

Returns a list of the principal permissions on the resource, filtered by the permissions of the caller. For example, if you are granted an ALTER permission, you are able to see only the principal permissions for ALTER.

This operation returns only those permissions that have been explicitly granted.

For information about permissions, see Security and Access Control to Metadata and Data.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.list_permissions(
        'DataLakePrincipalIdentifier': 'string'
        'Catalog': {}
        'Database': {
            'CatalogId': 'string',
            'Name': 'string'
        'Table': {
            'CatalogId': 'string',
            'DatabaseName': 'string',
            'Name': 'string',
            'TableWildcard': {}

        'TableWithColumns': {
            'CatalogId': 'string',
            'DatabaseName': 'string',
            'Name': 'string',
            'ColumnNames': [
            'ColumnWildcard': {
                'ExcludedColumnNames': [
        'DataLocation': {
            'CatalogId': 'string',
            'ResourceArn': 'string'
        'DataCellsFilter': {
            'TableCatalogId': 'string',
            'DatabaseName': 'string',
            'TableName': 'string',
            'Name': 'string'
        'LFTag': {
            'CatalogId': 'string',
            'TagKey': 'string',
            'TagValues': [
        'LFTagPolicy': {
            'CatalogId': 'string',
            'ResourceType': 'DATABASE'|'TABLE',
            'Expression': [
                    'TagKey': 'string',
                    'TagValues': [
  • CatalogId (string) -- The identifier for the Data Catalog. By default, the account ID. The Data Catalog is the persistent metadata store. It contains database definitions, table definitions, and other control information to manage your Lake Formation environment.
  • Principal (dict) --

    Specifies a principal to filter the permissions returned.

    • DataLakePrincipalIdentifier (string) --

      An identifier for the Lake Formation principal.

  • ResourceType (string) -- Specifies a resource type to filter the permissions returned.
  • Resource (dict) --

    A resource where you will get a list of the principal permissions.

    This operation does not support getting privileges on a table with columns. Instead, call this operation on the table, and the operation returns the table and the table w columns.

    • Catalog (dict) --

      The identifier for the Data Catalog. By default, the account ID. The Data Catalog is the persistent metadata store. It contains database definitions, table definitions, and other control information to manage your Lake Formation environment.

    • Database (dict) --

      The database for the resource. Unique to the Data Catalog. A database is a set of associated table definitions organized into a logical group. You can Grant and Revoke database permissions to a principal.

      • CatalogId (string) --

        The identifier for the Data Catalog. By default, it is the account ID of the caller.

      • Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The name of the database resource. Unique to the Data Catalog.

    • Table (dict) --

      The table for the resource. A table is a metadata definition that represents your data. You can Grant and Revoke table privileges to a principal.

      • CatalogId (string) --

        The identifier for the Data Catalog. By default, it is the account ID of the caller.

      • DatabaseName (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The name of the database for the table. Unique to a Data Catalog. A database is a set of associated table definitions organized into a logical group. You can Grant and Revoke database privileges to a principal.

      • Name (string) --

        The name of the table.

      • TableWildcard (dict) --

        A wildcard object representing every table under a database.

        At least one of TableResource$Name or TableResource$TableWildcard is required.

    • TableWithColumns (dict) --

      The table with columns for the resource. A principal with permissions to this resource can select metadata from the columns of a table in the Data Catalog and the underlying data in Amazon S3.

      • CatalogId (string) --

        The identifier for the Data Catalog. By default, it is the account ID of the caller.

      • DatabaseName (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The name of the database for the table with columns resource. Unique to the Data Catalog. A database is a set of associated table definitions organized into a logical group. You can Grant and Revoke database privileges to a principal.

      • Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The name of the table resource. A table is a metadata definition that represents your data. You can Grant and Revoke table privileges to a principal.

      • ColumnNames (list) --

        The list of column names for the table. At least one of ColumnNames or ColumnWildcard is required.

        • (string) --
      • ColumnWildcard (dict) --

        A wildcard specified by a ColumnWildcard object. At least one of ColumnNames or ColumnWildcard is required.

        • ExcludedColumnNames (list) --

          Excludes column names. Any column with this name will be excluded.

          • (string) --
    • DataLocation (dict) --

      The location of an Amazon S3 path where permissions are granted or revoked.

