

Indicates whether the specified Multi-Region Access Point has an access control policy that allows public access.

This action will always be routed to the US West (Oregon) Region. For more information about the restrictions around managing Multi-Region Access Points, see Managing Multi-Region Access Points in the Amazon S3 User Guide .

The following actions are related to GetMultiRegionAccessPointPolicyStatus :

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.get_multi_region_access_point_policy_status(
  • AccountId (string) --


    The Amazon Web Services account ID for the owner of the Multi-Region Access Point.

  • Name (string) --


    Specifies the Multi-Region Access Point. The name of the Multi-Region Access Point is different from the alias. For more information about the distinction between the name and the alias of an Multi-Region Access Point, see Managing Multi-Region Access Points in the Amazon S3 User Guide .

Return type



Response Syntax

    'Established': {
        'IsPublic': True|False

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • Established (dict) --

      Indicates whether this access point policy is public. For more information about how Amazon S3 evaluates policies to determine whether they are public, see The Meaning of "Public" in the Amazon S3 User Guide .

      • IsPublic (boolean) --