

Opts out a speaker from Voice ID. A speaker can be opted out regardless of whether or not they already exist in Voice ID. If they don't yet exist, a new speaker is created in an opted out state. If they already exist, their existing status is overridden and they are opted out. Enrollment and evaluation authentication requests are rejected for opted out speakers, and opted out speakers have no voice embeddings stored in Voice ID.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.opt_out_speaker(
  • DomainId (string) --


    The identifier of the domain containing the speaker.

  • SpeakerId (string) --


    The identifier of the speaker you want opted-out.

Return type



Response Syntax

    'Speaker': {
        'CreatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'CustomerSpeakerId': 'string',
        'DomainId': 'string',
        'GeneratedSpeakerId': 'string',
        'LastAccessedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'UpdatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1)

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • Speaker (dict) --

      Details about the opted-out speaker.

      • CreatedAt (datetime) --

        A timestamp showing when the speaker is created.

      • CustomerSpeakerId (string) --

        The client-provided identifier for the speaker.

      • DomainId (string) --

        The identifier of the domain that contains the speaker.

      • GeneratedSpeakerId (string) --

        The service-generated identifier for the speaker.

      • LastAccessedAt (datetime) --

        The timestamp when the speaker was last accessed for enrollment, re-enrollment or a successful authentication. This timestamp is accurate to one hour.

      • Status (string) --

        The current status of the speaker.

      • UpdatedAt (datetime) --

        A timestamp showing the speaker's last update.


  • VoiceID.Client.exceptions.ServiceQuotaExceededException
  • VoiceID.Client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException
  • VoiceID.Client.exceptions.ValidationException
  • VoiceID.Client.exceptions.ConflictException
  • VoiceID.Client.exceptions.InternalServerException
  • VoiceID.Client.exceptions.ThrottlingException
  • VoiceID.Client.exceptions.AccessDeniedException