

Creates a Device Defender audit suppression.

Requires permission to access the CreateAuditSuppression action.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.create_audit_suppression(
        'deviceCertificateId': 'string',
        'caCertificateId': 'string',
        'cognitoIdentityPoolId': 'string',
        'clientId': 'string',
        'policyVersionIdentifier': {
            'policyName': 'string',
            'policyVersionId': 'string'
        'account': 'string',
        'iamRoleArn': 'string',
        'roleAliasArn': 'string',
        'issuerCertificateIdentifier': {
            'issuerCertificateSubject': 'string',
            'issuerId': 'string',
            'issuerCertificateSerialNumber': 'string'
        'deviceCertificateArn': 'string'
    expirationDate=datetime(2015, 1, 1),
  • checkName (string) --


    An audit check name. Checks must be enabled for your account. (Use DescribeAccountAuditConfiguration to see the list of all checks, including those that are enabled or use UpdateAccountAuditConfiguration to select which checks are enabled.)

  • resourceIdentifier (dict) --


    Information that identifies the noncompliant resource.

    • deviceCertificateId (string) --

      The ID of the certificate attached to the resource.

    • caCertificateId (string) --

      The ID of the CA certificate used to authorize the certificate.

    • cognitoIdentityPoolId (string) --

      The ID of the Amazon Cognito identity pool.

    • clientId (string) --

      The client ID.

    • policyVersionIdentifier (dict) --

      The version of the policy associated with the resource.

      • policyName (string) --

        The name of the policy.

      • policyVersionId (string) --

        The ID of the version of the policy associated with the resource.

    • account (string) --

      The account with which the resource is associated.

    • iamRoleArn (string) --

      The ARN of the IAM role that has overly permissive actions.

    • roleAliasArn (string) --

      The ARN of the role alias that has overly permissive actions.

    • issuerCertificateIdentifier (dict) --

      The issuer certificate identifier.

      • issuerCertificateSubject (string) --

        The subject of the issuer certificate.

      • issuerId (string) --

        The issuer ID.

      • issuerCertificateSerialNumber (string) --

        The issuer certificate serial number.

    • deviceCertificateArn (string) --

      The ARN of the identified device certificate.

  • expirationDate (datetime) -- The epoch timestamp in seconds at which this suppression expires.
  • suppressIndefinitely (boolean) -- Indicates whether a suppression should exist indefinitely or not.
  • description (string) -- The description of the audit suppression.
  • clientRequestToken (string) --


    Each audit supression must have a unique client request token. If you try to create a new audit suppression with the same token as one that already exists, an exception occurs. If you omit this value, Amazon Web Services SDKs will automatically generate a unique client request.

    This field is autopopulated if not provided.

Return type



Response Syntax


Response Structure

  • (dict) --


  • IoT.Client.exceptions.InvalidRequestException
  • IoT.Client.exceptions.ResourceAlreadyExistsException
  • IoT.Client.exceptions.ThrottlingException
  • IoT.Client.exceptions.InternalFailureException
  • IoT.Client.exceptions.LimitExceededException