

Describes one or more of your job queues.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.describe_job_queues(
  • jobQueues (list) --

    A list of up to 100 queue names or full queue Amazon Resource Name (ARN) entries.

    • (string) --
  • maxResults (integer) -- The maximum number of results returned by DescribeJobQueues in paginated output. When this parameter is used, DescribeJobQueues only returns maxResults results in a single page and a nextToken response element. The remaining results of the initial request can be seen by sending another DescribeJobQueues request with the returned nextToken value. This value can be between 1 and 100. If this parameter isn't used, then DescribeJobQueues returns up to 100 results and a nextToken value if applicable.
  • nextToken (string) --

    The nextToken value returned from a previous paginated DescribeJobQueues request where maxResults was used and the results exceeded the value of that parameter. Pagination continues from the end of the previous results that returned the nextToken value. This value is null when there are no more results to return.


    Treat this token as an opaque identifier that's only used to retrieve the next items in a list and not for other programmatic purposes.

Return type



Response Syntax

    'jobQueues': [
            'jobQueueName': 'string',
            'jobQueueArn': 'string',
            'state': 'ENABLED'|'DISABLED',
            'schedulingPolicyArn': 'string',
            'statusReason': 'string',
            'priority': 123,
            'computeEnvironmentOrder': [
                    'order': 123,
                    'computeEnvironment': 'string'
            'tags': {
                'string': 'string'
    'nextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • jobQueues (list) --

      The list of job queues.

      • (dict) --

        An object that represents the details for an Batch job queue.

        • jobQueueName (string) --

          The job queue name.

        • jobQueueArn (string) --

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the job queue.

        • state (string) --

          Describes the ability of the queue to accept new jobs. If the job queue state is ENABLED , it can accept jobs. If the job queue state is DISABLED , new jobs can't be added to the queue, but jobs already in the queue can finish.

        • schedulingPolicyArn (string) --

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the scheduling policy. The format is aws:Partition:batch:Region:Account:scheduling-policy/Name . For example, aws:aws:batch:us-west-2:123456789012:scheduling-policy/MySchedulingPolicy .

        • status (string) --

          The status of the job queue (for example, CREATING or VALID ).

        • statusReason (string) --

          A short, human-readable string to provide additional details for the current status of the job queue.

        • priority (integer) --

          The priority of the job queue. Job queues with a higher priority (or a higher integer value for the priority parameter) are evaluated first when associated with the same compute environment. Priority is determined in descending order. For example, a job queue with a priority value of 10 is given scheduling preference over a job queue with a priority value of 1 . All of the compute environments must be either EC2 ( EC2 or SPOT ) or Fargate ( FARGATE or FARGATE_SPOT ). EC2 and Fargate compute environments can't be mixed.

        • computeEnvironmentOrder (list) --

          The compute environments that are attached to the job queue and the order that job placement is preferred. Compute environments are selected for job placement in ascending order.

          • (dict) --

            The order that compute environments are tried in for job placement within a queue. Compute environments are tried in ascending order. For example, if two compute environments are associated with a job queue, the compute environment with a lower order integer value is tried for job placement first. Compute environments must be in the VALID state before you can associate them with a job queue. All of the compute environments must be either EC2 ( EC2 or SPOT ) or Fargate ( FARGATE or FARGATE_SPOT ); EC2 and Fargate compute environments can't be mixed.


            All compute environments that are associated with a job queue must share the same architecture. Batch doesn't support mixing compute environment architecture types in a single job queue.

            • order (integer) --

              The order of the compute environment. Compute environments are tried in ascending order. For example, if two compute environments are associated with a job queue, the compute environment with a lower order integer value is tried for job placement first.

            • computeEnvironment (string) --

              The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the compute environment.

        • tags (dict) --

          The tags that are applied to the job queue. For more information, see Tagging your Batch resources in Batch User Guide .

          • (string) --
            • (string) --
    • nextToken (string) --

      The nextToken value to include in a future DescribeJobQueues request. When the results of a DescribeJobQueues request exceed maxResults , this value can be used to retrieve the next page of results. This value is null when there are no more results to return.


  • Batch.Client.exceptions.ClientException
  • Batch.Client.exceptions.ServerException


This example describes the HighPriority job queue.

response = client.describe_job_queues(


Expected Output:

    'jobQueues': [
            'computeEnvironmentOrder': [
                    'computeEnvironment': 'arn:aws:batch:us-east-1:012345678910:compute-environment/C4OnDemand',
                    'order': 1,
            'jobQueueArn': 'arn:aws:batch:us-east-1:012345678910:job-queue/HighPriority',
            'jobQueueName': 'HighPriority',
            'priority': 1,
            'state': 'ENABLED',
            'status': 'VALID',
            'statusReason': 'JobQueue Healthy',
    'ResponseMetadata': {
        '...': '...',