

Describes the specified listeners or the listeners for the specified Application Load Balancer, Network Load Balancer, or Gateway Load Balancer. You must specify either a load balancer or one or more listeners.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.describe_listeners(
  • LoadBalancerArn (string) -- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the load balancer.
  • ListenerArns (list) --

    The Amazon Resource Names (ARN) of the listeners.

    • (string) --
  • Marker (string) -- The marker for the next set of results. (You received this marker from a previous call.)
  • PageSize (integer) -- The maximum number of results to return with this call.
Return type



Response Syntax

    'Listeners': [
            'ListenerArn': 'string',
            'LoadBalancerArn': 'string',
            'Port': 123,
            'Protocol': 'HTTP'|'HTTPS'|'TCP'|'TLS'|'UDP'|'TCP_UDP'|'GENEVE',
            'Certificates': [
                    'CertificateArn': 'string',
                    'IsDefault': True|False
            'SslPolicy': 'string',
            'DefaultActions': [
                    'Type': 'forward'|'authenticate-oidc'|'authenticate-cognito'|'redirect'|'fixed-response',
                    'TargetGroupArn': 'string',
                    'AuthenticateOidcConfig': {
                        'Issuer': 'string',
                        'AuthorizationEndpoint': 'string',
                        'TokenEndpoint': 'string',
                        'UserInfoEndpoint': 'string',
                        'ClientId': 'string',
                        'ClientSecret': 'string',
                        'SessionCookieName': 'string',
                        'Scope': 'string',
                        'SessionTimeout': 123,
                        'AuthenticationRequestExtraParams': {
                            'string': 'string'
                        'OnUnauthenticatedRequest': 'deny'|'allow'|'authenticate',
                        'UseExistingClientSecret': True|False
                    'AuthenticateCognitoConfig': {
                        'UserPoolArn': 'string',
                        'UserPoolClientId': 'string',
                        'UserPoolDomain': 'string',
                        'SessionCookieName': 'string',
                        'Scope': 'string',
                        'SessionTimeout': 123,
                        'AuthenticationRequestExtraParams': {
                            'string': 'string'
                        'OnUnauthenticatedRequest': 'deny'|'allow'|'authenticate'
                    'Order': 123,
                    'RedirectConfig': {
                        'Protocol': 'string',
                        'Port': 'string',
                        'Host': 'string',
                        'Path': 'string',
                        'Query': 'string',
                        'StatusCode': 'HTTP_301'|'HTTP_302'
                    'FixedResponseConfig': {
                        'MessageBody': 'string',
                        'StatusCode': 'string',
                        'ContentType': 'string'
                    'ForwardConfig': {
                        'TargetGroups': [
                                'TargetGroupArn': 'string',
                                'Weight': 123
                        'TargetGroupStickinessConfig': {
                            'Enabled': True|False,
                            'DurationSeconds': 123
            'AlpnPolicy': [
    'NextMarker': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • Listeners (list) --

      Information about the listeners.

      • (dict) --

        Information about a listener.

        • ListenerArn (string) --

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the listener.

        • LoadBalancerArn (string) --

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the load balancer.

        • Port (integer) --

          The port on which the load balancer is listening.

        • Protocol (string) --

          The protocol for connections from clients to the load balancer.

        • Certificates (list) --

          [HTTPS or TLS listener] The default certificate for the listener.

          • (dict) --

            Information about an SSL server certificate.

            • CertificateArn (string) --

              The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the certificate.

            • IsDefault (boolean) --

              Indicates whether the certificate is the default certificate. Do not set this value when specifying a certificate as an input. This value is not included in the output when describing a listener, but is included when describing listener certificates.

        • SslPolicy (string) --

          [HTTPS or TLS listener] The security policy that defines which protocols and ciphers are supported.

        • DefaultActions (list) --

          The default actions for the listener.

          • (dict) --

            Information about an action.

            Each rule must include exactly one of the following types of actions: forward , fixed-response , or redirect , and it must be the last action to be performed.

            • Type (string) --

              The type of action.

            • TargetGroupArn (string) --

              The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the target group. Specify only when Type is forward and you want to route to a single target group. To route to one or more target groups, use ForwardConfig instead.

            • AuthenticateOidcConfig (dict) --

              [HTTPS listeners] Information about an identity provider that is compliant with OpenID Connect (OIDC). Specify only when Type is authenticate-oidc .

              • Issuer (string) --

                The OIDC issuer identifier of the IdP. This must be a full URL, including the HTTPS protocol, the domain, and the path.

              • AuthorizationEndpoint (string) --

                The authorization endpoint of the IdP. This must be a full URL, including the HTTPS protocol, the domain, and the path.

              • TokenEndpoint (string) --

                The token endpoint of the IdP. This must be a full URL, including the HTTPS protocol, the domain, and the path.

              • UserInfoEndpoint (string) --

                The user info endpoint of the IdP. This must be a full URL, including the HTTPS protocol, the domain, and the path.

              • ClientId (string) --

                The OAuth 2.0 client identifier.

              • ClientSecret (string) --

                The OAuth 2.0 client secret. This parameter is required if you are creating a rule. If you are modifying a rule, you can omit this parameter if you set UseExistingClientSecret to true.

              • SessionCookieName (string) --

                The name of the cookie used to maintain session information. The default is AWSELBAuthSessionCookie.

              • Scope (string) --

                The set of user claims to be requested from the IdP. The default is openid .

                To verify which scope values your IdP supports and how to separate multiple values, see the documentation for your IdP.

              • SessionTimeout (integer) --

                The maximum duration of the authentication session, in seconds. The default is 604800 seconds (7 days).

