

Creates a subnet CIDR reservation. For information about subnet CIDR reservations, see Subnet CIDR reservations in the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud User Guide .

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.create_subnet_cidr_reservation(
            'ResourceType': 'capacity-reservation'|'client-vpn-endpoint'|'customer-gateway'|'carrier-gateway'|'coip-pool'|'dedicated-host'|'dhcp-options'|'egress-only-internet-gateway'|'elastic-ip'|'elastic-gpu'|'export-image-task'|'export-instance-task'|'fleet'|'fpga-image'|'host-reservation'|'image'|'import-image-task'|'import-snapshot-task'|'instance'|'instance-event-window'|'internet-gateway'|'ipam'|'ipam-pool'|'ipam-scope'|'ipv4pool-ec2'|'ipv6pool-ec2'|'key-pair'|'launch-template'|'local-gateway'|'local-gateway-route-table'|'local-gateway-virtual-interface'|'local-gateway-virtual-interface-group'|'local-gateway-route-table-vpc-association'|'local-gateway-route-table-virtual-interface-group-association'|'natgateway'|'network-acl'|'network-interface'|'network-insights-analysis'|'network-insights-path'|'network-insights-access-scope'|'network-insights-access-scope-analysis'|'placement-group'|'prefix-list'|'replace-root-volume-task'|'reserved-instances'|'route-table'|'security-group'|'security-group-rule'|'snapshot'|'spot-fleet-request'|'spot-instances-request'|'subnet'|'subnet-cidr-reservation'|'traffic-mirror-filter'|'traffic-mirror-session'|'traffic-mirror-target'|'transit-gateway'|'transit-gateway-attachment'|'transit-gateway-connect-peer'|'transit-gateway-multicast-domain'|'transit-gateway-policy-table'|'transit-gateway-route-table'|'transit-gateway-route-table-announcement'|'volume'|'vpc'|'vpc-endpoint'|'vpc-endpoint-connection'|'vpc-endpoint-service'|'vpc-endpoint-service-permission'|'vpc-peering-connection'|'vpn-connection'|'vpn-gateway'|'vpc-flow-log'|'capacity-reservation-fleet'|'traffic-mirror-filter-rule'|'vpc-endpoint-connection-device-type'|'verified-access-instance'|'verified-access-group'|'verified-access-endpoint'|'verified-access-policy'|'verified-access-trust-provider'|'vpn-connection-device-type'|'vpc-block-public-access-exclusion'|'ipam-resource-discovery'|'ipam-resource-discovery-association',
            'Tags': [
                    'Key': 'string',
                    'Value': 'string'
  • SubnetId (string) --


    The ID of the subnet.

  • Cidr (string) --


    The IPv4 or IPV6 CIDR range to reserve.

  • ReservationType (string) --


    The type of reservation.

    The following are valid values:

    • prefix : The Amazon EC2 Prefix Delegation feature assigns the IP addresses to network interfaces that are associated with an instance. For information about Prefix Delegation, see Prefix Delegation for Amazon EC2 network interfaces in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide .
    • explicit : You manually assign the IP addresses to resources that reside in your subnet.
  • Description (string) -- The description to assign to the subnet CIDR reservation.
  • DryRun (boolean) -- Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation . Otherwise, it is UnauthorizedOperation .
  • TagSpecifications (list) --

    The tags to assign to the subnet CIDR reservation.

    • (dict) --

      The tags to apply to a resource when the resource is being created. When you specify a tag, you must specify the resource type to tag, otherwise the request will fail.


      The Valid Values lists all the resource types that can be tagged. However, the action you're using might not support tagging all of these resource types. If you try to tag a resource type that is unsupported for the action you're using, you'll get an error.

      • ResourceType (string) --

        The type of resource to tag on creation.

      • Tags (list) --

        The tags to apply to the resource.

        • (dict) --

          Describes a tag.

          • Key (string) --

            The key of the tag.

            Constraints: Tag keys are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 127 Unicode characters. May not begin with aws: .

          • Value (string) --

            The value of the tag.

            Constraints: Tag values are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 256 Unicode characters.

Return type



Response Syntax

    'SubnetCidrReservation': {
        'SubnetCidrReservationId': 'string',
        'SubnetId': 'string',
        'Cidr': 'string',
        'ReservationType': 'prefix'|'explicit',
        'OwnerId': 'string',
        'Description': 'string',
        'Tags': [
                'Key': 'string',
                'Value': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • SubnetCidrReservation (dict) --

      Information about the created subnet CIDR reservation.

      • SubnetCidrReservationId (string) --

        The ID of the subnet CIDR reservation.

      • SubnetId (string) --

        The ID of the subnet.

      • Cidr (string) --

        The CIDR that has been reserved.

      • ReservationType (string) --

        The type of reservation.

      • OwnerId (string) --

        The ID of the account that owns the subnet CIDR reservation.

      • Description (string) --

        The description assigned to the subnet CIDR reservation.

      • Tags (list) --

        The tags assigned to the subnet CIDR reservation.

        • (dict) --

          Describes a tag.

          • Key (string) --

            The key of the tag.

            Constraints: Tag keys are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 127 Unicode characters. May not begin with aws: .

          • Value (string) --

            The value of the tag.

            Constraints: Tag values are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 256 Unicode characters.