

Creates a new version of the bot based on the $LATEST version. If the $LATEST version of this resource hasn't changed since you created the last version, Amazon Lex doesn't create a new version. It returns the last created version.


You can update only the $LATEST version of the bot. You can't update the numbered versions that you create with the CreateBotVersion operation.

When you create the first version of a bot, Amazon Lex sets the version to 1. Subsequent versions increment by 1. For more information, see versioning-intro.

This operation requires permission for the lex:CreateBotVersion action.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.create_bot_version(
  • name (string) --


    The name of the bot that you want to create a new version of. The name is case sensitive.

  • checksum (string) -- Identifies a specific revision of the $LATEST version of the bot. If you specify a checksum and the $LATEST version of the bot has a different checksum, a PreconditionFailedException exception is returned and Amazon Lex doesn't publish a new version. If you don't specify a checksum, Amazon Lex publishes the $LATEST version.
Return type



Response Syntax

    'name': 'string',
    'description': 'string',
    'intents': [
            'intentName': 'string',
            'intentVersion': 'string'
    'clarificationPrompt': {
        'messages': [
                'contentType': 'PlainText'|'SSML'|'CustomPayload',
                'content': 'string',
                'groupNumber': 123
        'maxAttempts': 123,
        'responseCard': 'string'
    'abortStatement': {
        'messages': [
                'contentType': 'PlainText'|'SSML'|'CustomPayload',
                'content': 'string',
                'groupNumber': 123
        'responseCard': 'string'
    'failureReason': 'string',
    'lastUpdatedDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'createdDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'idleSessionTTLInSeconds': 123,
    'voiceId': 'string',
    'checksum': 'string',
    'version': 'string',
    'locale': 'de-DE'|'en-AU'|'en-GB'|'en-IN'|'en-US'|'es-419'|'es-ES'|'es-US'|'fr-FR'|'fr-CA'|'it-IT'|'ja-JP'|'ko-KR',
    'childDirected': True|False,
    'enableModelImprovements': True|False,
    'detectSentiment': True|False

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • name (string) --

      The name of the bot.

    • description (string) --

      A description of the bot.

    • intents (list) --

      An array of Intent objects. For more information, see PutBot.

      • (dict) --

        Identifies the specific version of an intent.

        • intentName (string) --

          The name of the intent.

        • intentVersion (string) --

          The version of the intent.

    • clarificationPrompt (dict) --

      The message that Amazon Lex uses when it doesn't understand the user's request. For more information, see PutBot.

      • messages (list) --

        An array of objects, each of which provides a message string and its type. You can specify the message string in plain text or in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

        • (dict) --

          The message object that provides the message text and its type.

          • contentType (string) --

            The content type of the message string.

          • content (string) --

            The text of the message.

          • groupNumber (integer) --

            Identifies the message group that the message belongs to. When a group is assigned to a message, Amazon Lex returns one message from each group in the response.

      • maxAttempts (integer) --

        The number of times to prompt the user for information.

      • responseCard (string) --

        A response card. Amazon Lex uses this prompt at runtime, in the PostText API response. It substitutes session attributes and slot values for placeholders in the response card. For more information, see ex-resp-card.

    • abortStatement (dict) --

      The message that Amazon Lex uses to cancel a conversation. For more information, see PutBot.

      • messages (list) --

        A collection of message objects.

        • (dict) --

          The message object that provides the message text and its type.

          • contentType (string) --

            The content type of the message string.

          • content (string) --

            The text of the message.

          • groupNumber (integer) --

            Identifies the message group that the message belongs to. When a group is assigned to a message, Amazon Lex returns one message from each group in the response.

      • responseCard (string) --

        At runtime, if the client is using the PostText API, Amazon Lex includes the response card in the response. It substitutes all of the session attributes and slot values for placeholders in the response card.

    • status (string) --

      When you send a request to create or update a bot, Amazon Lex sets the status response element to BUILDING . After Amazon Lex builds the bot, it sets status to READY . If Amazon Lex can't build the bot, it sets status to FAILED . Amazon Lex returns the reason for the failure in the failureReason response element.

    • failureReason (string) --

      If status is FAILED , Amazon Lex provides the reason that it failed to build the bot.

    • lastUpdatedDate (datetime) --

      The date when the $LATEST version of this bot was updated.

    • createdDate (datetime) --

      The date when the bot version was created.

    • idleSessionTTLInSeconds (integer) --

      The maximum time in seconds that Amazon Lex retains the data gathered in a conversation. For more information, see PutBot.

    • voiceId (string) --

      The Amazon Polly voice ID that Amazon Lex uses for voice interactions with the user.

    • checksum (string) --

      Checksum identifying the version of the bot that was created.

    • version (string) --

      The version of the bot.

    • locale (string) --

      Specifies the target locale for the bot.

    • childDirected (boolean) --

      For each Amazon Lex bot created with the Amazon Lex Model Building Service, you must specify whether your use of Amazon Lex is related to a website, program, or other application that is directed or targeted, in whole or in part, to children under age 13 and subject to the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) by specifying true or false in the childDirected field. By specifying true in the childDirected field, you confirm that your use of Amazon Lex is related to a website, program, or other application that is directed or targeted, in whole or in part, to children under age 13 and subject to COPPA. By specifying false in the childDirected field, you confirm that your use of Amazon Lex is not related to a website, program, or other application that is directed or targeted, in whole or in part, to children under age 13 and subject to COPPA. You may not specify a default value for the childDirected field that does not accurately reflect whether your use of Amazon Lex is related to a website, program, or other application that is directed or targeted, in whole or in part, to children under age 13 and subject to COPPA.

      If your use of Amazon Lex relates to a website, program, or other application that is directed in whole or in part, to children under age 13, you must obtain any required verifiable parental consent under COPPA. For information regarding the use of Amazon Lex in connection with websites, programs, or other applications that are directed or targeted, in whole or in part, to children under age 13, see the Amazon Lex FAQ.

    • enableModelImprovements (boolean) --

      Indicates whether the bot uses accuracy improvements. true indicates that the bot is using the improvements, otherwise, false .

    • detectSentiment (boolean) --

      Indicates whether utterances entered by the user should be sent to Amazon Comprehend for sentiment analysis.


  • LexModelBuildingService.Client.exceptions.NotFoundException
  • LexModelBuildingService.Client.exceptions.ConflictException
  • LexModelBuildingService.Client.exceptions.LimitExceededException
  • LexModelBuildingService.Client.exceptions.InternalFailureException
  • LexModelBuildingService.Client.exceptions.BadRequestException
  • LexModelBuildingService.Client.exceptions.PreconditionFailedException