

Sends a list of asset property values to IoT SiteWise. Each value is a timestamp-quality-value (TQV) data point. For more information, see Ingesting data using the API in the IoT SiteWise User Guide .

To identify an asset property, you must specify one of the following:

  • The assetId and propertyId of an asset property.
  • A propertyAlias , which is a data stream alias (for example, /company/windfarm/3/turbine/7/temperature ). To define an asset property's alias, see UpdateAssetProperty.


With respect to Unix epoch time, IoT SiteWise accepts only TQVs that have a timestamp of no more than 7 days in the past and no more than 10 minutes in the future. IoT SiteWise rejects timestamps outside of the inclusive range of [-7 days, +10 minutes] and returns a TimestampOutOfRangeException error.

For each asset property, IoT SiteWise overwrites TQVs with duplicate timestamps unless the newer TQV has a different quality. For example, if you store a TQV {T1, GOOD, V1} , then storing {T1, GOOD, V2} replaces the existing TQV.

IoT SiteWise authorizes access to each BatchPutAssetPropertyValue entry individually. For more information, see BatchPutAssetPropertyValue authorization in the IoT SiteWise User Guide .

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.batch_put_asset_property_value(
            'entryId': 'string',
            'assetId': 'string',
            'propertyId': 'string',
            'propertyAlias': 'string',
            'propertyValues': [
                    'value': {
                        'stringValue': 'string',
                        'integerValue': 123,
                        'doubleValue': 123.0,
                        'booleanValue': True|False
                    'timestamp': {
                        'timeInSeconds': 123,
                        'offsetInNanos': 123
                    'quality': 'GOOD'|'BAD'|'UNCERTAIN'
entries (list) --


The list of asset property value entries for the batch put request. You can specify up to 10 entries per request.

  • (dict) --

    Contains a list of value updates for an asset property in the list of asset entries consumed by the BatchPutAssetPropertyValue API operation.

    • entryId (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      The user specified ID for the entry. You can use this ID to identify which entries failed.

    • assetId (string) --

      The ID of the asset to update.

    • propertyId (string) --

      The ID of the asset property for this entry.

    • propertyAlias (string) --

      The alias that identifies the property, such as an OPC-UA server data stream path (for example, /company/windfarm/3/turbine/7/temperature ). For more information, see Mapping industrial data streams to asset properties in the IoT SiteWise User Guide .

    • propertyValues (list) -- [REQUIRED]

      The list of property values to upload. You can specify up to 10 propertyValues array elements.

      • (dict) --

        Contains asset property value information.

        • value (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

          The value of the asset property (see Variant ).

          • stringValue (string) --

            Asset property data of type string (sequence of characters).

          • integerValue (integer) --

            Asset property data of type integer (whole number).

          • doubleValue (float) --

            Asset property data of type double (floating point number).

          • booleanValue (boolean) --

            Asset property data of type Boolean (true or false).

        • timestamp (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

          The timestamp of the asset property value.

          • timeInSeconds (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

            The timestamp date, in seconds, in the Unix epoch format. Fractional nanosecond data is provided by offsetInNanos .

          • offsetInNanos (integer) --

            The nanosecond offset from timeInSeconds .

        • quality (string) --

          The quality of the asset property value.

Return type
Response Syntax
    'errorEntries': [
            'entryId': 'string',
            'errors': [
                    'errorCode': 'ResourceNotFoundException'|'InvalidRequestException'|'InternalFailureException'|'ServiceUnavailableException'|'ThrottlingException'|'LimitExceededException'|'ConflictingOperationException'|'TimestampOutOfRangeException'|'AccessDeniedException',
                    'errorMessage': 'string',
                    'timestamps': [
                            'timeInSeconds': 123,
                            'offsetInNanos': 123

Response Structure

  • (dict) --
    • errorEntries (list) --

      A list of the errors (if any) associated with the batch put request. Each error entry contains the entryId of the entry that failed.

      • (dict) --

        Contains error information for asset property value entries that are associated with the BatchPutAssetPropertyValue API.

        • entryId (string) --

          The ID of the failed entry.

        • errors (list) --

          The list of update property value errors.

          • (dict) --

            Contains error information from updating a batch of asset property values.

            • errorCode (string) --

              The error code.

            • errorMessage (string) --

              The associated error message.

            • timestamps (list) --

              A list of timestamps for each error, if any.

              • (dict) --

                Contains a timestamp with optional nanosecond granularity.

                • timeInSeconds (integer) --

                  The timestamp date, in seconds, in the Unix epoch format. Fractional nanosecond data is provided by offsetInNanos .

                • offsetInNanos (integer) --

                  The nanosecond offset from timeInSeconds .


  • IoTSiteWise.Client.exceptions.InvalidRequestException
  • IoTSiteWise.Client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException
  • IoTSiteWise.Client.exceptions.InternalFailureException
  • IoTSiteWise.Client.exceptions.ThrottlingException
  • IoTSiteWise.Client.exceptions.LimitExceededException
  • IoTSiteWise.Client.exceptions.ServiceUnavailableException
  • IoTSiteWise.Client.exceptions.ConflictingOperationException