      • CatalogId (string) --

        The identifier for the Data Catalog where the location is registered with Lake Formation. By default, it is the account ID of the caller.

      • ResourceArn (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies the data location resource.

    • DataCellsFilter (dict) --

      A data cell filter.

      • TableCatalogId (string) --

        The ID of the catalog to which the table belongs.

      • DatabaseName (string) --

        A database in the Glue Data Catalog.

      • TableName (string) --

        The name of the table.

      • Name (string) --

        The name of the data cells filter.

    • LFTag (dict) --

      The LF-tag key and values attached to a resource.

      • CatalogId (string) --

        The identifier for the Data Catalog. By default, the account ID. The Data Catalog is the persistent metadata store. It contains database definitions, table definitions, and other control information to manage your Lake Formation environment.

      • TagKey (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The key-name for the LF-tag.

      • TagValues (list) -- [REQUIRED]

        A list of possible values an attribute can take.

        • (string) --
    • LFTagPolicy (dict) --

      A list of LF-tag conditions that define a resource's LF-tag policy.

      • CatalogId (string) --

        The identifier for the Data Catalog. By default, the account ID. The Data Catalog is the persistent metadata store. It contains database definitions, table definitions, and other control information to manage your Lake Formation environment.

      • ResourceType (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The resource type for which the LF-tag policy applies.

      • Expression (list) -- [REQUIRED]

        A list of LF-tag conditions that apply to the resource's LF-tag policy.

        • (dict) --

          A structure that allows an admin to grant user permissions on certain conditions. For example, granting a role access to all columns that do not have the LF-tag 'PII' in tables that have the LF-tag 'Prod'.

          • TagKey (string) -- [REQUIRED]

            The key-name for the LF-tag.

          • TagValues (list) -- [REQUIRED]

            A list of possible values an attribute can take.

            • (string) --
  • NextToken (string) -- A continuation token, if this is not the first call to retrieve this list.
  • MaxResults (integer) -- The maximum number of results to return.
  • IncludeRelated (string) -- Indicates that related permissions should be included in the results.
Return type



Response Syntax

    'PrincipalResourcePermissions': [
            'Principal': {
                'DataLakePrincipalIdentifier': 'string'
            'Resource': {
                'Catalog': {},
                'Database': {
                    'CatalogId': 'string',
                    'Name': 'string'
                'Table': {
                    'CatalogId': 'string',
                    'DatabaseName': 'string',
                    'Name': 'string',
                    'TableWildcard': {}
                'TableWithColumns': {
                    'CatalogId': 'string',
                    'DatabaseName': 'string',
                    'Name': 'string',
                    'ColumnNames': [
                    'ColumnWildcard': {
                        'ExcludedColumnNames': [
                'DataLocation': {
                    'CatalogId': 'string',
                    'ResourceArn': 'string'
                'DataCellsFilter': {
                    'TableCatalogId': 'string',
                    'DatabaseName': 'string',
                    'TableName': 'string',
                    'Name': 'string'
                'LFTag': {
                    'CatalogId': 'string',
                    'TagKey': 'string',
                    'TagValues': [
                'LFTagPolicy': {
                    'CatalogId': 'string',
                    'ResourceType': 'DATABASE'|'TABLE',
                    'Expression': [
                            'TagKey': 'string',
                            'TagValues': [
            'Permissions': [
            'PermissionsWithGrantOption': [
            'AdditionalDetails': {
                'ResourceShare': [
    'NextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • PrincipalResourcePermissions (list) --

      A list of principals and their permissions on the resource for the specified principal and resource types.

      • (dict) --

        The permissions granted or revoked on a resource.

        • Principal (dict) --

          The Data Lake principal to be granted or revoked permissions.

          • DataLakePrincipalIdentifier (string) --

            An identifier for the Lake Formation principal.

        • Resource (dict) --

          The resource where permissions are to be granted or revoked.

          • Catalog (dict) --

            The identifier for the Data Catalog. By default, the account ID. The Data Catalog is the persistent metadata store. It contains database definitions, table definitions, and other control information to manage your Lake Formation environment.

          • Database (dict) --

            The database for the resource. Unique to the Data Catalog. A database is a set of associated table definitions organized into a logical group. You can Grant and Revoke database permissions to a principal.

            • CatalogId (string) --

              The identifier for the Data Catalog. By default, it is the account ID of the caller.

