

Gets the Amazon S3 Storage Lens configuration. For more information, see Assessing your storage activity and usage with Amazon S3 Storage Lens in the Amazon S3 User Guide . For a complete list of S3 Storage Lens metrics, see S3 Storage Lens metrics glossary in the Amazon S3 User Guide .


To use this action, you must have permission to perform the s3:GetStorageLensConfiguration action. For more information, see Setting permissions to use Amazon S3 Storage Lens in the Amazon S3 User Guide .

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.get_storage_lens_configuration(
  • ConfigId (string) --


    The ID of the Amazon S3 Storage Lens configuration.

  • AccountId (string) --


    The account ID of the requester.

Return type



Response Syntax

    'StorageLensConfiguration': {
        'Id': 'string',
        'AccountLevel': {
            'ActivityMetrics': {
                'IsEnabled': True|False
            'BucketLevel': {
                'ActivityMetrics': {
                    'IsEnabled': True|False
                'PrefixLevel': {
                    'StorageMetrics': {
                        'IsEnabled': True|False,
                        'SelectionCriteria': {
                            'Delimiter': 'string',
                            'MaxDepth': 123,
                            'MinStorageBytesPercentage': 123.0
                'AdvancedCostOptimizationMetrics': {
                    'IsEnabled': True|False
                'AdvancedDataProtectionMetrics': {
                    'IsEnabled': True|False
                'DetailedStatusCodesMetrics': {
                    'IsEnabled': True|False
            'AdvancedCostOptimizationMetrics': {
                'IsEnabled': True|False
            'AdvancedDataProtectionMetrics': {
                'IsEnabled': True|False
            'DetailedStatusCodesMetrics': {
                'IsEnabled': True|False
        'Include': {
            'Buckets': [
            'Regions': [
        'Exclude': {
            'Buckets': [
            'Regions': [
        'DataExport': {
            'S3BucketDestination': {
                'Format': 'CSV'|'Parquet',
                'OutputSchemaVersion': 'V_1',
                'AccountId': 'string',
                'Arn': 'string',
                'Prefix': 'string',
                'Encryption': {
                    'SSES3': {},
                    'SSEKMS': {
                        'KeyId': 'string'
            'CloudWatchMetrics': {
                'IsEnabled': True|False
        'IsEnabled': True|False,
        'AwsOrg': {
            'Arn': 'string'
        'StorageLensArn': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • StorageLensConfiguration (dict) --

      The S3 Storage Lens configuration requested.

      • Id (string) --

        A container for the Amazon S3 Storage Lens configuration ID.

      • AccountLevel (dict) --

        A container for all the account-level configurations of your S3 Storage Lens configuration.

        • ActivityMetrics (dict) --

          A container for S3 Storage Lens activity metrics.

          • IsEnabled (boolean) --

            A container that indicates whether activity metrics are enabled.

        • BucketLevel (dict) --

          A container for the S3 Storage Lens bucket-level configuration.

          • ActivityMetrics (dict) --

            A container for the bucket-level activity metrics for S3 Storage Lens.

            • IsEnabled (boolean) --

              A container that indicates whether activity metrics are enabled.

          • PrefixLevel (dict) --

            A container for the prefix-level metrics for S3 Storage Lens.

            • StorageMetrics (dict) --

              A container for the prefix-level storage metrics for S3 Storage Lens.

              • IsEnabled (boolean) --

                A container for whether prefix-level storage metrics are enabled.

              • SelectionCriteria (dict) --

                • Delimiter (string) --

                  A container for the delimiter of the selection criteria being used.

                • MaxDepth (integer) --

                  The max depth of the selection criteria

                • MinStorageBytesPercentage (float) --

                  The minimum number of storage bytes percentage whose metrics will be selected.


                  You must choose a value greater than or equal to 1.0 .

          • AdvancedCostOptimizationMetrics (dict) --

            A container for bucket-level advanced cost-optimization metrics for S3 Storage Lens.

            • IsEnabled (boolean) --

              A container that indicates whether advanced cost-optimization metrics are enabled.

          • AdvancedDataProtectionMetrics (dict) --

            A container for bucket-level advanced data-protection metrics for S3 Storage Lens.

            • IsEnabled (boolean) --

              A container that indicates whether advanced data-protection metrics are enabled.

          • DetailedStatusCodesMetrics (dict) --

            A container for bucket-level detailed status code metrics for S3 Storage Lens.

            • IsEnabled (boolean) --

              A container that indicates whether detailed status code metrics are enabled.

        • AdvancedCostOptimizationMetrics (dict) --

          A container for S3 Storage Lens advanced cost-optimization metrics.

          • IsEnabled (boolean) --

            A container that indicates whether advanced cost-optimization metrics are enabled.

        • AdvancedDataProtectionMetrics (dict) --

          A container for S3 Storage Lens advanced data-protection metrics.

          • IsEnabled (boolean) --

            A container that indicates whether advanced data-protection metrics are enabled.

        • DetailedStatusCodesMetrics (dict) --

          A container for detailed status code metrics.

          • IsEnabled (boolean) --

            A container that indicates whether detailed status code metrics are enabled.

      • Include (dict) --

        A container for what is included in this configuration. This container can only be valid if there is no Exclude container submitted, and it's not empty.

        • Buckets (list) --

          A container for the S3 Storage Lens bucket includes.

          • (string) --
        • Regions (list) --

          A container for the S3 Storage Lens Region includes.

          • (string) --
      • Exclude (dict) --

        A container for what is excluded in this configuration. This container can only be valid if there is no Include container submitted, and it's not empty.

        • Buckets (list) --

          A container for the S3 Storage Lens bucket excludes.

          • (string) --
        • Regions (list) --

          A container for the S3 Storage Lens Region excludes.

          • (string) --
      • DataExport (dict) --

        A container to specify the properties of your S3 Storage Lens metrics export including, the destination, schema and format.

        • S3BucketDestination (dict) --

          A container for the bucket where the S3 Storage Lens metrics export will be located.


          This bucket must be located in the same Region as the storage lens configuration.

          • Format (string) --

          • OutputSchemaVersion (string) --

            The schema version of the export file.

          • AccountId (string) --

            The account ID of the owner of the S3 Storage Lens metrics export bucket.

          • Arn (string) --

            The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the bucket. This property is read-only and follows the following format: arn:aws:s3:us-east-1:example-account-id:bucket/your-destination-bucket-name

          • Prefix (string) --

            The prefix of the destination bucket where the metrics export will be delivered.

          • Encryption (dict) --

            The container for the type encryption of the metrics exports in this bucket.

            • SSES3 (dict) --

            • SSEKMS (dict) --

              • KeyId (string) --

                A container for the ARN of the SSE-KMS encryption. This property is read-only and follows the following format: arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:example-account-id:key/example-9a73-4afc-8d29-8f5900cef44e

        • CloudWatchMetrics (dict) --

          A container for enabling Amazon CloudWatch publishing for S3 Storage Lens metrics.

          • IsEnabled (boolean) --

            A container that indicates whether CloudWatch publishing for S3 Storage Lens metrics is enabled. A value of true indicates that CloudWatch publishing for S3 Storage Lens metrics is enabled.

      • IsEnabled (boolean) --

        A container for whether the S3 Storage Lens configuration is enabled.

      • AwsOrg (dict) --

        A container for the Amazon Web Services organization for this S3 Storage Lens configuration.

        • Arn (string) --

          A container for the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Web Services organization. This property is read-only and follows the following format: arn:aws:organizations:us-east-1:example-account-id:organization/o-ex2l495dck

      • StorageLensArn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the S3 Storage Lens configuration. This property is read-only and follows the following format: arn:aws:s3:us-east-1:example-account-id:storage-lens/your-dashboard-name