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Sends an invitation to another account to join your organization as a member account. Organizations sends email on your behalf to the email address that is associated with the other account's owner. The invitation is implemented as a Handshake whose details are in the response.


  • You can invite Amazon Web Services accounts only from the same seller as the management account. For example, if your organization's management account was created by Amazon Internet Services Pvt. Ltd (AISPL), an Amazon Web Services seller in India, you can invite only other AISPL accounts to your organization. You can't combine accounts from AISPL and Amazon Web Services or from any other Amazon Web Services seller. For more information, see Consolidated Billing in India.
  • If you receive an exception that indicates that you exceeded your account limits for the organization or that the operation failed because your organization is still initializing, wait one hour and then try again. If the error persists after an hour, contact Amazon Web Services Support.

If the request includes tags, then the requester must have the organizations:TagResource permission.

This operation can be called only from the organization's management account.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.invite_account_to_organization(
        'Id': 'string',
            'Key': 'string',
            'Value': 'string'
  • Target (dict) --


    The identifier (ID) of the Amazon Web Services account that you want to invite to join your organization. This is a JSON object that contains the following elements:

    { "Type": "ACCOUNT", "Id": "< **account id number**  >" }

    If you use the CLI, you can submit this as a single string, similar to the following example:

    --target Id=123456789012,Type=ACCOUNT

    If you specify "Type": "ACCOUNT" , you must provide the Amazon Web Services account ID number as the Id . If you specify "Type": "EMAIL" , you must specify the email address that is associated with the account.

    • Id (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      The unique identifier (ID) for the party.

      The regex pattern for handshake ID string requires "h-" followed by from 8 to 32 lowercase letters or digits.

    • Type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      The type of party.

  • Notes (string) -- Additional information that you want to include in the generated email to the recipient account owner.
  • Tags (list) --

    A list of tags that you want to attach to the account when it becomes a member of the organization. For each tag in the list, you must specify both a tag key and a value. You can set the value to an empty string, but you can't set it to null . For more information about tagging, see Tagging Organizations resources in the Organizations User Guide.


    Any tags in the request are checked for compliance with any applicable tag policies when the request is made. The request is rejected if the tags in the request don't match the requirements of the policy at that time. Tag policy compliance is not checked again when the invitation is accepted and the tags are actually attached to the account. That means that if the tag policy changes between the invitation and the acceptance, then that tags could potentially be non-compliant.


    If any one of the tags is not valid or if you exceed the allowed number of tags for an account, then the entire request fails and invitations are not sent.

    • (dict) --

      A custom key-value pair associated with a resource within your organization.

      You can attach tags to any of the following organization resources.

      • Amazon Web Services account
      • Organizational unit (OU)
      • Organization root
      • Policy
      • Key (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The key identifier, or name, of the tag.

      • Value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The string value that's associated with the key of the tag. You can set the value of a tag to an empty string, but you can't set the value of a tag to null.

Return type



Response Syntax

    'Handshake': {
        'Id': 'string',
        'Arn': 'string',
        'Parties': [
                'Id': 'string',
                'Type': 'ACCOUNT'|'ORGANIZATION'|'EMAIL'
        'RequestedTimestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'ExpirationTimestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'Resources': [
                'Value': 'string',
                'Resources': {'... recursive ...'}

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • Handshake (dict) --

      A structure that contains details about the handshake that is created to support this invitation request.

      • Id (string) --

        The unique identifier (ID) of a handshake. The originating account creates the ID when it initiates the handshake.

        The regex pattern for handshake ID string requires "h-" followed by from 8 to 32 lowercase letters or digits.

      • Arn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a handshake.

        For more information about ARNs in Organizations, see ARN Formats Supported by Organizations in the Amazon Web Services Service Authorization Reference .

      • Parties (list) --

        Information about the two accounts that are participating in the handshake.

        • (dict) --

          Identifies a participant in a handshake.

          • Id (string) --

            The unique identifier (ID) for the party.

            The regex pattern for handshake ID string requires "h-" followed by from 8 to 32 lowercase letters or digits.

          • Type (string) --

            The type of party.

      • State (string) --

        The current state of the handshake. Use the state to trace the flow of the handshake through the process from its creation to its acceptance. The meaning of each of the valid values is as follows:

        • REQUESTED : This handshake was sent to multiple recipients (applicable to only some handshake types) and not all recipients have responded yet. The request stays in this state until all recipients respond.
        • OPEN : This handshake was sent to multiple recipients (applicable to only some policy types) and all recipients have responded, allowing the originator to complete the handshake action.
        • CANCELED : This handshake is no longer active because it was canceled by the originating account.
        • ACCEPTED : This handshake is complete because it has been accepted by the recipient.
        • DECLINED : This handshake is no longer active because it was declined by the recipient account.
        • EXPIRED : This handshake is no longer active because the originator did not receive a response of any kind from the recipient before the expiration time (15 days).
      • RequestedTimestamp (datetime) --

        The date and time that the handshake request was made.

      • ExpirationTimestamp (datetime) --

        The date and time that the handshake expires. If the recipient of the handshake request fails to respond before the specified date and time, the handshake becomes inactive and is no longer valid.

      • Action (string) --

        The type of handshake, indicating what action occurs when the recipient accepts the handshake. The following handshake types are supported:

        • INVITE : This type of handshake represents a request to join an organization. It is always sent from the management account to only non-member accounts.
        • ENABLE_ALL_FEATURES : This type of handshake represents a request to enable all features in an organization. It is always sent from the management account to only invited member accounts. Created accounts do not receive this because those accounts were created by the organization's management account and approval is inferred.
        • APPROVE_ALL_FEATURES : This type of handshake is sent from the Organizations service when all member accounts have approved the ENABLE_ALL_FEATURES invitation. It is sent only to the management account and signals the master that it can finalize the process to enable all features.
      • Resources (list) --

        Additional information that is needed to process the handshake.

        • (dict) --

          Contains additional data that is needed to process a handshake.

          • Value (string) --

            The information that is passed to the other party in the handshake. The format of the value string must match the requirements of the specified type.

          • Type (string) --

            The type of information being passed, specifying how the value is to be interpreted by the other party:

            • ACCOUNT - Specifies an Amazon Web Services account ID number.
            • ORGANIZATION - Specifies an organization ID number.
            • EMAIL - Specifies the email address that is associated with the account that receives the handshake.
            • OWNER_EMAIL - Specifies the email address associated with the management account. Included as information about an organization.
            • OWNER_NAME - Specifies the name associated with the management account. Included as information about an organization.
            • NOTES - Additional text provided by the handshake initiator and intended for the recipient to read.
          • Resources (list) --

            When needed, contains an additional array of HandshakeResource objects.


  • Organizations.Client.exceptions.AccessDeniedException
  • Organizations.Client.exceptions.AWSOrganizationsNotInUseException
  • Organizations.Client.exceptions.AccountOwnerNotVerifiedException
  • Organizations.Client.exceptions.ConcurrentModificationException
  • Organizations.Client.exceptions.HandshakeConstraintViolationException
  • Organizations.Client.exceptions.DuplicateHandshakeException
  • Organizations.Client.exceptions.ConstraintViolationException
  • Organizations.Client.exceptions.InvalidInputException
  • Organizations.Client.exceptions.FinalizingOrganizationException
  • Organizations.Client.exceptions.ServiceException
  • Organizations.Client.exceptions.TooManyRequestsException


The following example shows the admin of the master account owned by inviting the account owned by to join an organization.

response = client.invite_account_to_organization(
    Notes='This is a request for Juan's account to join Bill's organization',
        'Id': '',
        'Type': 'EMAIL',


Expected Output:

    'Handshake': {
        'Action': 'INVITE',
        'Arn': 'arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:handshake/o-exampleorgid/invite/h-examplehandshakeid111',
        'ExpirationTimestamp': datetime(2017, 2, 16, 9, 36, 5, 3, 47, 0),
        'Id': 'h-examplehandshakeid111',
        'Parties': [
                'Id': 'o-exampleorgid',
                'Type': 'ORGANIZATION',
                'Id': '',
                'Type': 'EMAIL',
        'RequestedTimestamp': datetime(2017, 2, 1, 9, 36, 5, 2, 32, 0),
        'Resources': [
                'Resources': [
                        'Type': 'MASTER_EMAIL',
                        'Value': '',
                        'Type': 'MASTER_NAME',
                        'Value': 'Org Master Account',
                        'Type': 'ORGANIZATION_FEATURE_SET',
                        'Value': 'FULL',
                'Type': 'ORGANIZATION',
                'Value': 'o-exampleorgid',
                'Type': 'EMAIL',
                'Value': '',
        'State': 'OPEN',
    'ResponseMetadata': {
        '...': '...',