

The DescribeTableDataImportJob API allows you to retrieve the status and details of a table data import job.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.describe_table_data_import_job(
  • workbookId (string) --


    The ID of the workbook into which data was imported.

    If a workbook with the specified id could not be found, this API throws ResourceNotFoundException.

  • tableId (string) --


    The ID of the table into which data was imported.

    If a table with the specified id could not be found, this API throws ResourceNotFoundException.

  • jobId (string) --


    The ID of the job that was returned by the StartTableDataImportJob request.

    If a job with the specified id could not be found, this API throws ResourceNotFoundException.

Return type



Response Syntax

    'message': 'string',
    'jobMetadata': {
        'submitter': {
            'email': 'string',
            'userArn': 'string'
        'submitTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'importOptions': {
            'destinationOptions': {
                'columnMap': {
                    'string': {
                        'columnIndex': 123
            'delimitedTextOptions': {
                'delimiter': 'string',
                'hasHeaderRow': True|False,
                'ignoreEmptyRows': True|False,
                'dataCharacterEncoding': 'UTF-8'|'US-ASCII'|'ISO-8859-1'|'UTF-16BE'|'UTF-16LE'|'UTF-16'
        'dataSource': {
            'dataSourceConfig': {
                'dataSourceUrl': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • jobStatus (string) --

      The current status of the import job.

    • message (string) --

      A message providing more details about the current status of the import job.

    • jobMetadata (dict) --

      The metadata about the job that was submitted for import.

      • submitter (dict) --

        Details about the submitter of the import request.

        • email (string) --

          The email id of the submitter of the import job, if available.

        • userArn (string) --

          The AWS user ARN of the submitter of the import job, if available.

      • submitTime (datetime) --

        The timestamp when the job was submitted for import.

      • importOptions (dict) --

        The options that was specified at the time of submitting the import request.

        • destinationOptions (dict) --

          Options relating to the destination of the import request.

          • columnMap (dict) --

            A map of the column id to the import properties for each column.

            • (string) --

              • (dict) --

                An object that contains the properties for importing data to a specific column in a table.

                • columnIndex (integer) --

                  The index of the column in the input file.

        • delimitedTextOptions (dict) --

          Options relating to parsing delimited text. Required if dataFormat is DELIMITED_TEXT.

          • delimiter (string) --

            The delimiter to use for separating columns in a single row of the input.

          • hasHeaderRow (boolean) --

            Indicates whether the input file has a header row at the top containing the column names.

          • ignoreEmptyRows (boolean) --

            A parameter to indicate whether empty rows should be ignored or be included in the import.

          • dataCharacterEncoding (string) --

            The encoding of the data in the input file.

      • dataSource (dict) --

        The source of the data that was submitted for import.

        • dataSourceConfig (dict) --

          The configuration parameters for the data source of the import

          • dataSourceUrl (string) --

            The URL from which source data will be downloaded for the import request.

    • errorCode (string) --

      If job status is failed, error code to understand reason for the failure.


  • Honeycode.Client.exceptions.AccessDeniedException
  • Honeycode.Client.exceptions.InternalServerException
  • Honeycode.Client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException
  • Honeycode.Client.exceptions.ServiceUnavailableException
  • Honeycode.Client.exceptions.ThrottlingException
  • Honeycode.Client.exceptions.ValidationException
  • Honeycode.Client.exceptions.RequestTimeoutException