

Use the SearchGroups operation to search groups in a specified Amazon QuickSight namespace using the supplied filters.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.search_groups(
            'Operator': 'StartsWith',
            'Name': 'GROUP_NAME',
            'Value': 'string'
  • AwsAccountId (string) --


    The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the group is in. Currently, you use the ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.

  • NextToken (string) -- A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.
  • MaxResults (integer) -- The maximum number of results to return from this request.
  • Namespace (string) --


    The namespace that you want to search.

  • Filters (list) --


    The structure for the search filters that you want to apply to your search.

    • (dict) --

      A GroupSearchFilter object that you want to apply to your search.

      • Operator (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The comparison operator that you want to use as a filter, for example "Operator": "StartsWith" . Currently, the only supported operator is StartsWith .

      • Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The name of the value that you want to use as a filter, for example "Name": "GROUP_NAME" . Currently, the only supported name is GROUP_NAME .

      • Value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The value of the named item, in this case GROUP_NAME , that you want to use as a filter.

Return type



Response Syntax

    'GroupList': [
            'Arn': 'string',
            'GroupName': 'string',
            'Description': 'string',
            'PrincipalId': 'string'
    'NextToken': 'string',
    'RequestId': 'string',
    'Status': 123

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • GroupList (list) --

      A list of groups in a specified namespace that match the filters you set in your SearchGroups request.

      • (dict) --

        A group in Amazon QuickSight consists of a set of users. You can use groups to make it easier to manage access and security.

        • Arn (string) --

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the group.

        • GroupName (string) --

          The name of the group.

        • Description (string) --

          The group description.

        • PrincipalId (string) --

          The principal ID of the group.

    • NextToken (string) --

      A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.

    • RequestId (string) --

      The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.

    • Status (integer) --

      The HTTP status of the request.


  • QuickSight.Client.exceptions.AccessDeniedException
  • QuickSight.Client.exceptions.InvalidParameterValueException
  • QuickSight.Client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException
  • QuickSight.Client.exceptions.ThrottlingException
  • QuickSight.Client.exceptions.InvalidNextTokenException
  • QuickSight.Client.exceptions.PreconditionNotMetException
  • QuickSight.Client.exceptions.InternalFailureException
  • QuickSight.Client.exceptions.ResourceUnavailableException