
class Route53Domains.Paginator.ListDomains
paginator = client.get_paginator('list_domains')

Creates an iterator that will paginate through responses from Route53Domains.Client.list_domains().

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response_iterator = paginator.paginate(
            'Name': 'DomainName'|'Expiry',
            'Operator': 'LE'|'GE'|'BEGINS_WITH',
            'Values': [
        'Name': 'DomainName'|'Expiry',
        'SortOrder': 'ASC'|'DESC'
        'MaxItems': 123,
        'PageSize': 123,
        'StartingToken': 'string'
  • FilterConditions (list) --

    A complex type that contains information about the filters applied during the ListDomains request. The filter conditions can include domain name and domain expiration.

    • (dict) --

      Information for the filtering of a list of domains returned by ListDomains.

      • Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        Name of the field which should be used for filtering the list of domains.

      • Operator (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The operator values for filtering domain names. The values can be:

        • LE : Less than, or equal to
        • GE : Greater than, or equal to
        • BEGINS_WITH : Begins with
      • Values (list) -- [REQUIRED]

        An array of strings presenting values to compare. Only 1 item in the list is currently supported.

        • (string) --
  • SortCondition (dict) --

    A complex type that contains information about the requested ordering of domains in the returned list.

    • Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      Field to be used for sorting the list of domains. It can be either the name or the expiration for a domain. Note that if filterCondition is used in the same ListDomains call, the field used for sorting has to be the same as the field used for filtering.

    • SortOrder (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      The sort order for a list of domains. Either ascending (ASC) or descending (DES).

  • PaginationConfig (dict) --

    A dictionary that provides parameters to control pagination.

    • MaxItems (integer) --

      The total number of items to return. If the total number of items available is more than the value specified in max-items then a NextToken will be provided in the output that you can use to resume pagination.

    • PageSize (integer) --

      The size of each page.

    • StartingToken (string) --

      A token to specify where to start paginating. This is the NextToken from a previous response.

Return type



Response Syntax

    'Domains': [
            'DomainName': 'string',
            'AutoRenew': True|False,
            'TransferLock': True|False,
            'Expiry': datetime(2015, 1, 1)
    'NextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    The ListDomains response includes the following elements.

    • Domains (list) --

      A list of domains.

      • (dict) --

        Summary information about one domain.

        • DomainName (string) --

          The name of the domain that the summary information applies to.

        • AutoRenew (boolean) --

          Indicates whether the domain is automatically renewed upon expiration.

        • TransferLock (boolean) --

          Indicates whether a domain is locked from unauthorized transfer to another party.

        • Expiry (datetime) --

          Expiration date of the domain in Unix time format and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

    • NextToken (string) --

      A token to resume pagination.