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Finds a place by its unique ID. A PlaceId is returned by other search operations.


A PlaceId is valid only if all of the following are the same in the original search request and the call to GetPlace .

  • Customer Amazon Web Services account
  • Amazon Web Services Region
  • Data provider specified in the place index resource

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.get_place(
  • IndexName (string) --


    The name of the place index resource that you want to use for the search.

  • Language (string) --

    The preferred language used to return results. The value must be a valid BCP 47 language tag, for example, en for English.

    This setting affects the languages used in the results, but not the results themselves. If no language is specified, or not supported for a particular result, the partner automatically chooses a language for the result.

    For an example, we'll use the Greek language. You search for a location around Athens, Greece, with the language parameter set to en . The city in the results will most likely be returned as Athens .

    If you set the language parameter to el , for Greek, then the city in the results will more likely be returned as Αθήνα .

    If the data provider does not have a value for Greek, the result will be in a language that the provider does support.

  • PlaceId (string) --


    The identifier of the place to find.

Return type



Response Syntax

    'Place': {
        'AddressNumber': 'string',
        'Country': 'string',
        'Geometry': {
            'Point': [
        'Interpolated': True|False,
        'Label': 'string',
        'Municipality': 'string',
        'Neighborhood': 'string',
        'PostalCode': 'string',
        'Region': 'string',
        'Street': 'string',
        'SubRegion': 'string',
        'TimeZone': {
            'Name': 'string',
            'Offset': 123
        'UnitNumber': 'string',
        'UnitType': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • Place (dict) --

      Details about the result, such as its address and position.

      • AddressNumber (string) --

        The numerical portion of an address, such as a building number.

      • Country (string) --

        A country/region specified using ISO 3166 3-digit country/region code. For example, CAN .

      • Geometry (dict) --

        Places uses a point geometry to specify a location or a Place.

        • Point (list) --

          A single point geometry specifies a location for a Place using WGS 84 coordinates:

          • x — Specifies the x coordinate or longitude.
          • y — Specifies the y coordinate or latitude.
          • (float) --
      • Interpolated (boolean) --

        True if the result is interpolated from other known places.

        False if the Place is a known place.

        Not returned when the partner does not provide the information.

        For example, returns False for an address location that is found in the partner data, but returns True if an address does not exist in the partner data and its location is calculated by interpolating between other known addresses.

      • Label (string) --

        The full name and address of the point of interest such as a city, region, or country. For example, 123 Any Street, Any Town, USA .

      • Municipality (string) --

        A name for a local area, such as a city or town name. For example, Toronto .

      • Neighborhood (string) --

        The name of a community district. For example, Downtown .

      • PostalCode (string) --

        A group of numbers and letters in a country-specific format, which accompanies the address for the purpose of identifying a location.

      • Region (string) --

        A name for an area or geographical division, such as a province or state name. For example, British Columbia .

      • Street (string) --

        The name for a street or a road to identify a location. For example, Main Street .

      • SubRegion (string) --

        A county, or an area that's part of a larger region. For example, Metro Vancouver .

      • TimeZone (dict) --

        The time zone in which the Place is located. Returned only when using HERE as the selected partner.

        • Name (string) --

          The name of the time zone, following the IANA time zone standard. For example, America/Los_Angeles .

        • Offset (integer) --

          The time zone's offset, in seconds, from UTC.

      • UnitNumber (string) --

        For addresses with multiple units, the unit identifier. Can include numbers and letters, for example 3B or Unit 123 .


        Returned only for a place index that uses Esri as a data provider. Is not returned for SearchPlaceIndexForPosition .

      • UnitType (string) --

        For addresses with a UnitNumber , the type of unit. For example, Apartment .


  • LocationService.Client.exceptions.InternalServerException
  • LocationService.Client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException
  • LocationService.Client.exceptions.AccessDeniedException
  • LocationService.Client.exceptions.ValidationException
  • LocationService.Client.exceptions.ThrottlingException