

Returns details about the Hub resource in your account, including the HubArn and the time when you enabled Security Hub.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.describe_hub(
HubArn (string) -- The ARN of the Hub resource to retrieve.
Return type
Response Syntax
    'HubArn': 'string',
    'SubscribedAt': 'string',
    'AutoEnableControls': True|False,
    'ControlFindingGenerator': 'STANDARD_CONTROL'|'SECURITY_CONTROL'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --
    • HubArn (string) --

      The ARN of the Hub resource that was retrieved.

    • SubscribedAt (string) --

      The date and time when Security Hub was enabled in the account.

    • AutoEnableControls (boolean) --

      Whether to automatically enable new controls when they are added to standards that are enabled.

      If set to true , then new controls for enabled standards are enabled automatically. If set to false , then new controls are not enabled.

    • ControlFindingGenerator (string) --

      Specifies whether the calling account has consolidated control findings turned on. If the value for this field is set to SECURITY_CONTROL , Security Hub generates a single finding for a control check even when the check applies to multiple enabled standards.

      If the value for this field is set to STANDARD_CONTROL , Security Hub generates separate findings for a control check when the check applies to multiple enabled standards.

      The value for this field in a member account matches the value in the administrator account. For accounts that aren't part of an organization, the default value of this field is SECURITY_CONTROL if you enabled Security Hub on or after February 9, 2023.


  • SecurityHub.Client.exceptions.InternalException
  • SecurityHub.Client.exceptions.LimitExceededException
  • SecurityHub.Client.exceptions.InvalidAccessException
  • SecurityHub.Client.exceptions.InvalidInputException
  • SecurityHub.Client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException