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Gets information about whether a specified geographic location is supported for Amazon Route 53 geolocation resource record sets.

Route 53 does not perform authorization for this API because it retrieves information that is already available to the public.

Use the following syntax to determine whether a continent is supported for geolocation:

GET /2013-04-01/geolocation?continentcode=two-letter abbreviation for a continent

Use the following syntax to determine whether a country is supported for geolocation:

GET /2013-04-01/geolocation?countrycode=two-character country code

Use the following syntax to determine whether a subdivision of a country is supported for geolocation:

GET /2013-04-01/geolocation?countrycode=two-character country code&subdivisioncode=subdivision code

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.get_geo_location(
  • ContinentCode (string) --

    For geolocation resource record sets, a two-letter abbreviation that identifies a continent. Amazon Route 53 supports the following continent codes:

    • AF : Africa
    • AN : Antarctica
    • AS : Asia
    • EU : Europe
    • OC : Oceania
    • NA : North America
    • SA : South America
  • CountryCode (string) -- Amazon Route 53 uses the two-letter country codes that are specified in ISO standard 3166-1 alpha-2.
  • SubdivisionCode (string) -- The code for the subdivision, such as a particular state within the United States. For a list of US state abbreviations, see Appendix B: Two–Letter State and Possession Abbreviations on the United States Postal Service website. For a list of all supported subdivision codes, use the ListGeoLocations API.
Return type



Response Syntax

    'GeoLocationDetails': {
        'ContinentCode': 'string',
        'ContinentName': 'string',
        'CountryCode': 'string',
        'CountryName': 'string',
        'SubdivisionCode': 'string',
        'SubdivisionName': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    A complex type that contains the response information for the specified geolocation code.

    • GeoLocationDetails (dict) --

      A complex type that contains the codes and full continent, country, and subdivision names for the specified geolocation code.

      • ContinentCode (string) --

        The two-letter code for the continent.

      • ContinentName (string) --

        The full name of the continent.

      • CountryCode (string) --

        The two-letter code for the country.

      • CountryName (string) --

        The name of the country.

      • SubdivisionCode (string) --

        The code for the subdivision, such as a particular state within the United States. For a list of US state abbreviations, see Appendix B: Two–Letter State and Possession Abbreviations on the United States Postal Service website. For a list of all supported subdivision codes, use the ListGeoLocations API.

      • SubdivisionName (string) --

        The full name of the subdivision. Route 53 currently supports only states in the United States.


  • Route53.Client.exceptions.NoSuchGeoLocation
  • Route53.Client.exceptions.InvalidInput