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Provides information on a specific data ingestion job such as creation time, dataset ARN, and status.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.describe_data_ingestion_job(
JobId (string) --


The job ID of the data ingestion job.

Return type
Response Syntax
    'JobId': 'string',
    'DatasetArn': 'string',
    'IngestionInputConfiguration': {
        'S3InputConfiguration': {
            'Bucket': 'string',
            'Prefix': 'string',
            'KeyPattern': 'string'
    'RoleArn': 'string',
    'CreatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'FailedReason': 'string',
    'DataQualitySummary': {
        'InsufficientSensorData': {
            'MissingCompleteSensorData': {
                'AffectedSensorCount': 123
            'SensorsWithShortDateRange': {
                'AffectedSensorCount': 123
        'MissingSensorData': {
            'AffectedSensorCount': 123,
            'TotalNumberOfMissingValues': 123
        'InvalidSensorData': {
            'AffectedSensorCount': 123,
            'TotalNumberOfInvalidValues': 123
        'UnsupportedTimestamps': {
            'TotalNumberOfUnsupportedTimestamps': 123
        'DuplicateTimestamps': {
            'TotalNumberOfDuplicateTimestamps': 123
    'IngestedFilesSummary': {
        'TotalNumberOfFiles': 123,
        'IngestedNumberOfFiles': 123,
        'DiscardedFiles': [
                'Bucket': 'string',
                'Key': 'string'
    'StatusDetail': 'string',
    'IngestedDataSize': 123,
    'DataStartTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'DataEndTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1)

Response Structure

  • (dict) --
    • JobId (string) --

      Indicates the job ID of the data ingestion job.

    • DatasetArn (string) --

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset being used in the data ingestion job.

    • IngestionInputConfiguration (dict) --

      Specifies the S3 location configuration for the data input for the data ingestion job.

      • S3InputConfiguration (dict) --

        The location information for the S3 bucket used for input data for the data ingestion.

        • Bucket (string) --

          The name of the S3 bucket used for the input data for the data ingestion.

        • Prefix (string) --

          The prefix for the S3 location being used for the input data for the data ingestion.

        • KeyPattern (string) --

          Pattern for matching the Amazon S3 files which will be used for ingestion. If no KeyPattern is provided, we will use the default hierarchy file structure, which is same as KeyPattern {prefix}/{component_name}/*

    • RoleArn (string) --

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an IAM role with permission to access the data source being ingested.

    • CreatedAt (datetime) --

      The time at which the data ingestion job was created.

    • Status (string) --

      Indicates the status of the DataIngestionJob operation.

    • FailedReason (string) --

      Specifies the reason for failure when a data ingestion job has failed.

    • DataQualitySummary (dict) --

      Gives statistics about a completed ingestion job. These statistics primarily relate to quantifying incorrect data such as MissingCompleteSensorData, MissingSensorData, UnsupportedDateFormats, InsufficientSensorData, and DuplicateTimeStamps.

      • InsufficientSensorData (dict) --

        Parameter that gives information about insufficient data for sensors in the dataset. This includes information about those sensors that have complete data missing and those with a short date range.

        • MissingCompleteSensorData (dict) --

          Parameter that describes the total number of sensors that have data completely missing for it.

          • AffectedSensorCount (integer) --

            Indicates the number of sensors that have data missing completely.

        • SensorsWithShortDateRange (dict) --

          Parameter that describes the total number of sensors that have a short date range of less than 90 days of data overall.

          • AffectedSensorCount (integer) --

            Indicates the number of sensors that have less than 90 days of data.

      • MissingSensorData (dict) --

        Parameter that gives information about data that is missing over all the sensors in the input data.

        • AffectedSensorCount (integer) --

          Indicates the number of sensors that have atleast some data missing.

        • TotalNumberOfMissingValues (integer) --

          Indicates the total number of missing values across all the sensors.

      • InvalidSensorData (dict) --

        Parameter that gives information about data that is invalid over all the sensors in the input data.

        • AffectedSensorCount (integer) --

          Indicates the number of sensors that have at least some invalid values.

        • TotalNumberOfInvalidValues (integer) --

          Indicates the total number of invalid values across all the sensors.

      • UnsupportedTimestamps (dict) --

        Parameter that gives information about unsupported timestamps in the input data.

        • TotalNumberOfUnsupportedTimestamps (integer) --

          Indicates the total number of unsupported timestamps across the ingested data.

      • DuplicateTimestamps (dict) --

        Parameter that gives information about duplicate timestamps in the input data.

        • TotalNumberOfDuplicateTimestamps (integer) --

          Indicates the total number of duplicate timestamps.

    • IngestedFilesSummary (dict) --

      Gives statistics about how many files have been ingested, and which files have not been ingested, for a particular ingestion job.

      • TotalNumberOfFiles (integer) --

        Indicates the total number of files that were submitted for ingestion.

      • IngestedNumberOfFiles (integer) --

        Indicates the number of files that were successfully ingested.

      • DiscardedFiles (list) --

        Indicates the number of files that were discarded. A file could be discarded because its format is invalid (for example, a jpg or pdf) or not readable.

        • (dict) --

          Contains information about an S3 bucket.

          • Bucket (string) --

            The name of the specific S3 bucket.

          • Key (string) --

            The AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key being used to encrypt the S3 object. Without this key, data in the bucket is not accessible.

    • StatusDetail (string) --

      Provides details about status of the ingestion job that is currently in progress.

    • IngestedDataSize (integer) --

      Indicates the size of the ingested dataset.

    • DataStartTime (datetime) --

      Indicates the earliest timestamp corresponding to data that was successfully ingested during this specific ingestion job.

    • DataEndTime (datetime) --

      Indicates the latest timestamp corresponding to data that was successfully ingested during this specific ingestion job.


  • LookoutEquipment.Client.exceptions.ValidationException
  • LookoutEquipment.Client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException
  • LookoutEquipment.Client.exceptions.ThrottlingException
  • LookoutEquipment.Client.exceptions.AccessDeniedException
  • LookoutEquipment.Client.exceptions.InternalServerException