              • AuthenticationRequestExtraParams (dict) --

                The query parameters (up to 10) to include in the redirect request to the authorization endpoint.

                • (string) --
                  • (string) --
              • OnUnauthenticatedRequest (string) --

                The behavior if the user is not authenticated. The following are possible values:

                • deny - Return an HTTP 401 Unauthorized error.
                • allow - Allow the request to be forwarded to the target.
                • authenticate - Redirect the request to the IdP authorization endpoint. This is the default value.
              • UseExistingClientSecret (boolean) --

                Indicates whether to use the existing client secret when modifying a rule. If you are creating a rule, you can omit this parameter or set it to false.

            • AuthenticateCognitoConfig (dict) --

              [HTTPS listeners] Information for using Amazon Cognito to authenticate users. Specify only when Type is authenticate-cognito .

              • UserPoolArn (string) --

                The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Cognito user pool.

              • UserPoolClientId (string) --

                The ID of the Amazon Cognito user pool client.

              • UserPoolDomain (string) --

                The domain prefix or fully-qualified domain name of the Amazon Cognito user pool.

              • SessionCookieName (string) --

                The name of the cookie used to maintain session information. The default is AWSELBAuthSessionCookie.

              • Scope (string) --

                The set of user claims to be requested from the IdP. The default is openid .

                To verify which scope values your IdP supports and how to separate multiple values, see the documentation for your IdP.

              • SessionTimeout (integer) --

                The maximum duration of the authentication session, in seconds. The default is 604800 seconds (7 days).

              • AuthenticationRequestExtraParams (dict) --

                The query parameters (up to 10) to include in the redirect request to the authorization endpoint.

                • (string) --
                  • (string) --
              • OnUnauthenticatedRequest (string) --

                The behavior if the user is not authenticated. The following are possible values:

                • deny - Return an HTTP 401 Unauthorized error.
                • allow - Allow the request to be forwarded to the target.
                • authenticate - Redirect the request to the IdP authorization endpoint. This is the default value.
            • Order (integer) --

              The order for the action. This value is required for rules with multiple actions. The action with the lowest value for order is performed first.

            • RedirectConfig (dict) --

              [Application Load Balancer] Information for creating a redirect action. Specify only when Type is redirect .

              • Protocol (string) --

                The protocol. You can specify HTTP, HTTPS, or #{protocol}. You can redirect HTTP to HTTP, HTTP to HTTPS, and HTTPS to HTTPS. You cannot redirect HTTPS to HTTP.

              • Port (string) --

                The port. You can specify a value from 1 to 65535 or #{port}.

              • Host (string) --

                The hostname. This component is not percent-encoded. The hostname can contain #{host}.

              • Path (string) --

                The absolute path, starting with the leading "/". This component is not percent-encoded. The path can contain #{host}, #{path}, and #{port}.

              • Query (string) --

                The query parameters, URL-encoded when necessary, but not percent-encoded. Do not include the leading "?", as it is automatically added. You can specify any of the reserved keywords.

              • StatusCode (string) --

                The HTTP redirect code. The redirect is either permanent (HTTP 301) or temporary (HTTP 302).

            • FixedResponseConfig (dict) --

              [Application Load Balancer] Information for creating an action that returns a custom HTTP response. Specify only when Type is fixed-response .

              • MessageBody (string) --

                The message.

              • StatusCode (string) --

                The HTTP response code (2XX, 4XX, or 5XX).

              • ContentType (string) --

                The content type.

                Valid Values: text/plain | text/css | text/html | application/javascript | application/json

            • ForwardConfig (dict) --

              Information for creating an action that distributes requests among one or more target groups. For Network Load Balancers, you can specify a single target group. Specify only when Type is forward . If you specify both ForwardConfig and TargetGroupArn , you can specify only one target group using ForwardConfig and it must be the same target group specified in TargetGroupArn .

              • TargetGroups (list) --

                The target groups. For Network Load Balancers, you can specify a single target group.

                • (dict) --

                  Information about how traffic will be distributed between multiple target groups in a forward rule.

                  • TargetGroupArn (string) --

                    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the target group.

                  • Weight (integer) --

                    The weight. The range is 0 to 999.

              • TargetGroupStickinessConfig (dict) --

                The target group stickiness for the rule.

                • Enabled (boolean) --

                  Indicates whether target group stickiness is enabled.

                • DurationSeconds (integer) --

                  The time period, in seconds, during which requests from a client should be routed to the same target group. The range is 1-604800 seconds (7 days).

        • AlpnPolicy (list) --

          [TLS listener] The name of the Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN) policy.

          • (string) --
    • NextMarker (string) --

      If there are additional results, this is the marker for the next set of results. Otherwise, this is null.


  • ElasticLoadBalancingv2.Client.exceptions.ListenerNotFoundException
  • ElasticLoadBalancingv2.Client.exceptions.LoadBalancerNotFoundException
  • ElasticLoadBalancingv2.Client.exceptions.UnsupportedProtocolException


This example describes the specified listener.

response = client.describe_listeners(


Expected Output:

    'Listeners': [
            'DefaultActions': [
                    'TargetGroupArn': 'arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-west-2:123456789012:targetgroup/my-targets/73e2d6bc24d8a067',
                    'Type': 'forward',
            'ListenerArn': 'arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-west-2:123456789012:listener/app/my-load-balancer/50dc6c495c0c9188/f2f7dc8efc522ab2',
            'LoadBalancerArn': 'arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-west-2:123456789012:loadbalancer/app/my-load-balancer/50dc6c495c0c9188',
            'Port': 80,
            'Protocol': 'HTTP',
    'ResponseMetadata': {
        '...': '...',