

SetTerminationProtection locks a cluster (job flow) so the EC2 instances in the cluster cannot be terminated by user intervention, an API call, or in the event of a job-flow error. The cluster still terminates upon successful completion of the job flow. Calling SetTerminationProtection on a cluster is similar to calling the Amazon EC2 DisableAPITermination API on all EC2 instances in a cluster.

SetTerminationProtection is used to prevent accidental termination of a cluster and to ensure that in the event of an error, the instances persist so that you can recover any data stored in their ephemeral instance storage.

To terminate a cluster that has been locked by setting SetTerminationProtection to true , you must first unlock the job flow by a subsequent call to SetTerminationProtection in which you set the value to false .

For more information, see Managing Cluster Termination in the Amazon EMR Management Guide .

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.set_termination_protection(
  • JobFlowIds (list) --


    A list of strings that uniquely identify the clusters to protect. This identifier is returned by RunJobFlow and can also be obtained from DescribeJobFlows .

    • (string) --
  • TerminationProtected (boolean) --


    A Boolean that indicates whether to protect the cluster and prevent the Amazon EC2 instances in the cluster from shutting down due to API calls, user intervention, or job-flow error.




  • EMR.Client.exceptions.InternalServerError