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Describes a specific runtime environment.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.get_environment(
environmentId (string) --


The unique identifier of the runtime environment.

Return type
Response Syntax
    'actualCapacity': 123,
    'creationTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'description': 'string',
    'engineType': 'microfocus'|'bluage',
    'engineVersion': 'string',
    'environmentArn': 'string',
    'environmentId': 'string',
    'highAvailabilityConfig': {
        'desiredCapacity': 123
    'instanceType': 'string',
    'kmsKeyId': 'string',
    'loadBalancerArn': 'string',
    'name': 'string',
    'pendingMaintenance': {
        'engineVersion': 'string',
        'schedule': {
            'endTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'startTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1)
    'preferredMaintenanceWindow': 'string',
    'publiclyAccessible': True|False,
    'securityGroupIds': [
    'status': 'Creating'|'Available'|'Deleting'|'Failed'|'Updating',
    'statusReason': 'string',
    'storageConfigurations': [
            'efs': {
                'fileSystemId': 'string',
                'mountPoint': 'string'
            'fsx': {
                'fileSystemId': 'string',
                'mountPoint': 'string'
    'subnetIds': [
    'tags': {
        'string': 'string'
    'vpcId': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --
    • actualCapacity (integer) --

      The number of instances included in the runtime environment. A standalone runtime environment has a maxiumum of one instance. Currently, a high availability runtime environment has a maximum of two instances.

    • creationTime (datetime) --

      The timestamp when the runtime environment was created.

    • description (string) --

      The description of the runtime environment.

    • engineType (string) --

      The target platform for the runtime environment.

    • engineVersion (string) --

      The version of the runtime engine.

    • environmentArn (string) --

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the runtime environment.

    • environmentId (string) --

      The unique identifier of the runtime environment.

    • highAvailabilityConfig (dict) --

      The desired capacity of the high availability configuration for the runtime environment.

      • desiredCapacity (integer) --

        The number of instances in a high availability configuration.

    • instanceType (string) --

      The type of instance underlying the runtime environment.

    • kmsKeyId (string) --

      The identifier of a customer managed key.

    • loadBalancerArn (string) --

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the load balancer used with the runtime environment.

    • name (string) --

      The name of the runtime environment. Must be unique within the account.

    • pendingMaintenance (dict) --

      Indicates the pending maintenance scheduled on this environment.

      • engineVersion (string) --

        The specific runtime engine that the maintenance schedule applies to.

      • schedule (dict) --

        The maintenance schedule for the runtime engine version.

        • endTime (datetime) --

          The time the scheduled maintenance is to end.

        • startTime (datetime) --

          The time the scheduled maintenance is to start.

    • preferredMaintenanceWindow (string) --

      Configures the maintenance window you want for the runtime environment. If you do not provide a value, a random system-generated value will be assigned.

    • publiclyAccessible (boolean) --

      Whether applications running in this runtime environment are publicly accessible.

    • securityGroupIds (list) --

      The unique identifiers of the security groups assigned to this runtime environment.

      • (string) --
    • status (string) --

      The status of the runtime environment.

    • statusReason (string) --

      The reason for the reported status.

    • storageConfigurations (list) --

      The storage configurations defined for the runtime environment.

      • (dict) --

        Defines the storage configuration for a runtime environment.


        This is a Tagged Union structure. Only one of the following top level keys will be set: efs, fsx. If a client receives an unknown member it will set SDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER as the top level key, which maps to the name or tag of the unknown member. The structure of SDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER is as follows:

        'SDK_UNKNOWN_MEMBER': {'name': 'UnknownMemberName'}
        • efs (dict) --

          Defines the storage configuration for an Amazon EFS file system.

          • fileSystemId (string) --

            The file system identifier.

          • mountPoint (string) --

            The mount point for the file system.

        • fsx (dict) --

          Defines the storage configuration for an Amazon FSx file system.

          • fileSystemId (string) --

            The file system identifier.

          • mountPoint (string) --

            The mount point for the file system.

    • subnetIds (list) --

      The unique identifiers of the subnets assigned to this runtime environment.

      • (string) --
    • tags (dict) --

      The tags defined for this runtime environment.

      • (string) --
        • (string) --
    • vpcId (string) --

      The unique identifier for the VPC used with this runtime environment.


  • MainframeModernization.Client.exceptions.ValidationException
  • MainframeModernization.Client.exceptions.InternalServerException
  • MainframeModernization.Client.exceptions.AccessDeniedException
  • MainframeModernization.Client.exceptions.ThrottlingException
  • MainframeModernization.Client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException