

Deletes the specified Client VPN endpoint. You must disassociate all target networks before you can delete a Client VPN endpoint.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.delete_client_vpn_endpoint(
  • ClientVpnEndpointId (string) --


    The ID of the Client VPN to be deleted.

  • DryRun (boolean) -- Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation . Otherwise, it is UnauthorizedOperation .
Return type



Response Syntax

    'Status': {
        'Code': 'pending-associate'|'available'|'deleting'|'deleted',
        'Message': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • Status (dict) --

      The current state of the Client VPN endpoint.

      • Code (string) --

        The state of the Client VPN endpoint. Possible states include:

        • pending-associate - The Client VPN endpoint has been created but no target networks have been associated. The Client VPN endpoint cannot accept connections.
        • available - The Client VPN endpoint has been created and a target network has been associated. The Client VPN endpoint can accept connections.
        • deleting - The Client VPN endpoint is being deleted. The Client VPN endpoint cannot accept connections.
        • deleted - The Client VPN endpoint has been deleted. The Client VPN endpoint cannot accept connections.
      • Message (string) --

        A message about the status of the Client VPN endpoint.