            • Name (string) --

              The name of the database resource. Unique to the Data Catalog.

          • Table (dict) --

            The table for the resource. A table is a metadata definition that represents your data. You can Grant and Revoke table privileges to a principal.

            • CatalogId (string) --

              The identifier for the Data Catalog. By default, it is the account ID of the caller.

            • DatabaseName (string) --

              The name of the database for the table. Unique to a Data Catalog. A database is a set of associated table definitions organized into a logical group. You can Grant and Revoke database privileges to a principal.

            • Name (string) --

              The name of the table.

            • TableWildcard (dict) --

              A wildcard object representing every table under a database.

              At least one of TableResource$Name or TableResource$TableWildcard is required.

          • TableWithColumns (dict) --

            The table with columns for the resource. A principal with permissions to this resource can select metadata from the columns of a table in the Data Catalog and the underlying data in Amazon S3.

            • CatalogId (string) --

              The identifier for the Data Catalog. By default, it is the account ID of the caller.

            • DatabaseName (string) --

              The name of the database for the table with columns resource. Unique to the Data Catalog. A database is a set of associated table definitions organized into a logical group. You can Grant and Revoke database privileges to a principal.

            • Name (string) --

              The name of the table resource. A table is a metadata definition that represents your data. You can Grant and Revoke table privileges to a principal.

            • ColumnNames (list) --

              The list of column names for the table. At least one of ColumnNames or ColumnWildcard is required.

              • (string) --
            • ColumnWildcard (dict) --

              A wildcard specified by a ColumnWildcard object. At least one of ColumnNames or ColumnWildcard is required.

              • ExcludedColumnNames (list) --

                Excludes column names. Any column with this name will be excluded.

                • (string) --
          • DataLocation (dict) --

            The location of an Amazon S3 path where permissions are granted or revoked.

            • CatalogId (string) --

              The identifier for the Data Catalog where the location is registered with Lake Formation. By default, it is the account ID of the caller.

            • ResourceArn (string) --

              The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies the data location resource.

          • DataCellsFilter (dict) --

            A data cell filter.

            • TableCatalogId (string) --

              The ID of the catalog to which the table belongs.

            • DatabaseName (string) --

              A database in the Glue Data Catalog.

            • TableName (string) --

              The name of the table.

            • Name (string) --

              The name of the data cells filter.

          • LFTag (dict) --

            The LF-tag key and values attached to a resource.

            • CatalogId (string) --

              The identifier for the Data Catalog. By default, the account ID. The Data Catalog is the persistent metadata store. It contains database definitions, table definitions, and other control information to manage your Lake Formation environment.

            • TagKey (string) --

              The key-name for the LF-tag.

            • TagValues (list) --

              A list of possible values an attribute can take.

              • (string) --
          • LFTagPolicy (dict) --

            A list of LF-tag conditions that define a resource's LF-tag policy.

            • CatalogId (string) --

              The identifier for the Data Catalog. By default, the account ID. The Data Catalog is the persistent metadata store. It contains database definitions, table definitions, and other control information to manage your Lake Formation environment.

            • ResourceType (string) --

              The resource type for which the LF-tag policy applies.

            • Expression (list) --

              A list of LF-tag conditions that apply to the resource's LF-tag policy.

              • (dict) --

                A structure that allows an admin to grant user permissions on certain conditions. For example, granting a role access to all columns that do not have the LF-tag 'PII' in tables that have the LF-tag 'Prod'.

                • TagKey (string) --

                  The key-name for the LF-tag.

                • TagValues (list) --

                  A list of possible values an attribute can take.

                  • (string) --
        • Permissions (list) --

          The permissions to be granted or revoked on the resource.

          • (string) --
        • PermissionsWithGrantOption (list) --

          Indicates whether to grant the ability to grant permissions (as a subset of permissions granted).

          • (string) --
        • AdditionalDetails (dict) --

          This attribute can be used to return any additional details of PrincipalResourcePermissions . Currently returns only as a RAM resource share ARN.

          • ResourceShare (list) --

            A resource share ARN for a catalog resource shared through RAM.

            • (string) --
    • NextToken (string) --

      A continuation token, if this is not the first call to retrieve this list.


  • LakeFormation.Client.exceptions.InvalidInputException
  • LakeFormation.Client.exceptions.OperationTimeoutException
  • LakeFormation.Client.exceptions.InternalServiceException