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Retrieves information about a resource definition version, including which resources are included in the version.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.get_resource_definition_version(
  • ResourceDefinitionId (string) -- [REQUIRED] The ID of the resource definition.
  • ResourceDefinitionVersionId (string) -- [REQUIRED] The ID of the resource definition version. This value maps to the ''Version'' property of the corresponding ''VersionInformation'' object, which is returned by ''ListResourceDefinitionVersions'' requests. If the version is the last one that was associated with a resource definition, the value also maps to the ''LatestVersion'' property of the corresponding ''DefinitionInformation'' object.
Return type



Response Syntax

    'Arn': 'string',
    'CreationTimestamp': 'string',
    'Definition': {
        'Resources': [
                'Id': 'string',
                'Name': 'string',
                'ResourceDataContainer': {
                    'LocalDeviceResourceData': {
                        'GroupOwnerSetting': {
                            'AutoAddGroupOwner': True|False,
                            'GroupOwner': 'string'
                        'SourcePath': 'string'
                    'LocalVolumeResourceData': {
                        'DestinationPath': 'string',
                        'GroupOwnerSetting': {
                            'AutoAddGroupOwner': True|False,
                            'GroupOwner': 'string'
                        'SourcePath': 'string'
                    'S3MachineLearningModelResourceData': {
                        'DestinationPath': 'string',
                        'OwnerSetting': {
                            'GroupOwner': 'string',
                            'GroupPermission': 'ro'|'rw'
                        'S3Uri': 'string'
                    'SageMakerMachineLearningModelResourceData': {
                        'DestinationPath': 'string',
                        'OwnerSetting': {
                            'GroupOwner': 'string',
                            'GroupPermission': 'ro'|'rw'
                        'SageMakerJobArn': 'string'
                    'SecretsManagerSecretResourceData': {
                        'ARN': 'string',
                        'AdditionalStagingLabelsToDownload': [
    'Id': 'string',
    'Version': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) -- success
    • Arn (string) -- Arn of the resource definition version.
    • CreationTimestamp (string) -- The time, in milliseconds since the epoch, when the resource definition version was created.
    • Definition (dict) -- Information about the definition.
      • Resources (list) -- A list of resources.
        • (dict) -- Information about a resource.
          • Id (string) -- The resource ID, used to refer to a resource in the Lambda function configuration. Max length is 128 characters with pattern ''[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+''. This must be unique within a Greengrass group.
          • Name (string) -- The descriptive resource name, which is displayed on the AWS IoT Greengrass console. Max length 128 characters with pattern ''[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]+''. This must be unique within a Greengrass group.
          • ResourceDataContainer (dict) -- A container of data for all resource types.
            • LocalDeviceResourceData (dict) -- Attributes that define the local device resource.
              • GroupOwnerSetting (dict) -- Group/owner related settings for local resources.
                • AutoAddGroupOwner (boolean) -- If true, AWS IoT Greengrass automatically adds the specified Linux OS group owner of the resource to the Lambda process privileges. Thus the Lambda process will have the file access permissions of the added Linux group.
                • GroupOwner (string) -- The name of the Linux OS group whose privileges will be added to the Lambda process. This field is optional.
              • SourcePath (string) -- The local absolute path of the device resource. The source path for a device resource can refer only to a character device or block device under ''/dev''.
            • LocalVolumeResourceData (dict) -- Attributes that define the local volume resource.
              • DestinationPath (string) -- The absolute local path of the resource inside the Lambda environment.
              • GroupOwnerSetting (dict) -- Allows you to configure additional group privileges for the Lambda process. This field is optional.
                • AutoAddGroupOwner (boolean) -- If true, AWS IoT Greengrass automatically adds the specified Linux OS group owner of the resource to the Lambda process privileges. Thus the Lambda process will have the file access permissions of the added Linux group.
                • GroupOwner (string) -- The name of the Linux OS group whose privileges will be added to the Lambda process. This field is optional.
              • SourcePath (string) -- The local absolute path of the volume resource on the host. The source path for a volume resource type cannot start with ''/sys''.
            • S3MachineLearningModelResourceData (dict) -- Attributes that define an Amazon S3 machine learning resource.
              • DestinationPath (string) -- The absolute local path of the resource inside the Lambda environment.
              • OwnerSetting (dict) -- The owner setting for downloaded machine learning resources.
                • GroupOwner (string) -- The group owner of the resource. This is the name of an existing Linux OS group on the system or a GID. The group's permissions are added to the Lambda process.
                • GroupPermission (string) -- The permissions that the group owner has to the resource. Valid values are ''rw'' (read/write) or ''ro'' (read-only).
              • S3Uri (string) -- The URI of the source model in an S3 bucket. The model package must be in tar.gz or .zip format.
            • SageMakerMachineLearningModelResourceData (dict) -- Attributes that define an Amazon SageMaker machine learning resource.
              • DestinationPath (string) -- The absolute local path of the resource inside the Lambda environment.
              • OwnerSetting (dict) -- The owner setting for downloaded machine learning resources.
                • GroupOwner (string) -- The group owner of the resource. This is the name of an existing Linux OS group on the system or a GID. The group's permissions are added to the Lambda process.
                • GroupPermission (string) -- The permissions that the group owner has to the resource. Valid values are ''rw'' (read/write) or ''ro'' (read-only).
              • SageMakerJobArn (string) -- The ARN of the Amazon SageMaker training job that represents the source model.
            • SecretsManagerSecretResourceData (dict) -- Attributes that define a secret resource, which references a secret from AWS Secrets Manager.
              • ARN (string) -- The ARN of the Secrets Manager secret to make available on the core. The value of the secret's latest version (represented by the ''AWSCURRENT'' staging label) is included by default.
              • AdditionalStagingLabelsToDownload (list) -- Optional. The staging labels whose values you want to make available on the core, in addition to ''AWSCURRENT''.
                • (string) --
    • Id (string) -- The ID of the resource definition version.
    • Version (string) -- The version of the resource definition version.


  • Greengrass.Client.exceptions.BadRequestException