

Lists all search domains owned by an account.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.list_domain_names()
Return type
Response Syntax
    'DomainNames': {
        'string': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    The result of a ListDomainNames request. Contains a list of the domains owned by an account.

    • DomainNames (dict) --

      The names of the search domains owned by an account.

      • (string) --

        A string that represents the name of a domain. Domain names are unique across the domains owned by an account within an AWS region. Domain names start with a letter or number and can contain the following characters: a-z (lowercase), 0-9, and - (hyphen).

        • (string) --

          The Amazon CloudSearch API version for a domain: 2011-02-01 or 2013-01-01.


  • CloudSearch.Client.exceptions.BaseException