

Modifies the attributes of an existing license configuration.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.update_license_configuration(
            'ResourceType': 'string',
            'ProductInformationFilterList': [
                    'ProductInformationFilterName': 'string',
                    'ProductInformationFilterValue': [
                    'ProductInformationFilterComparator': 'string'
  • LicenseConfigurationArn (string) --


    Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the license configuration.

  • LicenseConfigurationStatus (string) -- New status of the license configuration.
  • LicenseRules (list) --

    New license rule. The only rule that you can add after you create a license configuration is licenseAffinityToHost.

    • (string) --
  • LicenseCount (integer) -- New number of licenses managed by the license configuration.
  • LicenseCountHardLimit (boolean) -- New hard limit of the number of available licenses.
  • Name (string) -- New name of the license configuration.
  • Description (string) -- New description of the license configuration.
  • ProductInformationList (list) --

    New product information.

    • (dict) --

      Describes product information for a license configuration.

      • ResourceType (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        Resource type. The possible values are SSM_MANAGED | RDS .

      • ProductInformationFilterList (list) -- [REQUIRED]

        A Product information filter consists of a ProductInformationFilterComparator which is a logical operator, a ProductInformationFilterName which specifies the type of filter being declared, and a ProductInformationFilterValue that specifies the value to filter on.

        Accepted values for ProductInformationFilterName are listed here along with descriptions and valid options for ProductInformationFilterComparator .

        The following filters and are supported when the resource type is SSM_MANAGED :

        • Application Name - The name of the application. Logical operator is EQUALS .
        • Application Publisher - The publisher of the application. Logical operator is EQUALS .
        • Application Version - The version of the application. Logical operator is EQUALS .
        • Platform Name - The name of the platform. Logical operator is EQUALS .
        • Platform Type - The platform type. Logical operator is EQUALS .
        • Tag:key - The key of a tag attached to an Amazon Web Services resource you wish to exclude from automated discovery. Logical operator is NOT_EQUALS . The key for your tag must be appended to Tag: following the example: Tag:name-of-your-key . ProductInformationFilterValue is optional if you are not using values for the key.
        • AccountId - The 12-digit ID of an Amazon Web Services account you wish to exclude from automated discovery. Logical operator is NOT_EQUALS .
        • License Included - The type of license included. Logical operators are EQUALS and NOT_EQUALS . Possible values are: sql-server-enterprise | sql-server-standard | sql-server-web | windows-server-datacenter .

        The following filters and logical operators are supported when the resource type is RDS :

        • Engine Edition - The edition of the database engine. Logical operator is EQUALS . Possible values are: oracle-ee | oracle-se | oracle-se1 | oracle-se2 .
        • License Pack - The license pack. Logical operator is EQUALS . Possible values are: data guard | diagnostic pack sqlt | tuning pack sqlt | ols | olap .
        • (dict) --

          Describes product information filters.

          • ProductInformationFilterName (string) -- [REQUIRED]

            Filter name.

          • ProductInformationFilterValue (list) --

            Filter value.

            • (string) --
          • ProductInformationFilterComparator (string) -- [REQUIRED]

            Logical operator.

  • DisassociateWhenNotFound (boolean) -- When true, disassociates a resource when software is uninstalled.
Return type



Response Syntax


Response Structure

  • (dict) --


  • LicenseManager.Client.exceptions.InvalidParameterValueException
  • LicenseManager.Client.exceptions.ServerInternalException
  • LicenseManager.Client.exceptions.AuthorizationException
  • LicenseManager.Client.exceptions.AccessDeniedException
  • LicenseManager.Client.exceptions.RateLimitExceededException
  • LicenseManager.Client.exceptions.ResourceLimitExceededException