

For operations that require confirmation that the email address for the registrant contact is valid, such as registering a new domain, this operation resends the confirmation email to the current email address for the registrant contact.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.resend_contact_reachability_email(
domainName (string) -- The name of the domain for which you want Route 53 to resend a confirmation email to the registrant contact.
Return type
Response Syntax
    'domainName': 'string',
    'emailAddress': 'string',
    'isAlreadyVerified': True|False

Response Structure

  • (dict) --
    • domainName (string) --

      The domain name for which you requested a confirmation email.

    • emailAddress (string) --

      The email address for the registrant contact at the time that we sent the verification email.

    • isAlreadyVerified (boolean) --
      True if the email address for the registrant contact has already been verified, and false otherwise. If the email address has already been verified, we don't send another confirmation email.


  • Route53Domains.Client.exceptions.InvalidInput
  • Route53Domains.Client.exceptions.OperationLimitExceeded
  • Route53Domains.Client.exceptions.UnsupportedTLD