

Returns your gateway's weekly maintenance start time including the day and time of the week. Note that values are in terms of the gateway's time zone.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.describe_maintenance_start_time(
GatewayARN (string) --


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the gateway. Use the ListGateways operation to return a list of gateways for your account and Amazon Web Services Region.

Return type
Response Syntax
    'GatewayARN': 'string',
    'HourOfDay': 123,
    'MinuteOfHour': 123,
    'DayOfWeek': 123,
    'DayOfMonth': 123,
    'Timezone': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    A JSON object containing the following fields:

    • DescribeMaintenanceStartTimeOutput$DayOfMonth
    • DescribeMaintenanceStartTimeOutput$DayOfWeek
    • DescribeMaintenanceStartTimeOutput$HourOfDay
    • DescribeMaintenanceStartTimeOutput$MinuteOfHour
    • DescribeMaintenanceStartTimeOutput$Timezone
    • GatewayARN (string) --

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the gateway. Use the ListGateways operation to return a list of gateways for your account and Amazon Web Services Region.

    • HourOfDay (integer) --

      The hour component of the maintenance start time represented as hh , where hh is the hour (0 to 23). The hour of the day is in the time zone of the gateway.

    • MinuteOfHour (integer) --

      The minute component of the maintenance start time represented as mm , where mm is the minute (0 to 59). The minute of the hour is in the time zone of the gateway.

    • DayOfWeek (integer) --

      An ordinal number between 0 and 6 that represents the day of the week, where 0 represents Sunday and 6 represents Saturday. The day of week is in the time zone of the gateway.

    • DayOfMonth (integer) --

      The day of the month component of the maintenance start time represented as an ordinal number from 1 to 28, where 1 represents the first day of the month and 28 represents the last day of the month.

    • Timezone (string) --

      A value that indicates the time zone that is set for the gateway. The start time and day of week specified should be in the time zone of the gateway.


  • StorageGateway.Client.exceptions.InvalidGatewayRequestException
  • StorageGateway.Client.exceptions.InternalServerError


Returns your gateway's weekly maintenance start time including the day and time of the week.

response = client.describe_maintenance_start_time(


Expected Output:

    'DayOfWeek': 2,
    'GatewayARN': 'arn:aws:storagegateway:us-east-1:111122223333:gateway/sgw-12A3456B',
    'HourOfDay': 15,
    'MinuteOfHour': 35,
    'Timezone': 'GMT+7:00',
    'ResponseMetadata': {
        '...': '...',