

Cancels an existing Amazon FSx for Lustre data repository task if that task is in either the PENDING or EXECUTING state. When you cancel a task, Amazon FSx does the following.

  • Any files that FSx has already exported are not reverted.
  • FSx continues to export any files that are "in-flight" when the cancel operation is received.
  • FSx does not export any files that have not yet been exported.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.cancel_data_repository_task(
TaskId (string) --


Specifies the data repository task to cancel.

Return type
Response Syntax
    'TaskId': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --
    • Lifecycle (string) --

      The lifecycle status of the data repository task, as follows:

      • PENDING - Amazon FSx has not started the task.
      • EXECUTING - Amazon FSx is processing the task.
      • FAILED - Amazon FSx was not able to complete the task. For example, there may be files the task failed to process. The DataRepositoryTaskFailureDetails property provides more information about task failures.
      • SUCCEEDED - FSx completed the task successfully.
      • CANCELED - Amazon FSx canceled the task and it did not complete.
      • CANCELING - FSx is in process of canceling the task.
    • TaskId (string) --

      The ID of the task being canceled.


  • FSx.Client.exceptions.BadRequest
  • FSx.Client.exceptions.UnsupportedOperation
  • FSx.Client.exceptions.DataRepositoryTaskNotFound
  • FSx.Client.exceptions.DataRepositoryTaskEnded
  • FSx.Client.exceptions.InternalServerError