(**kwargs)¶Updates a resource set.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
response = client.update_resource_set(
'ComponentId': 'string',
'DnsTargetResource': {
'DomainName': 'string',
'HostedZoneArn': 'string',
'RecordSetId': 'string',
'RecordType': 'string',
'TargetResource': {
'NLBResource': {
'Arn': 'string'
'R53Resource': {
'DomainName': 'string',
'RecordSetId': 'string'
'ReadinessScopes': [
'ResourceArn': 'string'
Name of a resource set.
The resource type of the resources in the resource set. Enter one of the following values for resource type:
AWS::ApiGateway::Stage, AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Stage, AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup, AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm, AWS::EC2::CustomerGateway, AWS::DynamoDB::Table, AWS::EC2::Volume, AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer, AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer, AWS::Lambda::Function, AWS::MSK::Cluster, AWS::RDS::DBCluster, AWS::Route53::HealthCheck, AWS::SQS::Queue, AWS::SNS::Topic, AWS::SNS::Subscription, AWS::EC2::VPC, AWS::EC2::VPNConnection, AWS::EC2::VPNGateway, AWS::Route53RecoveryReadiness::DNSTargetResource
A list of resource objects.
The resource element of a resource set.
The component identifier of the resource, generated when DNS target resource is used.
The DNS target resource.
The domain name that acts as an ingress point to a portion of the customer application.
The hosted zone Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that contains the DNS record with the provided name of the target resource.
The Route 53 record set ID that uniquely identifies a DNS record, given a name and a type.
The type of DNS record of the target resource.
The target resource of the DNS target resource.
The Network Load Balancer Resource.
The Network Load Balancer resource Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
The Route 53 resource.
The DNS target domain name.
The Route 53 Resource Record Set ID.
A list of recovery group Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and cell ARNs that this resource is contained within.
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Web Services resource.
Response Syntax
'ResourceSetArn': 'string',
'ResourceSetName': 'string',
'ResourceSetType': 'string',
'Resources': [
'ComponentId': 'string',
'DnsTargetResource': {
'DomainName': 'string',
'HostedZoneArn': 'string',
'RecordSetId': 'string',
'RecordType': 'string',
'TargetResource': {
'NLBResource': {
'Arn': 'string'
'R53Resource': {
'DomainName': 'string',
'RecordSetId': 'string'
'ReadinessScopes': [
'ResourceArn': 'string'
'Tags': {
'string': 'string'
Response Structure
(dict) --
200 response - Success.
ResourceSetArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the resource set.
ResourceSetName (string) --
The name of the resource set.
ResourceSetType (string) --
The resource type of the resources in the resource set. Enter one of the following values for resource type:
AWS::ApiGateway::Stage, AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Stage, AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup, AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm, AWS::EC2::CustomerGateway, AWS::DynamoDB::Table, AWS::EC2::Volume, AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer, AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer, AWS::Lambda::Function, AWS::MSK::Cluster, AWS::RDS::DBCluster, AWS::Route53::HealthCheck, AWS::SQS::Queue, AWS::SNS::Topic, AWS::SNS::Subscription, AWS::EC2::VPC, AWS::EC2::VPNConnection, AWS::EC2::VPNGateway, AWS::Route53RecoveryReadiness::DNSTargetResource
Resources (list) --
A list of resource objects.
(dict) --
The resource element of a resource set.
ComponentId (string) --
The component identifier of the resource, generated when DNS target resource is used.
DnsTargetResource (dict) --
The DNS target resource.
DomainName (string) --
The domain name that acts as an ingress point to a portion of the customer application.
HostedZoneArn (string) --
The hosted zone Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that contains the DNS record with the provided name of the target resource.
RecordSetId (string) --
The Route 53 record set ID that uniquely identifies a DNS record, given a name and a type.
RecordType (string) --
The type of DNS record of the target resource.
TargetResource (dict) --
The target resource of the DNS target resource.
NLBResource (dict) --
The Network Load Balancer Resource.
Arn (string) --
The Network Load Balancer resource Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
R53Resource (dict) --
The Route 53 resource.
DomainName (string) --
The DNS target domain name.
RecordSetId (string) --
The Route 53 Resource Record Set ID.
ReadinessScopes (list) --
A list of recovery group Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and cell ARNs that this resource is contained within.
ResourceArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Web Services resource.
Tags (dict) --
A collection of tags associated with a resource.