

Searches for system instances in the user's account.


This operation is deprecated and may not function as expected. This operation should not be used going forward and is only kept for the purpose of backwards compatiblity.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.search_system_instances(
            'value': [
  • filters (list) --

    Optional filter to apply to the search. Valid filters are SYSTEM_TEMPLATE_ID , STATUS , and GREENGRASS_GROUP_NAME .

    Multiple filters function as OR criteria in the query. Multiple values passed inside the filter function as AND criteria.

    • (dict) --

      An object that filters a system instance search. Multiple filters function as OR criteria in the search. For example a search that includes a GREENGRASS_GROUP_NAME and a STATUS filter searches for system instances in the specified Greengrass group that have the specified status.

      • name (string) --

        The name of the search filter field.

      • value (list) --

        An array of string values for the search filter field. Multiple values function as AND criteria in the search.

        • (string) --
  • nextToken (string) -- The string that specifies the next page of results. Use this when you're paginating results.
  • maxResults (integer) -- The maximum number of results to return in the response.
Return type



Response Syntax

    'summaries': [
            'id': 'string',
            'arn': 'string',
            'target': 'GREENGRASS'|'CLOUD',
            'greengrassGroupName': 'string',
            'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'updatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'greengrassGroupId': 'string',
            'greengrassGroupVersionId': 'string'
    'nextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • summaries (list) --

      An array of objects that contain summary data abour the system instances in the result set.

      • (dict) --

        An object that contains summary information about a system instance.

        • id (string) --

          The ID of the system instance.

        • arn (string) --

          The ARN of the system instance.

        • status (string) --

          The status of the system instance.

        • target (string) --

          The target of the system instance.

        • greengrassGroupName (string) --

          The ID of the Greengrass group where the system instance is deployed.

        • createdAt (datetime) --

          The date when the system instance was created.

        • updatedAt (datetime) --

          The date and time when the system instance was last updated.

        • greengrassGroupId (string) --

          The ID of the Greengrass group where the system instance is deployed.

        • greengrassGroupVersionId (string) --

          The version of the Greengrass group where the system instance is deployed.

    • nextToken (string) --

      The string to specify as nextToken when you request the next page of results.


  • IoTThingsGraph.Client.exceptions.InvalidRequestException
  • IoTThingsGraph.Client.exceptions.ThrottlingException
  • IoTThingsGraph.Client.exceptions.InternalFailureException