

Returns a list of queries and query statuses for the past seven days. You must specify an ARN value for EventDataStore . Optionally, to shorten the list of results, you can specify a time range, formatted as timestamps, by adding StartTime and EndTime parameters, and a QueryStatus value. Valid values for QueryStatus include QUEUED , RUNNING , FINISHED , FAILED , TIMED_OUT , or CANCELLED .

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.list_queries(
    StartTime=datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    EndTime=datetime(2015, 1, 1),
  • EventDataStore (string) --


    The ARN (or the ID suffix of the ARN) of an event data store on which queries were run.

  • NextToken (string) -- A token you can use to get the next page of results.
  • MaxResults (integer) -- The maximum number of queries to show on a page.
  • StartTime (datetime) -- Use with EndTime to bound a ListQueries request, and limit its results to only those queries run within a specified time period.
  • EndTime (datetime) -- Use with StartTime to bound a ListQueries request, and limit its results to only those queries run within a specified time period.
  • QueryStatus (string) -- The status of queries that you want to return in results. Valid values for QueryStatus include QUEUED , RUNNING , FINISHED , FAILED , TIMED_OUT , or CANCELLED .
Return type



Response Syntax

    'Queries': [
            'QueryId': 'string',
            'CreationTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1)
    'NextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • Queries (list) --

      Lists matching query results, and shows query ID, status, and creation time of each query.

      • (dict) --

        A SQL string of criteria about events that you want to collect in an event data store.

        • QueryId (string) --

          The ID of a query.

        • QueryStatus (string) --

          The status of the query. This can be QUEUED , RUNNING , FINISHED , FAILED , TIMED_OUT , or CANCELLED .

        • CreationTime (datetime) --

          The creation time of a query.

    • NextToken (string) --

      A token you can use to get the next page of results.


  • CloudTrail.Client.exceptions.EventDataStoreARNInvalidException
  • CloudTrail.Client.exceptions.EventDataStoreNotFoundException
  • CloudTrail.Client.exceptions.InactiveEventDataStoreException
  • CloudTrail.Client.exceptions.InvalidDateRangeException
  • CloudTrail.Client.exceptions.InvalidMaxResultsException
  • CloudTrail.Client.exceptions.InvalidNextTokenException
  • CloudTrail.Client.exceptions.InvalidParameterException
  • CloudTrail.Client.exceptions.InvalidQueryStatusException
  • CloudTrail.Client.exceptions.OperationNotPermittedException
  • CloudTrail.Client.exceptions.UnsupportedOperationException
  • CloudTrail.Client.exceptions.NoManagementAccountSLRExistsException