

Requests the cancellation of a calculation. A StopCalculationExecution call on a calculation that is already in a terminal state (for example, STOPPED , FAILED , or COMPLETED ) succeeds but has no effect.


Cancelling a calculation is done on a best effort basis. If a calculation cannot be cancelled, you can be charged for its completion. If you are concerned about being charged for a calculation that cannot be cancelled, consider terminating the session in which the calculation is running.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.stop_calculation_execution(
CalculationExecutionId (string) --


The calculation execution UUID.

Return type
Response Syntax

Response Structure

  • (dict) --
    • State (string) --
      CREATING - The calculation is in the process of being created.

      CREATED - The calculation has been created and is ready to run.

      QUEUED - The calculation has been queued for processing.

      RUNNING - The calculation is running.

      CANCELING - A request to cancel the calculation has been received and the system is working to stop it.

      CANCELED - The calculation is no longer running as the result of a cancel request.

      COMPLETED - The calculation has completed without error.

      FAILED - The calculation failed and is no longer running.


  • Athena.Client.exceptions.InternalServerException
  • Athena.Client.exceptions.InvalidRequestException
  • Athena.Client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException