

Updates the specified response plan.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.update_response_plan(
            'ssmAutomation': {
                'documentName': 'string',
                'documentVersion': 'string',
                'dynamicParameters': {
                    'string': {
                        'variable': 'INCIDENT_RECORD_ARN'|'INVOLVED_RESOURCES'
                'parameters': {
                    'string': [
                'roleArn': 'string',
                'targetAccount': 'RESPONSE_PLAN_OWNER_ACCOUNT'|'IMPACTED_ACCOUNT'
        'chatbotSns': [
        'empty': {}

            'snsTopicArn': 'string'
        'string': 'string'
            'pagerDutyConfiguration': {
                'name': 'string',
                'pagerDutyIncidentConfiguration': {
                    'serviceId': 'string'
                'secretId': 'string'
  • actions (list) --

    The actions that this response plan takes at the beginning of an incident.

    • (dict) --

      The action that starts at the beginning of an incident. The response plan defines the action.


      This is a Tagged Union structure. Only one of the following top level keys can be set: ssmAutomation.

      • ssmAutomation (dict) --

        The Systems Manager automation document to start as the runbook at the beginning of the incident.

        • documentName (string) -- [REQUIRED]

          The automation document's name.

        • documentVersion (string) --

          The automation document's version to use when running.

        • dynamicParameters (dict) --

          The key-value pair to resolve dynamic parameter values when processing a Systems Manager Automation runbook.

          • (string) --
            • (dict) --

              The dynamic SSM parameter value.


              This is a Tagged Union structure. Only one of the following top level keys can be set: variable.

              • variable (string) --

                Variable dynamic parameters. A parameter value is determined when an incident is created.

        • parameters (dict) --

          The key-value pair parameters to use when running the automation document.

          • (string) --
            • (list) --
              • (string) --
        • roleArn (string) -- [REQUIRED]

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role that the automation document will assume when running commands.

        • targetAccount (string) --

          The account that the automation document will be run in. This can be in either the management account or an application account.

  • arn (string) --


    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the response plan.

  • chatChannel (dict) --

    The Chatbot chat channel used for collaboration during an incident.

    Use the empty structure to remove the chat channel from the response plan.


    This is a Tagged Union structure. Only one of the following top level keys can be set: chatbotSns, empty.

    • chatbotSns (list) --

      The Amazon SNS targets that Chatbot uses to notify the chat channel of updates to an incident. You can also make updates to the incident through the chat channel by using the Amazon SNS topics.

      • (string) --
    • empty (dict) --

      Used to remove the chat channel from an incident record or response plan.

  • clientToken (string) --

    A token ensuring that the operation is called only once with the specified details.

    This field is autopopulated if not provided.

  • displayName (string) -- The long format name of the response plan. The display name can't contain spaces.
  • engagements (list) --

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the contacts and escalation plans that the response plan engages during an incident.

    • (string) --
  • incidentTemplateDedupeString (string) -- The string Incident Manager uses to prevent duplicate incidents from being created by the same incident in the same account.
  • incidentTemplateImpact (integer) --

    Defines the impact to the customers. Providing an impact overwrites the impact provided by a response plan.

    Possible impacts:
    • 5 - Severe impact
    • 4 - High impact
    • 3 - Medium impact
    • 2 - Low impact
    • 1 - No impact
  • incidentTemplateNotificationTargets (list) --

    The Amazon SNS targets that are notified when updates are made to an incident.

    • (dict) --

      The SNS targets that are notified when updates are made to an incident.


      This is a Tagged Union structure. Only one of the following top level keys can be set: snsTopicArn.

      • snsTopicArn (string) --

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the SNS topic.

  • incidentTemplateSummary (string) -- A brief summary of the incident. This typically contains what has happened, what's currently happening, and next steps.
  • incidentTemplateTags (dict) --

    Tags to assign to the template. When the StartIncident API action is called, Incident Manager assigns the tags specified in the template to the incident. To call this action, you must also have permission to call the TagResource API action for the incident record resource.

    • (string) --
      • (string) --
  • incidentTemplateTitle (string) -- The short format name of the incident. The title can't contain spaces.
  • integrations (list) --

    Information about third-party services integrated into the response plan.

    • (dict) --

      Information about third-party services integrated into a response plan.


      This is a Tagged Union structure. Only one of the following top level keys can be set: pagerDutyConfiguration.

      • pagerDutyConfiguration (dict) --

        Information about the PagerDuty service where the response plan creates an incident.

        • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

          The name of the PagerDuty configuration.

        • pagerDutyIncidentConfiguration (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

          Details about the PagerDuty service associated with the configuration.

          • serviceId (string) -- [REQUIRED]

            The ID of the PagerDuty service that the response plan associates with an incident when it launches.

        • secretId (string) -- [REQUIRED]

          The ID of the Amazon Web Services Secrets Manager secret that stores your PagerDuty key, either a General Access REST API Key or User Token REST API Key, and other user credentials.

Return type



Response Syntax


Response Structure

  • (dict) --


  • SSMIncidents.Client.exceptions.ThrottlingException
  • SSMIncidents.Client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException
  • SSMIncidents.Client.exceptions.AccessDeniedException
  • SSMIncidents.Client.exceptions.ValidationException
  • SSMIncidents.Client.exceptions.ConflictException
  • SSMIncidents.Client.exceptions.InternalServerException