

Removes locations from a multi-location fleet. When deleting a location, all game server process and all instances that are still active in the location are shut down.

To delete fleet locations, identify the fleet ID and provide a list of the locations to be deleted.

If successful, GameLift sets the location status to DELETING , and begins to shut down existing server processes and terminate instances in each location being deleted. When completed, the location status changes to TERMINATED .

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.delete_fleet_locations(
  • FleetId (string) --


    A unique identifier for the fleet to delete locations for. You can use either the fleet ID or ARN value.

  • Locations (list) --


    The list of fleet locations to delete. Specify locations in the form of an Amazon Web Services Region code, such as us-west-2 .

    • (string) --
Return type



Response Syntax

    'FleetId': 'string',
    'FleetArn': 'string',
    'LocationStates': [
            'Location': 'string',

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • FleetId (string) --

      A unique identifier for the fleet that location attributes are being deleted for.

    • FleetArn (string) --

      The Amazon Resource Name ( ARN ) that is assigned to a GameLift fleet resource and uniquely identifies it. ARNs are unique across all Regions. Format is arn:aws:gamelift:<region>::fleet/fleet-a1234567-b8c9-0d1e-2fa3-b45c6d7e8912 .

    • LocationStates (list) --

      The remote locations that are being deleted, with each location status set to DELETING .

      • (dict) --

        A fleet location and its life-cycle state. A location state object might be used to describe a fleet's remote location or home Region. Life-cycle state tracks the progress of launching the first instance in a new location and preparing it for game hosting, and then removing all instances and deleting the location from the fleet.

        • NEW -- A new fleet location has been defined and desired instances is set to 1.
        • DOWNLOADING/VALIDATING/BUILDING/ACTIVATING -- GameLift is setting up the new fleet location, creating new instances with the game build or Realtime script and starting server processes.
        • ACTIVE -- Hosts can now accept game sessions.
        • ERROR -- An error occurred when downloading, validating, building, or activating the fleet location.
        • DELETING -- Hosts are responding to a delete fleet location request.
        • TERMINATED -- The fleet location no longer exists.
        • NOT_FOUND -- The fleet location was not found. This could be because the custom location was removed or not created.
        • Location (string) --

          The fleet location, expressed as an Amazon Web Services Region code such as us-west-2 .

        • Status (string) --

          The life-cycle status of a fleet location.


  • GameLift.Client.exceptions.InternalServiceException
  • GameLift.Client.exceptions.InvalidRequestException
  • GameLift.Client.exceptions.UnauthorizedException
  • GameLift.Client.exceptions.NotFoundException
  • GameLift.Client.exceptions.UnsupportedRegionException