

Takes an AddressId and returns specific details about that address in the form of an Address object.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.describe_address(
AddressId (string) --


The automatically generated ID for a specific address.

Return type
Response Syntax
    'Address': {
        'AddressId': 'string',
        'Name': 'string',
        'Company': 'string',
        'Street1': 'string',
        'Street2': 'string',
        'Street3': 'string',
        'City': 'string',
        'StateOrProvince': 'string',
        'PrefectureOrDistrict': 'string',
        'Landmark': 'string',
        'Country': 'string',
        'PostalCode': 'string',
        'PhoneNumber': 'string',
        'IsRestricted': True|False

Response Structure

  • (dict) --
    • Address (dict) --

      The address that you want the Snow device(s) associated with a specific job to be shipped to.

      • AddressId (string) --

        The unique ID for an address.

      • Name (string) --

        The name of a person to receive a Snow device at an address.

      • Company (string) --

        The name of the company to receive a Snow device at an address.

      • Street1 (string) --

        The first line in a street address that a Snow device is to be delivered to.

      • Street2 (string) --

        The second line in a street address that a Snow device is to be delivered to.

      • Street3 (string) --

        The third line in a street address that a Snow device is to be delivered to.

      • City (string) --

        The city in an address that a Snow device is to be delivered to.

      • StateOrProvince (string) --

        The state or province in an address that a Snow device is to be delivered to.

      • PrefectureOrDistrict (string) --

        This field is no longer used and the value is ignored.

      • Landmark (string) --

        This field is no longer used and the value is ignored.

      • Country (string) --

        The country in an address that a Snow device is to be delivered to.

      • PostalCode (string) --

        The postal code in an address that a Snow device is to be delivered to.

      • PhoneNumber (string) --

        The phone number associated with an address that a Snow device is to be delivered to.

      • IsRestricted (boolean) --

        If the address you are creating is a primary address, then set this option to true. This field is not supported in most regions.


  • Snowball.Client.exceptions.InvalidResourceException


This operation describes an address for a job.

response = client.describe_address(


Expected Output:

    'Address': {
        'AddressId': 'ADID5643ec50-3eec-4eb3-9be6-9374c10eb51b',
        'City': 'Seattle',
        'Company': 'My Company',
        'Country': 'US',
        'Name': 'My Name',
        'PhoneNumber': '425-555-5555',
        'PostalCode': '98101',
        'StateOrProvince': 'WA',
        'Street1': '123 Main Street',
    'ResponseMetadata': {
        '...': '...',