENDING_WITHDRAWING — You’ve submitted a request to withdraw an address range from being advertised but it is still being advertised by Global Accelerator.
        • PENDING_DEPROVISIONING — You’ve submitted a request to deprovision an address range from Global Accelerator but it is still provisioned.
        • DEPROVISIONED — The address range is deprovisioned from Global Accelerator.
        • FAILED_PROVISION — The request to provision the address range from Global Accelerator was not successful. Please make sure that you provide all of the correct information, and try again. If the request fails a second time, contact Amazon Web Services support.
        • FAILED_ADVERTISING — The request for Global Accelerator to advertise the address range was not successful. Please make sure that you provide all of the correct information, and try again. If the request fails a second time, contact Amazon Web Services support.
        • FAILED_WITHDRAW — The request to withdraw the address range from advertising by Global Accelerator was not successful. Please make sure that you provide all of the correct information, and try again. If the request fails a second time, contact Amazon Web Services support.
        • FAILED_DEPROVISION — The request to deprovision the address range from Global Accelerator was not successful. Please make sure that you provide all of the correct information, and try again. If the request fails a second time, contact Amazon Web Services support.
        • Cidr (string) --

          The address range, in CIDR notation.

        • State (string) --

          The state of the address pool.

        • Events (list) --

          A history of status changes for an IP address range that you bring to Global Accelerator through bring your own IP address (BYOIP).

          • (dict) --

            A complex type that contains a Message and a Timestamp value for changes that you make in the status of an IP address range that you bring to Global Accelerator through bring your own IP address (BYOIP).

            • Message (string) --

              A string that contains an Event message describing changes that you make in the status of an IP address range that you bring to Global Accelerator through bring your own IP address (BYOIP).

            • Timestamp (datetime) --

              A timestamp for when you make a status change for an IP address range that you bring to Global Accelerator through bring your own IP address (BYOIP).

    • NextToken (string) --

      The token for the next page of results.


  • GlobalAccelerator.Client.exceptions.InternalServiceErrorException
  • GlobalAccelerator.Client.exceptions.InvalidArgumentException
  • GlobalAccelerator.Client.exceptions.AccessDeniedException
  • GlobalAccelerator.Client.exceptions.InvalidNextTokenException