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Retrieve the results of a predictive inbox placement test.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.get_deliverability_test_report(
ReportId (string) --


A unique string that identifies the predictive inbox placement test.

Return type
Response Syntax
    'DeliverabilityTestReport': {
        'ReportId': 'string',
        'ReportName': 'string',
        'Subject': 'string',
        'FromEmailAddress': 'string',
        'CreateDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'DeliverabilityTestStatus': 'IN_PROGRESS'|'COMPLETED'
    'OverallPlacement': {
        'InboxPercentage': 123.0,
        'SpamPercentage': 123.0,
        'MissingPercentage': 123.0,
        'SpfPercentage': 123.0,
        'DkimPercentage': 123.0
    'IspPlacements': [
            'IspName': 'string',
            'PlacementStatistics': {
                'InboxPercentage': 123.0,
                'SpamPercentage': 123.0,
                'MissingPercentage': 123.0,
                'SpfPercentage': 123.0,
                'DkimPercentage': 123.0
    'Message': 'string',
    'Tags': [
            'Key': 'string',
            'Value': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    The results of the predictive inbox placement test.

    • DeliverabilityTestReport (dict) --

      An object that contains the results of the predictive inbox placement test.

      • ReportId (string) --

        A unique string that identifies the predictive inbox placement test.

      • ReportName (string) --

        A name that helps you identify a predictive inbox placement test report.

      • Subject (string) --

        The subject line for an email that you submitted in a predictive inbox placement test.

      • FromEmailAddress (string) --

        The sender address that you specified for the predictive inbox placement test.

      • CreateDate (datetime) --

        The date and time when the predictive inbox placement test was created.

      • DeliverabilityTestStatus (string) --

        The status of the predictive inbox placement test. If the status is IN_PROGRESS , then the predictive inbox placement test is currently running. Predictive inbox placement tests are usually complete within 24 hours of creating the test. If the status is COMPLETE , then the test is finished, and you can use the GetDeliverabilityTestReport to view the results of the test.

    • OverallPlacement (dict) --

      An object that specifies how many test messages that were sent during the predictive inbox placement test were delivered to recipients' inboxes, how many were sent to recipients' spam folders, and how many weren't delivered.

      • InboxPercentage (float) --

        The percentage of emails that arrived in recipients' inboxes during the predictive inbox placement test.

      • SpamPercentage (float) --

        The percentage of emails that arrived in recipients' spam or junk mail folders during the predictive inbox placement test.

      • MissingPercentage (float) --

        The percentage of emails that didn't arrive in recipients' inboxes at all during the predictive inbox placement test.

      • SpfPercentage (float) --

        The percentage of emails that were authenticated by using Sender Policy Framework (SPF) during the predictive inbox placement test.

      • DkimPercentage (float) --

        The percentage of emails that were authenticated by using DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) during the predictive inbox placement test.

    • IspPlacements (list) --

      An object that describes how the test email was handled by several email providers, including Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, AOL, and others.

      • (dict) --

        An object that describes how email sent during the predictive inbox placement test was handled by a certain email provider.

        • IspName (string) --

          The name of the email provider that the inbox placement data applies to.

        • PlacementStatistics (dict) --

          An object that contains inbox placement metrics for a specific email provider.

          • InboxPercentage (float) --

            The percentage of emails that arrived in recipients' inboxes during the predictive inbox placement test.

          • SpamPercentage (float) --

            The percentage of emails that arrived in recipients' spam or junk mail folders during the predictive inbox placement test.

          • MissingPercentage (float) --

            The percentage of emails that didn't arrive in recipients' inboxes at all during the predictive inbox placement test.

          • SpfPercentage (float) --

            The percentage of emails that were authenticated by using Sender Policy Framework (SPF) during the predictive inbox placement test.

          • DkimPercentage (float) --

            The percentage of emails that were authenticated by using DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) during the predictive inbox placement test.

    • Message (string) --

      An object that contains the message that you sent when you performed this predictive inbox placement test.

    • Tags (list) --

      An array of objects that define the tags (keys and values) that are associated with the predictive inbox placement test.

      • (dict) --

        An object that defines the tags that are associated with a resource. A tag is a label that you optionally define and associate with a resource. Tags can help you categorize and manage resources in different ways, such as by purpose, owner, environment, or other criteria. A resource can have as many as 50 tags.

        Each tag consists of a required tag key and an associated tag value , both of which you define. A tag key is a general label that acts as a category for a more specific tag value. A tag value acts as a descriptor within a tag key. A tag key can contain as many as 128 characters. A tag value can contain as many as 256 characters. The characters can be Unicode letters, digits, white space, or one of the following symbols: _ . : / = + -. The following additional restrictions apply to tags:

        • Tag keys and values are case sensitive.
        • For each associated resource, each tag key must be unique and it can have only one value.
        • The aws: prefix is reserved for use by Amazon Web Services; you can’t use it in any tag keys or values that you define. In addition, you can't edit or remove tag keys or values that use this prefix. Tags that use this prefix don’t count against the limit of 50 tags per resource.
        • You can associate tags with public or shared resources, but the tags are available only for your Amazon Web Services account, not any other accounts that share the resource. In addition, the tags are available only for resources that are located in the specified Amazon Web Services Region for your Amazon Web Services account.
        • Key (string) --

          One part of a key-value pair that defines a tag. The maximum length of a tag key is 128 characters. The minimum length is 1 character.

        • Value (string) --

          The optional part of a key-value pair that defines a tag. The maximum length of a tag value is 256 characters. The minimum length is 0 characters. If you don't want a resource to have a specific tag value, don't specify a value for this parameter. If you don't specify a value, Amazon SES sets the value to an empty string.


  • SESV2.Client.exceptions.TooManyRequestsException
  • SESV2.Client.exceptions.NotFoundException
  • SESV2.Client.exceptions.BadRequestException